An Overview on Bonded Marine Hoses for Sustainable Fluid Transfer and (Un)Loading Operations via Floating Offshore Structures (FOS)

Amaechi, Chiemela Victor and Chesterton, Cole and Butler, Harrison Obed and Wang, Facheng and Ye, Jianqiao (2021) An Overview on Bonded Marine Hoses for Sustainable Fluid Transfer and (Un)Loading Operations via Floating Offshore Structures (FOS). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE), 9 (11). ISSN 2077-1312

[thumbnail of An overview on bonded marine hoses jmse-09-01236-v3 final published version]
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Due to the demand for oil production in varying water depth regions, the advantage of flexible buoyant conduits has led to an increase in bonded marine hoses for fluid transfer and (un)loading operations. The fluid transfer system for bonded marine hoses is dependent on floating offshore structures (FOS). This paper presents an overview of different systems for sustainable fluid transfer and (un)loading operations via FOS, such as Single Point Mooring (SPM) systems. SPMs are component aspects of the techno-economic design and FOS operation. This review aims to present sustainable fluid transfer technologies while addressing the subject of bonded marine hoses based on application, configuration, test models, hose selection criteria, hose-mooring configurations and operational views. This paper also includes an overview of the hose dynamics, with the loading and unloading (or discharging) techniques for sustainable fluid transfer via marine bonded hoses, based on operational challenges encountered. To dynamically present the hose performance in this review, an overview of the test methods’ guidance as specified in available industry standards was conducted. The pros and cons of marine hose application were also presented. Finally, this study presents different marine hose types and novel design configurations applied in implementing hose-mooring systems. Some concluding remarks with recommended solutions on the technology were presented in this review.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE)
?? bonded marine hosesustainable fluid transferhose test methodssingle point mooring (spm)catenary anchor leg mooring (calm)buoyfloating offshore structures (fos)offshore platform ??
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Deposited On:
24 Nov 2021 12:05
Last Modified:
02 Mar 2025 01:44