Ultra Capacity Wireless Layer Beyond 100 GHz Based on Millimeter Wave Traveling Wave Tubes

Paoloni, Claudio (2018) Ultra Capacity Wireless Layer Beyond 100 GHz Based on Millimeter Wave Traveling Wave Tubes. In: EUCNC, 2018-06-18 - 2018-06-21, Ljubljana.

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The exploitation of the millimeter wave spectrum (100 – 300 GHz) for wireless communications needs a breakthrough in transmission power. Multigigabit per second data rate can be transported by the wide frequency bands available in the millimeter wave spectrum. The high atmosphere attenuation and the lack of solid state amplifiers with adequate power have so far prevented to achieve long transmission range. The new European Commission Horizon 2020 ULTRAWAVE, “Ultracapacity wireless layer beyond 100 GHz based on millimeter wave traveling wave tubes” is devoted to produce the millimeter wave technology for enabling a mesh of Point to multiPoint high capacity layers at D-band (141 – 148.5 GHz) connected by G-band Point to Point links (275 – 305 GHz) to the fiber access point

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27 Jul 2018 08:56
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22 Aug 2024 23:09