Measurement of the $ν_μ$ charged-current cross sections on water, hydrocarbon, iron, and their ratios with the T2K on-axis detectors

Brailsford, D. and Dealtry, T. and Finch, A. J. and Knox, A. and Kormos, L. L. and Lawe, M. and Nowak, J. and O'Keeffe, H. M. and Ratoff, P. N. and Shaw, D. (2019) Measurement of the $ν_μ$ charged-current cross sections on water, hydrocarbon, iron, and their ratios with the T2K on-axis detectors. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2019 (9). ISSN 2050-3911

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We report a measurement of the flux-integrated $\nu_{\mu}$ charged-current cross sections on water, hydrocarbon, and iron in the T2K on-axis neutrino beam with a mean neutrino energy of 1.5 GeV. The measured cross sections on water, hydrocarbon, and iron are $\sigma^{\rm{H_{2}O}}_{\rm{CC}}$ = (0.840$\pm 0.010$(stat.)$^{+0.10}_{-0.08}$(syst.))$\times$10$^{-38}$cm$^2$/nucleon, $\sigma^{\rm{CH}}_{\rm{CC}}$ = (0.817$\pm 0.007$(stat.)$^{+0.11}_{-0.08}$(syst.))$\times$10$^{-38}$cm$^2$/nucleon, and $\sigma^{\rm{Fe}}_{\rm{CC}}$ = (0.859$\pm 0.003$(stat.) $^{+0.12}_{-0.10}$(syst.))$\times$10$^{-38}$cm$^2$/nucleon respectively, for a restricted phase space of induced muons: $\theta_{\mu}$0.4 GeV/$c$ in the laboratory frame. The measured cross section ratios are ${\sigma^{\rm{H_{2}O}}_{\rm{CC}}}/{\sigma^{\rm{CH}}_{\rm{CC}}}$ = 1.028$\pm 0.016$(stat.)$\pm 0.053$(syst.), ${\sigma^{\rm{Fe}}_{\rm{CC}}}/{\sigma^{\rm{H_{2}O}}_{\rm{CC}}}$ = 1.023$\pm 0.012$(stat.)$\pm 0.058$(syst.), and ${\sigma^{\rm{Fe}}_{\rm{CC}}}/{\sigma^{\rm{CH}}_{\rm{CC}}}$ = 1.049$\pm 0.010$(stat.)$\pm 0.043$(syst.). These results, with an unprecedented precision for the measurements of neutrino cross sections on water in the studied energy region, show good agreement with the current neutrino interaction models used in the T2K oscillation analyses.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? hep-exphysics.ins-detgeneral physics and astronomyphysics and astronomy(all) ??
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Deposited On:
25 Feb 2020 13:20
Last Modified:
03 Mar 2025 01:27