COTS vision system, radiation sensor and 6 DoF robot for use in identifying radiologically uncharacterised objects

Monk, Stephen and Cheneler, David and West, Craig and Bandala Sanchez, Manuel and Montazeri, Allahyar and Dixon, Nile and Taylor, C. James (2021) COTS vision system, radiation sensor and 6 DoF robot for use in identifying radiologically uncharacterised objects. In: 2020 Australian and New Zealand Control Conference (ANZCC) :. IEEE, AUS. ISBN 9781728199931

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A novel, semi-autonomous radiological scanning system for inspecting uncharacterised objects is presented. The research utilises commercially available off-the-shelf (COTS) electronic components, intended for use in relatively low radioactive dose environments. To illustrate the concept, a Microsoft Kinect, a Universal Robots UR3 (6 degree of freedom) manipulator and a Kromek RadAngel gamma radiation spectrometer are utilised. The new control software allows the remote operator to select the required object, before the robot arm autonomously scans it, enabling the generation of various radiological spectra shapes. These data inform the operator of any likely radioisotopes present and where they are located in the object.

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Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings
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?? ur3 manipulatorradangel radiation detectormicrosoft kinectradiological scanningvision systemnuclear decommissioning ??
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Deposited On:
24 Sep 2020 13:50
Last Modified:
26 Jan 2025 01:40