Data Partitioning—Empirical Approach

Angelov, P.P. and Gu, X. (2019) Data Partitioning—Empirical Approach. In: Empirical Approach to Machine Learning :. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 800 . Springer-Verlag, pp. 175-198. ISBN 9783030023836

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In this chapter, a new empirical approach, named autonomous data partitioning, is proposed to partition the data autonomously by creating a Voronoi tessellation around the objectively identified prototypes to form data clouds, which transform the large amount of raw data into a much smaller (manageable) number of more representative aggregations with semantic meaning. The proposed empirical algorithm has two forms/types, namely, the offline version and the evolving version. The offline version is based on the ranks of the observations in terms of their multimodal typicality values and local ensemble properties. The evolving version is for streaming data processing and works with the data density. It is able to start “from scratch”, but can create a hybrid with the offline version as well. Moreover, an algorithm is proposed to guarantee the local optimality of the autonomous data partitioning approach allowing the proposed approach to end up with a locally optimal structure of data clouds represented by their focal points/prototypes, which is then ready to be used for analysis, building a multi-model classifier, predictor, controller or for fault isolation. © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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08 Jan 2019 15:30
Last Modified:
13 Mar 2025 15:32