Writer identification approach based on bag of words with OBI features

Durou, Amal and Aref, Ibrahim and Al-Maadeed, Somaya and Bouridane, Ahmed and Benkhelifa, Elhadj (2019) Writer identification approach based on bag of words with OBI features. Information Processing & Management, 56 (2). pp. 354-366.

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Handwriter identification aims to simplify the task of forensic experts by providing them with semi-automated tools in order to enable them to narrow down the search to determine the final identification of an unknown handwritten sample. An identification algorithm aims to produce a list of predicted writers of the unknown handwritten sample ranked in terms of confidence measure metrics for use by the forensic expert will make the final decision. Most existing handwriter identification systems use either statistical or model-based approaches. To further improve the performances this paper proposes to deploy a combination of both approaches using Oriented Basic Image features and the concept of graphemes codebook. To reduce the resulting high dimensionality of the feature vector a Kernel Principal Component Analysis has been used. To gauge the effectiveness of the proposed method a performance analysis, using IAM dataset for English handwriting and ICFHR 2012 dataset for Arabic handwriting, has been carried out. The results obtained achieved an accuracy of 96% thus demonstrating its superiority when compared against similar techniques.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Information Processing & Management
?? writer identificationoriented basic imagekernel principal component analysisgraphemestext independent classification ??
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Deposited On:
17 Oct 2022 10:15
Last Modified:
13 Mar 2025 15:36