2-D particle-in-cell simulations of high efficiency klystrons

Constable, David and Lingwood, Christopher James and Burt, Graeme Campbell and Syratchev, Igor and Baikov, Andrey Yu. and Marchesin, Rodolphe and Kowalczyk, Richard (2016) 2-D particle-in-cell simulations of high efficiency klystrons. In: Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC 2016) :. IEEE, USA. ISBN 9781467392174

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Currently, klystrons which employ monotonic bunching offer efficiencies on the order of 70%. Through the use of the core oscillation electron bunching mechanism, numerical simulations have predicted klystrons with efficiencies of up to 90%. In this paper, we present PIC simulations of such geometries operating at a frequency of 800 MHz.

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Deposited On:
14 Jun 2016 08:46
Last Modified:
10 Aug 2024 23:19