Hyper-Kamiokande Design Report

Proto-Collaboration, Hyper-Kamiokande and Abe, K. and Abe, Ke and Aihara, H. and Aimi, A. and Akutsu, R. and Andreopoulos, C. and Anghel, I. and Antonova, M. and Ashida, Y. and Aushev, V. and Barbi, M. and Barker, G. J. and Barr, G. and Beltrame, P. and Berardi, V. and Bergevin, M. and Berkman, S. and Berns, L. and Berry, T. and Bhadra, S. and Bravo-Berguño, D. and Blaszczyk, F. d. M. and Blondel, A. and Bolognesi, S. and Bravar, A. and Bronner, C. and Avanzini, M. Buizza and Cafagna, F. S. and Calland, R. and Cao, S. and Catanesi, M. G. and Checchia, C. and Chen-Wishart, Z. and Choi, K. and Coleman, J. and Collazuol, G. and Cowan, G. and Cremonesi, L. and Dealtry, T. and Rosa, G. De and Densham, C. and Dewhurst, D. and Drakopoulou, E. L. and Finch, A. and Kormos, L. L. and Lawe, M. and Nowak, J. and O'Keeffe, H. M. and Ratoff, P. N. (2018) Hyper-Kamiokande Design Report. arxiv.org.

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On the strength of a double Nobel prize winning experiment (Super)Kamiokande and an extremely successful long baseline neutrino programme, the third generation Water Cherenkov detector, Hyper-Kamiokande, is being developed by an international collaboration as a leading worldwide experiment based in Japan. The Hyper-Kamiokande detector will be hosted in the Tochibora mine, about 295 km away from the J-PARC proton accelerator research complex in Tokai, Japan. The currently existing accelerator will be steadily upgraded to reach a MW beam by the start of the experiment. A suite of near detectors will be vital to constrain the beam for neutrino oscillation measurements. A new cavern will be excavated at the Tochibora mine to host the detector. The experiment will be the largest underground water Cherenkov detector in the world and will be instrumented with new technology photosensors, faster and with higher quantum efficiency than the ones in Super-Kamiokande. The science that will be developed will be able to shape the future theoretical framework and generations of experiments. Hyper-Kamiokande will be able to measure with the highest precision the leptonic CP violation that could explain the baryon asymmetry in the Universe. The experiment also has a demonstrated excellent capability to search for proton decay, providing a significant improvement in discovery sensitivity over current searches for the proton lifetime. The atmospheric neutrinos will allow to determine the neutrino mass ordering and, together with the beam, able to precisely test the three-flavour neutrino oscillation paradigm and search for new phenomena. A strong astrophysical programme will be carried out at the experiment that will also allow to measure precisely solar neutrino oscillation.

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Journal Article
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333 pages
?? physics.ins-detastro-ph.srhep-ex ??
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01 Jun 2020 15:20
Last Modified:
04 Mar 2025 01:32