Translating science into actions to conserve Amazonian freshwaters

Couto, Thiago B. A. and Jenkins, Clinton N. and Beveridge, Claire F. and Heilpern, Sebastian A. and Herrera‐R, Guido A. and Piland, Natalia C. and Leal, Cecilia Gontijo and Zuanon, Jansen and Doria, Carolina R. C. and Montoya, Mariana and Varese, Mariana and Correa, Sandra B. and Goulding, Michael and Anderson, Elizabeth P. (2024) Translating science into actions to conserve Amazonian freshwaters. Conservation Science and Practice, 6 (11): e13241. ISSN 2578-4854

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Despite the importance of freshwater ecosystems to social‐ecological systems of the Amazon, conservation in the region historically has focused on terrestrial ecosystems. Moreover, current information on pressing management and conservation needs specific to freshwaters is scattered across multiple disciplines and generally focused on particular threats, habitats, and taxa. This disparateness of information limits the ability of researchers and practitioners to set priorities and implement actions that comprehensively address challenges faced by freshwater ecosystems. To reduce this research‐implementation gap, we reviewed the scientific literature on Amazon freshwater conservation to identify pressing actions to be taken and potential directions for their implementation. We identified 63 actions gleaned from 174 publications. These were classified into six major themes: (i) implement environmental flows, (ii) improve water quality, (iii) protect and restore critical habitats, (iv) manage exploitation of freshwater organisms, (v) prevent and control invasive species, and (vi) safeguard and restore freshwater connectivity. Although each action may face different implementation challenges, we propose three guiding principles to support action planning and decisions on‐the‐ground. We conclude with a reflection on potential future directions to place freshwaters into the center of policies and agreements that target the conservation of the Amazon.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Conservation Science and Practice
?? conservation planningfreshwater biodiversityamazon basinconservation actionsaquatic ecosystems ??
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Deposited On:
10 Oct 2024 10:25
Last Modified:
04 Dec 2024 09:40