Tomadin, Andrea and Tredicucci, Alessandro and Pellegrini, Vittorio and Vitiello, Miriam S. and Polini, Marco (2013) Photocurrent-based detection of Terahertz radiation in graphene. Applied Physics Letters, 103: 211120. ISSN 0003-6951
Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
Graphene is a promising candidate for the development of detectors of Terahertz (THz) radiation. A well-known detection scheme due to Dyakonov and Shur exploits plasma waves in a field-effect transistor (FET), whereby a dc photovoltage is generated in response to a THz field. In the quest for devices with a better signal-to-noise ratio, we theoretically investigate a plasma-wave photodetector in which a dc photocurrent is generated in a graphene FET. The noise equivalent power of our device is shown to be much smaller than that of a Dyakonov-Shur detector in a wide spectral range