The MicroBooNE Single-Photon Low-Energy Excess Search

UNSPECIFIED (2020) The MicroBooNE Single-Photon Low-Energy Excess Search. Other. UNSPECIFIED.

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MicroBooNE is a short baseline neutrino experiment at Fermilab designed to address the low energy excess observed by the MiniBooNE experiment. This note describes and presents preliminary results for the MicroBooNE analysis developed to address this excess as a single photon plus one or zero protons in the final state. The analysis assumes neutrino neutral current ∆ resonance production followed by ∆ radiative decay on argon (NC ∆ → N γ) as the “signal model”; event reconstruction and selection have been developed and optimized in order to maximize efficiency and reduce cosmogenic and other beamrelated backgrounds to the NC ∆ → N γ signal. We present the analysis methodology and validation checks performed on limited-statistics open data sets, corresponding to 5×1019 protons on target (POT), following a blind analysis, as well as the projected sensitivities for testing the Standard Model (SM) predicted rate for the NC ∆ → N γ process and for testing the interpretation of the previously observed MiniBooNE low energy excess as NC ∆ → N γ events, using the full anticipated MicroBooNE data set of 12.25×1020 POT.

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Monograph (Other)
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Deposited On:
22 Aug 2024 08:00
Last Modified:
24 Feb 2025 02:41