Harmonic balance Navier-Stokes analysis of tidal stream turbine wave loads

Cavazzini, Anna and Campobasso, Michele Sergio and Marconcini, Muchele and Pacciani, Roberto and Arnone, Andrea (2019) Harmonic balance Navier-Stokes analysis of tidal stream turbine wave loads. In: Recent Advances in CFD for Wind and​ Tidal Offshore Turbines : Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering. Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering (2nd ed). Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 37-49. ISBN 9783030118860

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ARCTIC, a novel incompressible Reynolds–averaged Navier–Stokes finite volume code for the hydrodynamic analysis of open rotor unsteady loads is presented. One of its unique features is a harmonic balance solver enabling high–fidelity analyses of turbine periodic hydrodynamic loads with runtimes reduced by more than one order of magnitude over conventional time–domain CFD, and with negligible accuracy penalty. The strength of the new technology is demonstrated by analyzing with both harmonic balance and time–domain solvers the load fluctuations of a realistic tidal stream turbine. Such fluctuations are caused by a harmonic perturbation of the freestream velocity similar to that due to surface gravity waves.

Item Type:
Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? harmonic balancenavier–stokesartificial compressibilitytidal stream turbinewave loadsgeneral energygeneral engineering ??
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Deposited On:
22 Jun 2019 00:57
Last Modified:
20 Jan 2025 01:20