The internet of Things game: Illuminating data interactions within the Internet of Things : Living in the Internet of Things, IoT 2019

Akmal, H. and Coulton, P. (2019) The internet of Things game: Illuminating data interactions within the Internet of Things : Living in the Internet of Things, IoT 2019. In: Living in the Internet of Things (IoT 2019) :. UNSPECIFIED, GBR. ISBN 9781839530890

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This paper examines the use of game design as a way to aid developing a better understanding of complexity of data interactions which occur within the Internet of Things (IoT) amongst a non-technical audience. We present findings from the playing a game designed and themed around interactions within the IoT whereby players are introduced to its underlying operations and data flows through the procedural rhetoric of the game. The data associated with IoT interactions is often invisible and/or unintelligible to the general user and we therefore use the rhetoric presented through playing the game to foreground the complexity of both seen and unseen activities within IoT augmented spaces. This allows players to gain a greater understanding of the connection between the digital world which increasingly augments our physical world. © 2019 Institution of Engineering and Technology. All rights reserved.

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Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings
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Conference code: 158162 Export Date: 2 April 2020 Correspondence Address: Akmal, H.; Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts, Lancaster UniversityUnited Kingdom; email: References: Lindley, J., Coulton, P., Cooper, R., Why the Internet of Things needs Object Orientated Ontology (2017) The Design Journal, 20, pp. S2846-S2857; Clarke, A.C., Hazards of prophecy: The failure of imagination (1962) Profiles of the Future, , in Harper & Row; Lindley, J., Coulton, P., (2017) On the Internet No Everybody Knows You'Re A Whatchamacallit (or A Thing); Akmal, H., Coulton, P., Using heterotopias to characterise interactions in physical/digital spaces (2018) Proceedings of DRS2018 Limerick' Design Research Society 2018 Catalyst, pp. 269-278; Fogg, B.J., (2002) Persuasive Technology: Using Computers to Change What We Think and Do' Ubiquity, 2002, p. 5. , December); Deterding, S., Sicart, M., Nacke, L., Gamification. Using Game-design Elements in Non-gaming Contexts (2011) CHI'11 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 2425-2428. , in ACM; Coulton, P., The role of game design in addressing behavioural change (2015) Proceedings of EAD 2015 the Value of Design Research' 11th European Academy of Design Conference; Buchanan, R., Declaration by design: Rhetoric, argument, and demonstration in design practice (1985) Design Issues, pp. 4-22; Bogost, I., (2007) Persuasive Games: The Expressive Power of Videogames, , MIT Press; Levitt, S.D., Dubner, S.J., (2014) Freakonomics; Tanenbaum, J.G., Antle, A.N., Robinson, J., Three perspectives on behavior change for serious games (2013) Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 3389-3392. , in ACM; Gaver, W., What should we expect from research through design? (2012) Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 937-946. , in ACM; Akmal, H., Coulton, P., Research through board game design (2019) Proceedings of RTD 2019: Method & Critique' (RTD, , in Upcoming Publication; Mortier, R., Zhao, J., Crowcroft, J., Personal data management with the databox: What's inside the box? (2016) Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Cloud-Assisted Networking, pp. 49-54. , in ACM; Soekarjo, M., van Oostendorp, H., Measuring effectiveness of persuasive games using an informative control condition (2015) International Journal of Serious Games, 2 (2), pp. 37-56; Mariani, I., Meaningful negative experiences within games for social change (2016) Designing and Analysing Games as Persuasive Communication Systems, , PhD Thesis, Italy; Grace, L.D., A topographical study of persuasive play in digital games (2012) Proceeding of the 16th International Academic MindTrek Conference, pp. 77-82. , in ACM; Antle, A.N., Robinson, J., (2011) Procedural Rhetoric Meets Emergent Dialogue: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Persuasion and Behavior Change in Serious Games for Sustainability; Coughlan, T., Brown, M., Mortier, R., Exploring acceptance and consequences of the internet of things in the home (2012) Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom), 2012 IEEE International Conference on', pp. 148-155. , in IEEE
?? board game abstractgame designinternet of thingsiotprocedural rhetoricengineeringboard gamesdata flowdata interactionsdigital worldinternet of thing (iot)physical worldprocedural rhetoricsinternet of things ??
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10 Jun 2021 12:15
Last Modified:
16 Jul 2024 05:03