Items where Department is "VC's Office" and Year is 2009

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Altoe, Gisele F. and Freitas, Jair C. C. and Cunha, Alfredo G. and Emmerich, Francisco G. and Smith, Mark E. (2009) Kinetics and 13C NMR Study of Oxygen Incorporation into PVC- and Pitch-Derived Materials. Energy and Fuels, 23 (3). pp. 1373-1378. ISSN 1520-5029

Atherton, Andrew (2009) Rational actors, knowledgeable agents : extending pecking order considerations of new venture financing to incorporate founder experience, knowledge and networks. International Small Business Journal, 27 (4). pp. 470-495. ISSN 0266-2426


Bakari, M. J. and Seward, Derek W. and Taylor, C. James (2009) The Development of a Prototype of a Multi-Arm Robotic System for Decontamination and Decommissioning (D&D) Applications within the Nuclear Industry. In: 12th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management, 2009-10-11 - 2009-10-15.

Berkowitz, J. and McConnell, M.R. and Tholen, K. and Feller, S. and Affatigato, M. and Martin, S.W. and Holland, D. and Smith, M.E. and Kemp, T.F. (2009) Elucidation of quadrupole parameters by simulation of 10B NMR powder patterns. Physics and Chemistry of Glasses - European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B, 50 (6). pp. 372-377. ISSN 1753-3562


Cahill, Lindsay S. and Hanna, John V. and Wong, Alan and Freitas, Jair C. C. and Yates, Jonathan R. and Harris, Robin K. and Smith, Mark E. (2009) Natural abundance Mg-25 solid-state NMR of Mg oxyanion systems : a combined experimental and computational study. Chemistry - A European Journal, 15 (38). pp. 9785-9798. ISSN 1521-3765

Carta, Daniela and Knowles, Jonathan C. and Guerry, Paul and Smith, Mark E. and Newport, Robert J. (2009) Sol-gel synthesis and structural characterisation of P2O5-B2O3-Na2O glasses for biomedical applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 19 (1). pp. 150-158. ISSN 1364-5501


Dennis, K. and Urry, John (2009) After the Car. Polity. ISBN 9780745644219

Dodd, Ian C. and Davies, William J. and Egea, G. (2009) Measuring sap flow in “two root-one shoot” grafted plants to model shoot xylem ABA concentration during partial rootzone drying. Acta Horticulturae, 846.

Dodd, Ian C. and Theobald, Julian C. and Richer, Sarah K. and Davies, William J. (2009) Partial phenotypic reversion of ABA-deficient flacca tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) scions by a wild-type rootstock: normalising shoot ethylene relations promotes leaf area but does not diminish whole plant transpiration rate. Journal of Experimental Botany, 60 (14). pp. 4029-4039. ISSN 1460-2431


Forsyth, Maria and Neil, Wayne C. and Howlett, Patrick C. and Macfarlane, Douglas R. and Hinton, Bruce R. W. and Rocher, Nathalie and Kemp, Thomas F. and Smith, Mark E. (2009) New Insights into the Fundamental Chemical Nature of Ionic Liquid Film Formation on Magnesium Alloy Surfaces. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 1 (5). pp. 1045-1052. ISSN 1944-8244

Freitas, Jair C. C. and Wong, Alan and Smith, Mark E. (2009) Solid-state natural abundance Mg-25 NMR studies of Na(2)MgEDTA center dot 4H(2)O - a possible new reference compound for Mg-25 NMR spectroscopy. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 47 (1). pp. 9-15. ISSN 1097-458X


Green, Colin and Johnes, Geraint (2009) Economies of scale and mergers in higher education. In: The Routledge International Handbook of Higher Education :. Routledge, New York, pp. 369-380. ISBN 978-0415432641

Griffith, Christopher S. and Luca, Vittorio and Hanna, John V. and Pike, Kevin J. and Smith, Mark E. and Thorogood, Gordon S. (2009) Microcrystalline hexagonal tungsten bronze. 1. Basis of ion exchange selectivity for cesium and strontium. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 48 (13). pp. 5648-5662. ISSN 1099-0682

Guerry, Paul and Smith, Mark E. and Brown, Steven P. (2009) P-31 MAS refocused INADEQUATE spin-echo (REINE) NMR spectroscopy : revealing J coupling and chemical shift two-dimensional correlations in disordered solids. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131 (33). pp. 11861-11874. ISSN 1520-5126


Hung, Ivan and Uldry, Anne-Christine and Becker-Baldus, Johanna and Webber, Amy L. and Wong, Alan and Smith, Mark E. and Joyce, Sin A. and Yates, Jonathan R. and Pickard, Chris J. and Dupree, Ray and Brown, Steven P. (2009) Probing heteronuclear N-15-O-17 and C-13-O-17 connectivities and proximities by solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131 (5). pp. 1820-1834. ISSN 1520-5126

Hung, Ivan and Wong, Alan and Howes, Andy P. and Anupõld, Tiit and Samoson, Ago and Smith, Mark E. and Holland, D. and Brown, Steven P. and Dupree, Ray (2009) Separation of isotropic chemical and second-order quadrupolar shifts by multiple-quantum double rotation NMR. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 197 (2). pp. 229-236. ISSN 1096-0856


Johnes, Geraint (2009) Occupation and the labour market participation of women: why do some people trade down jobs when careers are interrupted? Applied Economics Letters, 16 (11). pp. 1093-1096. ISSN 1350-4851


Kemp, Thomas F. and Smith, Mark E. (2009) QuadFit-A new cross-platform computer program for simulation of NMR line shapes from solids with distributions of interaction parameters. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 35 (4). pp. 243-252. ISSN 1527-3326


Laurencin, Danielle and Gervais, Christel and Wong, Alan and Coelho, Cristina and Mauri, Francesco and Massiot, Dominique and Smith, Mark E. and Bonhomme, Christian (2009) Implementation of high resolution (43)Ca solid state NMR spectroscopy: toward the elucidation of calcium sites in biological materials. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131 (37). pp. 13430-13440. ISSN 1520-5126

Lin, Sen and Ionescu, Claudia and Pike, Kevin J. and Smith, Mark E. and Jones, Julian R. (2009) Nanostructure evolution and calcium distribution in sol–gel derived bioactive glass. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 19 (9). pp. 1276-1282. ISSN 0959-9428


Neel, Ensanya A. Abou and Chrzanowski, Wojciech and Pickup, David M. and O'Dell, L. A. and Mordan, Nicola J. and Newport, Robert J. and Smith, Mark E. and Knowles, Jonathan C. (2009) Structure and properties of strontium-doped phosphate-based glasses. Interface, 6 (34). pp. 435-446. ISSN 1742-5689

Neel, Ensanya A. Abou and Chrzanowski, Wojciech and Valappil, Sabeel P. and O'Dell, L. A. and Pickup, David M. and Smith, Mark E. and Newport, Robert J. and Knowles, Jonathan C. (2009) Doping of a high calcium oxide metaphosphate glass with titanium dioxide. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 355 (16-17). pp. 991-1000.

Neel, Ensanya Ali Abou and O'Dell, Luke A. and Chrzanowski, Wojciech and Smith, Mark E. and Knowles, Jonathan C. (2009) Control of surface free energy in titanium doped phosphate based glasses by co-doping with zinc. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 89B (2). pp. 392-407. ISSN 1552-4973


O'Dell, L. A. and Klimm, K. and Freitas, J. C. C. and Kohn, S. C. and Smith, Mark E. (2009) (33)S MAS NMR of a disordered sulfur-doped silicate: signal enhancement via RAPT, QCPMG and adiabatic pulses. Applied Magnetic Resonance, 35 (2). pp. 247-259. ISSN 1613-7507

O'Dell, L. A. and Neel, Ensanya A. Abou and Knowles, Jonathan C. and Smith, Mark E. (2009) Identification of phases in partially crystallised Ti-, Sr- and Zn-containing sodium calcium phosphates by two-dimensional NMR. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 114 (2-3). pp. 1008-1015.


Perander, Linus M. and Zujovic, Zoran D. and Kemp, Thomas F. and Smith, Mark E. and Metson, James B. (2009) The nature and impacts of fines in smelter-grade alumina. JOM Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 61 (11). pp. 33-39. ISSN 1543-1851

Pickup, D. M. and Moss, R. M. and Qiu, D. and Newport, R. J. and Valappil, S. P. and Knowles, J. C. and Smith, Mark E. (2009) Structural characterization by x-ray methods of novel antimicrobial gallium-doped phosphate-based glasses. Journal of Chemical Physics, 130 (6): 064708. ISSN 1089-7690

Pickup, D. M. and Valappil, S. P. and Moss, R. M. and Twyman, H. L. and Guerry, Paul and Smith, Mark E. and Wilson, M. and Knowles, J. C. and Newport, R. J. (2009) Preparation, structural characterisation and antibacterial properties of Ga-doped sol-gel phosphate-based glass. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 44 (7). pp. 1858-1867. ISSN 1573-4838

Pizzala, Helene and Caldarelli, Stefano and Eon, Jean-Guillaume and Rossi, Alexandre Malta and Laurencin, D and Smith, Mark E. (2009) A solid-state NMR study of lead and vanadium substitution into hydroxyapatite. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131 (14). pp. 5145-5152. ISSN 1520-5126


Ridley, Andrew J. and Whiteside, James R. and McMillan, Trevor J. and Allinson, Sarah L. (2009) Cellular and sub-cellular responses to UVA in relation to carcinogenesis. International Journal of Radiation Biology, 85 (3). pp. 177-195. ISSN 0955-3002


Shan, Rafi and Lund, David and Ahmed, Hassan and Honary, Bahram (2009) Sub-Slot Phase Modulation with Square Root Raised Cosine Filter for TETRA Channel. In: IEEE 10TH International Symposium on Communication Theory and Applications (ISCTA’09) :. IEEE, Ambleside, UK, 426–430.

Speight, R. J. (Richard J.) and Wong, A. and Ellis, P. and Bishop, P. T. and Hyde, T. I. and Bastow, T. J. and Smith, Mark E. (2009) (59)Co NMR study of the allotropic phase transformation in small ferromagnetic cobalt particles. Physical review B, 79 (5): 054102. ISSN 1098-0121

Speight, R. J. (Richard J.) and Wong, Alan and Ellis, P. and Hyde, T. and Bishop, P. T. and Smith, Mark E. (2009) A Co-59 NMR study to observe the effects of ball milling on small ferromagnetic cobalt particles. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 35 (2). pp. 67-73. ISSN 1527-3326


Tyfield, David and Urry, John (2009) Cosmopolitan China: Lessons from International Collaboration in Low-Carbon Innovation. British Journal of Sociology, 60 (4). pp. 793-812. ISSN 0007-1315


Urry, John (2009) Aeromobilities and the global. In: Aeromobilities :. Routledge, London, pp. 25-38. ISBN 9780415449564

Urry, John (2009) Carros, climas e futures complexos. In: Desigualdade, Diferença e Reconhecimento :. Tomo, Porto Allegre, pp. 105-130.

Urry, John (2009) The network society and the networked traveller. In: Travel Demand Management and Road User Pricing :. Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 89-107. ISBN 978-0-7546-7303-3

Urry, John (2009) The sociabilities of travel. In: The Expanding Sphere of Travel Behaviour Research :. Emerald, pp. 3-16. ISBN 9781848559363

Urry, John and Buscher, M. (2009) Mobile methods and the empirical. European Journal of Social Theory, 12 (1). pp. 99-116. ISSN 1461-7137


Valappil, Sabeel P. and Ready, Derren and Neel, Ensanya Ali Abou and Pickup, David M. and O'Dell, Luke A. and Chrzanowski, Wojciech and Pratten, Jonathan and Newport, Robert J. and Smith, Mark E. and Wilson, M. and Knowles, Jonathan C. (2009) Controlled delivery of antimicrobial gallium ions from phosphate-based glasses. Acta Biomaterialia, 5 (4). pp. 1198-1210. ISSN 1878-7568


Whiteside, James R. and McMillan, Trevor J. (2009) A bystander effect is induced in human cells treated with UVA radiation but not UVB radiation. Radiation Research, 171 (2). pp. 204-211. ISSN 0033-7587

Wong, Alan and Laurencin, Danielle and Dupree, Ray and Smith, Mark E. (2009) Two-dimensional Ca-43-H-1 correlation solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 35 (1). pp. 32-36. ISSN 1527-3326

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