Khan, Rabia and Jayakody, Dushantha Nalin K. and Pervaiz, Haris and Tafazolli, Rahim (2019) Modulation Based Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for 5G Resilient Networks. In: 2018 IEEE Globecom Workshops, GC Wkshps 2018 - Proceedings :. 2018 IEEE Globecom Workshops, GC Wkshps 2018 - Proceedings . Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., ARE. ISBN 9781538649206
Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
This paper propose a Modulation based Non Orthogonal Multiple Access (M-NOMA) and Modulation based cooperative NOMA (CM-NOMA) which greatly enhances the performance of existing NOMA. There are multiple techniques which offer stability and perfection of NOMA. M-NOMA is such a scheme which makes it one of the technique which is a better adoption in 5G communication systems. M-NOMA works on system modulation for creating orthogonality between users. It is an extremely trivial solution, which not only simplifies the system but improves overall system performance. In M-NOMA, BS modifies real and far users on separate constellation of the modulation. In this paper BS modulates near users on the real component and far users on the imaginary components of the QPSK constellation. M-NOMA reduces Symbol Error Rate, Inter-cell and Inter-cluster interference, Latency, Computational Complexity in terms of reduced number of SICs. In this paper we have shown the better performance of M-NOMA with respect to conventional NOMA in terms of SER, Data Rate and interference with the help of our simulation results. SER comparison of CM-NOMA, M-NOMA, C-NOMA and NOMA has also been simulated. We have also discussed expressions of SINR and achievable data rate with respect to M-NOMA.