Novel multicomponent organic-inorganic WPI/gelatin/CaP hydrogel composites for bone tissue engineering

Dziadek, Michal and Kudlackova, Radmila and Zima, Aneta and Slosarczyk, Anna and Ziabka, Magdalena and Jelen, Piotr and Shkarina, Svetlana and Cecilia, Angelica and Zuber, Marcus and Surmeneva, Maria and Surmenev, Roman and Bačáková, Lucie and Cholewa-Kowalska, Katarzyna and Douglas, Timothy (2019) Novel multicomponent organic-inorganic WPI/gelatin/CaP hydrogel composites for bone tissue engineering. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 107 (11). pp. 2479-2491. ISSN 1549-3296

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The present work focuses on the development of novel multicomponent organic‐inorganic hydrogel composites for bone tissue engineering. For the first time, combination of the organic components commonly used in food industry, namely whey protein isolate (WPI) and gelatin from bovine skin, as well as inorganic material commonly used as a major component of hydraulic bone cements, namely α‐TCP in various concentrations (0‐70 wt.%) was proposed. The results showed that α‐TCP underwent incomplete transformation to calcium‐deficient hydroxyapatite (CDHA) during preparation process of the hydrogels. Microcomputer tomography showed inhomogeneous distribution of the calcium phosphate (CaP) phase in the resulting composites. Nevertheless, hydrogels containing 30‐70 wt.% α‐TCP showed significantly improved mechanical properties. The values of Young's modulus and the stresses corresponding to compression of a sample by 50% increased almost linearly with increasing concentration of ceramic phase. Incomplete transformation of α‐TCP to CDHA during preparation process of composites provides them high reactivity in simulated body fluid during 14‐day incubation. Preliminary in vitro studies revealed that the WPI/gelatin/CaP composite hydrogels support the adhesion, spreading, and proliferation of human osteoblast‐like MG‐63 cells. The WPI/gelatin/CaP composite hydrogels obtained in this work showed great potential for the use in bone tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A
Additional Information:
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Dziadek, M, Kudlackova, R, Zima, A, et al. Novel multicomponent organic–inorganic WPI/gelatin/CaP hydrogel composites for bone tissue engineering. J Biomed Mater Res. 2019; 107A: 2479– 2491. which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance With Wiley Terms and Conditions for self-archiving.
?? whey protein isolategelatincalcium phosphatehydrogel composites ??
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Deposited On:
16 Jul 2019 10:25
Last Modified:
21 Jan 2025 02:08