Optimising a computational model of human auditory cortex with an evolutionary algorithm

Tomana, Ewelina and Härtwich, Nina and Rozmarynowski, Adam and König, Reinhard and May, Patrick J.C. and Sielużycki, Cezary (2023) Optimising a computational model of human auditory cortex with an evolutionary algorithm. Hearing Research, 439: 108879. ISSN 0378-5955

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We demonstrate how the structure of auditory cortex can be investigated by combining computational modelling with advanced optimisation methods. We optimise a well-established auditory cortex model by means of an evolutionary algorithm. The model describes auditory cortex in terms of multiple core, belt, and parabelt fields. The optimisation process finds the optimum connections between individual fields of auditory cortex so that the model is able to reproduce experimental magnetoencephalographic (MEG) data. In the current study, this data comprised the auditory event-related fields (ERFs) recorded from a human subject in an MEG experiment where the stimulus-onset interval between consecutive tones was varied. The quality of the match between synthesised and experimental waveforms was 98%. The results suggest that neural activity caused by feedback connections plays a particularly important role in shaping ERF morphology. Further, ERFs reflect activity of the entire auditory cortex, and response adaptation due to stimulus repetition emerges from a complete reorganisation of AC dynamics rather than a reduction of activity in discrete sources. Our findings constitute the first stage in establishing a new non-invasive method for uncovering the organisation of the human auditory cortex.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Hearing Research
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? auditory cortexcomputational modellingevent-related fieldevolutionary algorithmsmegoptimisationsensory systems ??
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Deposited On:
26 Sep 2023 12:30
Last Modified:
26 Jan 2025 03:46