Establishing a Pure Sample of Side-Piercing Through-Going Cosmic-Ray Muons for LArTPC Calibration in MicroBooNE

UNSPECIFIED (2017) Establishing a Pure Sample of Side-Piercing Through-Going Cosmic-Ray Muons for LArTPC Calibration in MicroBooNE. Other. UNSPECIFIED.

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Measuring detector properties and performing calibrations of a near-surface Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) require large samples of well-reconstructed tracks. Cosmic-ray muon tracks are an ideal calibration source for a surface TPC for these purposes, because they cover the detector volume roughly uniformly and enter the detector volume at a high rate. In order to calibrate the TPC’s position response, the reconstructed track for the 3D trajectory of each cosmic-ray muon must be available. Because of the slow electron drift velocity, reconstructed track information along the drift-coordinate is offset with respect to the true energy deposition location. This offset can be corrected only if the time at which the track enters the detector volume (t0) is also reconstructed. In this note we present a method developed for reconstructing track t0 for the subset of cosmic-ray tracks which hit either the TPC anode-plane or cathode-plane and are through-going. Over 97% of the t0-tagged tracks have their t0 correctly reconstructed in both simuation in cosmic-ray data while maintaining yield values of 0.9 tracks per 4.8 ms exposure for cathode-piercing tracks and 1.7 tracks per 4.8 ms exposure for anode-piercing tracks in simulation. Coverage maps for an off-beam cosmicray data sample of t0-tagged tracks produced with this method show that t0-tagged track coverage is as expected given cosmic track geometries in the TPC, acceptance effects, and cut sensitivities.

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Monograph (Other)
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Deposited On:
22 Aug 2024 07:55
Last Modified:
24 Feb 2025 02:42