Effect of microstructural roughness on the performance and fracture mechanism of multi-type single lap joints

Pang, Kai and Wang, Xing-er and Ye, Jianqiao and Carnegie, Craig and Hou, Xiaonan (2024) Effect of microstructural roughness on the performance and fracture mechanism of multi-type single lap joints. Composites Part B: Engineering, 286: 111763. ISSN 1359-8368

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Surface roughness of adherends is a crucial factor in determining the performance and failure mechanism of adhesive joints. However, the research dedicated to the examination of fracture mechanism for adhesive joints influenced by surface roughness at microscale is limited. This work conducts systematic experimental and numerical investigations into the effect of microstructural roughness on the performance and fracture mechanism of multi-type adhesive single lap joints (SLJ). The adherend materials are aluminium alloy (Al) and polyphthalamide (PPA), ground into three roughness grades for the fabrication of SLJs using an epoxy adhesive. The mechanical properties of the adhesive, adherends and SLJs derived from experimental studies are utilized to calibrate the microparameters in Discrete Element Method (DEM) models for a numerical analysis. The newly developed DEM models demonstrate efficacy in predicting the performance and capturing the failure modes of multi-type SLJs realistically with distinct microroughness profiles. Finally, the influencing mechanisms of microstructural roughness on the performance of multi-type SLJs are investigated, including the microscale interfacial bonds and mechanical interlockings. The effects of microstructural roughness on the microscale failure mechanisms of multi-type SLJs are also explored and discussed, including the crack initiation, coalescence, and propagation within the adhesive and interface.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Composites Part B: Engineering
Uncontrolled Keywords:
Research Output Funding/no_not_funded
?? no - not fundedyes ??
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Deposited On:
22 Aug 2024 08:30
Last Modified:
30 Nov 2024 04:05