Bounded Transnationals: An Identity and Career Framework, a Qualitative Study and Interpretation of Identity and Career Construction for a Sample of Self Initiated International Assignees Residing in the South of France.

Crowley-Henry, Marian (2009) Bounded Transnationals: An Identity and Career Framework, a Qualitative Study and Interpretation of Identity and Career Construction for a Sample of Self Initiated International Assignees Residing in the South of France. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

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This dissertation presents an exploration of identity and career in an international context. The perspectives of thirty-seven highly educated, non-French origin, Western (first world) individuals, who reside indefinitely in the South of France (host country) while maintaining occupational careers are considered. These 'bounded transnationals', as termed by the author, were interviewed in the geographical case study of Sophia Antipolis (South of France) over a three year period. A critical realist and constructivist ontology, and a hermeneutic and interpretivist epistemology is adopted, using narratives from ethnographically informed interviews to study the career stories (of which identity is an integral element) of the sample. On reviewing existing international human resource management and career literature on international assignees and careers, the identity and career construction of this previously un-explored sample of self-initiated international assignees is interpreted inductively in its complexity. The study follows a pragmatic pluralistic approach, using different theoretical concepts which allow for a deeper interpretation of the findings. The findings and interpretation contribute to the existing knowledge on international assignees, international human resource management and international careers. Specifically, the study presents a typology of international assignees, emphasizing the specific characteristics of the bounded transnational sample. Secondly, it shares evidence of lifestyle migration. Thirdly, an unpacking and conceptualization of the complexity of factors (structure, agency, process) impacting (limiters and facilitators) upon identity construction and career direction and preference is demonstrated. The continuous identity and career construction shows the protean, evolving nature of identity and career. It is argued that a deeper understanding of individual contributors' (specifically the bounded transnationals in this study) identity and career construction would aid organisations in developing career management systems which consider the variety of potential interests and concerns.

Item Type:
Thesis (PhD)
Additional Information:
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Lancaster University (United Kingdom), 2009.
?? miaapqsocial psychology.occupational psychology. ??
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Deposited On:
02 May 2019 16:27
Last Modified:
05 Jan 2025 01:55