Reconstruction and Selection of Neutrino Interactions in MicroBooNE using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

UNSPECIFIED (2024) Reconstruction and Selection of Neutrino Interactions in MicroBooNE using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Other. UNSPECIFIED.

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In this document, we describe a new reconstruction workflow developed for the MicroBooNE experiment. It features the use of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks trained to recognize key structures within the data sufficient for the 3D reconstruction of neutrino interactions within the detector. As a test of the reconstruction utility, the products of the reconstruction workflow are used to select inclusive charged-current (CC) νeνe​ and νμνμ​ interactions in both simulated and real MicroBooNE data. In simulation, our νeνe​ and νμνμ​ selections achieve an efficiency of 57\% and 68\%, respectively, with a purity of 91\% and 96\%, respectively. We find that these selections are competitive with the inclusive selections used for the most recent MicroBooNE LEE searches. In particular, the CC-νeνe​ inclusive selection efficiency improves by over 20\% while also improving sample purity. As a first step in quantifying potential bias, the data and Monte Carlo expectati ons are compared for both selections using the MicroBooNE open data. Within statistical and systematic uncertainties, both the electron and muon CC-inclusive event samples agree. A comparison of the real data events chosen by our work and another reconstruction framework shows that the two analyses each identify a sizeable fraction of events the other does not. This suggests that future analyses integrating the strengths of each could lead to combined gains. This work demonstrates, for the first time on real LArTPC data, state-of-the-art neutrino interaction reconstruction centered around deep learning algorithms.

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Monograph (Other)
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Deposited On:
03 Oct 2024 14:25
Last Modified:
02 Jan 2025 02:10