Databases of L-shell X-ray intensity ratios for various elements after photon excitation

Zidi, A. and Kahoul, A. and Marques, J.P. and Daoudi, S. and Sampaio, J.M. and Parente, F. and Hamidani, A. and Croft, S. and Favalli, A. and Kasri, Y. and Amari, K. and Berkani, B. (2024) Databases of L-shell X-ray intensity ratios for various elements after photon excitation. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 157: 101645. ISSN 0092-640X

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In this study, a comprehensive dataset of X-ray emission intensity ratios has been compiled, including I L β / I L α , I L γ / I L α , I Ll / I L α , I L γ / I L β , I Ll / I L γ , I Ll / I L β , I L γ 5 / I L α , I L γ 44 ′ / I L α , I L η / I L α , and I L γ 1 / I L α , extracted from literature spanning the years 1971 to 2023, and encompassing 83 research papers. Over this timeframe, a total of 2600 values were collected, comprising some 678 values for I L β / I L α , 696 values for I L γ / I L α , 617 values for I Ll / I L α , along with 132, 132, 89, 60, 70, 71, and 55 data points for I L γ / I L β , I Ll / I L γ , I Ll / I L β , I L γ 5 / I L α , I L γ 44 ′ / I L α , I L η / I L α , and I L γ 1 / I L α , respectively. The reported values are presented with precision up to three to four decimal places, accompanied by their associated uncertainties. Additionally, the tables include calculated weighted averages ( I L i / I L j ) W , uncertainty values ( ε I S D , ε E S D ), combined standard deviations ( z I S D , z E S D ), and average z-scores ( z ¯ I S D , z ¯ E S D ) for these intensity ratios. The data encompasses elements ranging from 39Y to 94Pu when excited by photon bombardment. The assessment of how these experimental data values are distributed according to atomic number indicates extensive coverage across most elements. However, a few isolated instances were identified where either no data or fewer than two data values were available.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? atomic and molecular physics, and opticsnuclear and high energy physics ??
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Deposited On:
23 Apr 2024 10:55
Last Modified:
27 Feb 2025 00:49