Analogue experiments on the rise of large bubbles through a solids-rich suspension : A “weak plug” model for Strombolian eruptions

Oppenheimer, J. and Capponi, A. and Cashman, K.V. and Lane, S.J. and Rust, A.C. and James, M.R. (2020) Analogue experiments on the rise of large bubbles through a solids-rich suspension : A “weak plug” model for Strombolian eruptions. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 531: 115931. ISSN 0012-821X

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Physical interactions between bubbles and crystals affect gas migration and may play a major role in eruption dynamics of crystal-rich magmas. Strombolian eruptions represent an end member for bubble-crystal interactions, in which large bubbles (significantly larger than the crystal size) rise through a crystal-rich near-surface magma. Indeed, volcanoes that produce Strombolian eruptions often generate ejecta with > 30 vol% (often > 45 vol%) average crystallinity. At Stromboli Volcano, Italy, average crystallinity can reach 55 vol%, which is approaching the eruptibility limit for magmas. At such high crystallinities the solids interact mechanically with each other and with bubbles. This complex rheology complicates the two-phase (liquid-gas) slug flow model often applied to Strombolian eruptions. To examine the effect of crystals on bubble rise, we performed analogue experiments in which large bubbles rise in a vertical tube filled with silicone oil and polypropylene particles. The particles have a slightly lower density than the oil, and therefore form a layer of oil + particles at the upper surface. We varied surface pressure, particle volume fraction, length of the particle-bearing cap, and bubble size to examine the ways in which these parameters influence Strombolian-type eruptions. We show that in experiments, suspended solids begin to affect bubble rise dynamics at particle volume fractions as low as 30 vol% (or, when divided by the random close packing value, a normalized particle fraction φ=0.64). Bubbles in experiments with higher particle contents deform as they rise and burst through a small aperture, generating surface fountains that begin abruptly and decay slowly, and longer-lasting acoustic signals of lower amplitude than in particle-poor experiments. Particle fractions > 38 vol% (φ>0.80) generated strong deformations on fast-expanding bubbles that applied a high stress on the cap, but they trapped bubbles that were less overpressured. Qualitatively, the gas release behavior observed in particle-rich experiments is consistent with observations of Strombolian eruptions. Moreover, we estimate that the observed crystallinity of pyroclasts at Stromboli volcano represents φ>0.8. From this we suggest a “weak plug” model for Strombolian eruptions that evolves towards a low-viscosity equivalent of Vulcanian-style plug failure with a more crystalline, stronger, and less permeable plug. Importantly, this model allows the rise of several bubbles in the conduit at the same time and suggests that longer-lasting, more pulsatory and complex eruptions may reveal an increase in near-surface crystallinity, shedding some light on changing conduit conditions that could help determine the different gas rise regimes involved in passive degassing, puffing, and different expressions of Strombolian explosions.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Additional Information:
This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 531, 115931, 2020 DOI: 10.1016/S0370-1573(02)00269-7
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? eruption dynamicsstrombolisource mechanismthree-phase magmaconduit processesanalogue experimentsearth and planetary sciences (miscellaneous)geochemistry and petrologygeophysicsspace and planetary science ??
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Deposited On:
10 Dec 2019 14:15
Last Modified:
14 Feb 2025 17:00