Quantum and Nonlinear Effects in Light Transmitted through Planar Atomic Arrays

Bettles, Robert J. and Lee, Mark D. and Gardiner, Simon A. and Ruostekoski, Janne (2020) Quantum and Nonlinear Effects in Light Transmitted through Planar Atomic Arrays. Communications Physics, 3: 141. ISSN 2399-3650

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Understanding strong cooperative optical responses in dense and cold atomic ensembles is vital for fundamental science and emerging quantum technologies. Methodologies for characterizing light-induced quantum effects in such systems, however, are still lacking. Here we unambiguously identify significant quantum many-body effects, robust to position fluctuations and strong dipole-dipole interactions, in light scattered from planar atomic ensembles, by comparing full quantum simulations with a semiclassical model neglecting quantum fluctuations. We find pronounced quantum effects at high atomic densities, light close to saturation intensity, and around subradiant resonances. Such conditions also maximize spin-spin correlations and entanglement between atoms, revealing the microscopic origin of light-induced quantum effects. In several regimes of interest, our approximate model reproduces light transmission remarkably well, permitting analysis of otherwise numerically inaccessible large ensembles, in which we observe many-body analogues of resonance power broadening, vacuum Rabi splitting, and significant suppression in cooperative reflection from atomic arrays.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Communications Physics
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Deposited On:
16 Jul 2020 13:30
Last Modified:
15 Jul 2024 20:50