MULDASA : Multifactor Lexical Sentiment Analysis of Social-Media Content in Nonstandard Arabic Social Media

Alwakid, Ghadah and Osman, Taha and El-Haj, Mahmoud and Alanazi, Saad and Humayun, Mamoona and Us Sama, Najm (2022) MULDASA : Multifactor Lexical Sentiment Analysis of Social-Media Content in Nonstandard Arabic Social Media. Applied Sciences, 12 (8): 3806. ISSN 2076-3417

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The semantically complicated Arabic natural vocabulary, and the shortage of available techniques and skills to capture Arabic emotions from text hinder Arabic sentiment analysis (ASA). Evaluating Arabic idioms that do not follow a conventional linguistic framework, such as contemporary standard Arabic (MSA), complicates an incredibly difficult procedure. Here, we define a novel lexical sentiment analysis approach for studying Arabic language tweets (TTs) from specialized digital media platforms. Many elements comprising emoji, intensifiers, negations, and other nonstandard expressions such as supplications, proverbs, and interjections are incorporated into the MULDASA algorithm to enhance the precision of opinion classifications. Root words in multidialectal sentiment LX are associated with emotions found in the content under study via a simple stemming procedure. Furthermore, a feature–sentiment correlation procedure is incorporated into the proposed technique to exclude viewpoints expressed that seem to be irrelevant to the area of concern. As part of our research into Saudi Arabian employability, we compiled a large sample of TTs in 6 different Arabic dialects. This research shows that this sentiment categorization method is useful, and that using all of the characteristics listed earlier improves the ability to accurately classify people’s feelings. The classification accuracy of the proposed algorithm improved from 83.84% to 89.80%. Our approach also outperformed two existing research projects that employed a lexical approach for the sentiment analysis of Saudi dialects

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Applied Sciences
?? arabicnlpsentiment analysisarabic nlpcorpus linguisticscomputational linguisticsnatural language processingmachine learningdeep learning ??
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Deposited On:
12 Apr 2022 08:25
Last Modified:
13 Jun 2024 01:55