Items where Department is "Sociology" and Year is 2018

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 232.

Windle, James and Morrison, John F. and Winter, Aaron and Silke, Andrew, eds. (2018) Historical Perspectives on Organized Crime and Terrorism. Routledge.

Shove, Elizabeth Anne and Trentmann, Frank, eds. (2018) Infrastructures in Practice : the dynamics of demand in networked societies. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138476165

MacKillop, Eleanor and Sheard, Sally and Begley, Philip and Lambert, Michael, eds. (2018) The NHS internal market : a witness seminar transcript. University of Liverpool Department of Public Health and Policy, Liverpool. ISBN 9781999920913

Gutsche Jr, Robert, ed. (2018) The Trump Presidency, Journalism, and Democracy. Routledge Research in Journalism . Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138307384

Ahmad Pazil, Nur Hafeeza and Cronin, Anne and Ferreday, Debra (2018) Friendship and intimacy : exploring Malaysian students' experiences of living temporarily abroad. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Appleby, Thomas and Cardwell, Emma Jayne and Pettipher, Jim (2018) Fishing rights, property rights, human rights : the problem of legal lock-in in UK fisheries. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 6: 40. ISSN 2325-1026

Arrigoitia, M.F. (2018) The gentrification of social housing. In: Handbook of Gentrification Studies :. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 262-280. ISBN 9781785361739

Aurino, Elisabetta and Fledderjohann, Jasmine and Vellakkal, Sukumar (2018) Inequalities in adolescent learning : Does the timing and persistence of food insecurity at home matter? Working Paper. Ca' Foscari University of Venice Department of Economics, Venice.

Aurino, Elisabetta and Fledderjohann, Jasmine and Vellakkal, Sukumar (2018) Too hungry to learn? : Inequalities in adolescent learning achievements by timing and persistence of household food insecurity in India. UNSPECIFIED.

Babb, Penny and Zhang, Li-Chun and Allin, Paul and Wallgren, Anders and Wallgren, Britt and Blunt, Gordon and Garrett, Andrew and Murtagh, Fionn and Smith, Peter W. F. and Elliott, Duncan and Nason, Guy and Powell, Ben and Moore, Jamie C. and Durrant, Gabriele B. and Smith, Peter W. F. and Smith, Paul A. and Chambers, Raymond L. and Herzberg, Agnes M. and Pilling, Mark and Appleby, Wendy and Barnett, Arthur and Bhansali, Rajendra and Bharadwaj, Neeraj and Dong, Yuexiao and van den Brakel, J. A. and Budd, Lisa and Doidge, James and Gilbert, Ruth and Francis, Brian and Frisoli, Kayla and Nugent, Rebecca and Garcia Perez, Francisco Javier and Lara, Libia and Porcu, Emilio and Henry, Sarah and Hunt, Ian and Ieva, Francesca and Gasperoni, Francesca and Jansson, Ingegerd and Kumar, Kuldeep and Longford, Nick and Manninen, Asta and Mateu, Jorge and McNicholas, Paul D. and McNicholas, Sharon M. and Tait, Peter A. and Mehew, Jenny and Oberski, Daniel L. and Ruiz, Marcelo and Yohai, Victor J. and Zamar, Ruben and Stehlik, Milan and Stehlikova, Silvia and Nunez Soza, Ludy and Towers, Jude and Wijayatunga, Priyantha (2018) Statistical challenges of administrative and transaction data : Contribution to discussion. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A Statistics in Society, 181 (3). pp. 578-605. ISSN 0964-1998

Bailey, Charlotte and Tyler, Imogen Elizabeth (2018) From Stigma Power to Black Power (graphic essay). UNSPECIFIED, UK.

Beacham, Jonathan David and Cronin, Anne and Szerszynski, Bronislaw (2018) Spaces of difference, spaces of possibility? : An exploration of Alternative Food Networks (AFNs) in the austerity foodscape of the United Kingdom. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Beacham, Jonathan (2018) Organising food differently : towards a more-than-human ethics of care for the Anthropocene. Organization, 25 (4). pp. 533-549. ISSN 1350-5084

Benson, Michaela and Jackson, Emma (2018) From class to gentrification and back again. In: Handbook of Gentrification Studies :. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp. 63-80. ISBN 9781785361739

Blanco, Patricia Prieto (2018) Carol Siegel, Sex Radical Cinema, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2015. ISBN: 978-0-253-01806-9. Paperback, 230 pages. Film Studies, 18 (1). ISSN 1469-0314

Blue, Stanley John (2018) Reducing Demand for Energy in Hospitals : Opportunities for and Limits to Temporal Coordination. In: Demanding Energy : Space, Time and Change. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 313-337. ISBN 9783319619903

Boden, Alexander and Liegl, Michael and Buscher, Monika (2018) Ethische, rechtliche, und soziale Implikationen. In: Sicherheitskritische Mensch-Computer-Interaktion : Interaktive Technologien und Soziale Medien im Krisen- und Sicherheitsmanagement. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, pp. 163-182. ISBN 9783658195236

Boyd Davis, Stephen and Gristwood, Simone (2018) ‘A dialogue between the real-world and the operational model’ – The realities of design in Bruce Archer’s 1968 doctoral thesis. Design Studies, 56. pp. 185-204. ISSN 0142-694X

Broadhurst, Karen (2018) Happy new year : Some tips for authors planning a submission in 2018! Qualitative Social Work, 17 (1). pp. 3-8. ISSN 1473-3250

Broadhurst, Karen (2018) Introducing a new European Editor for Qualitative Social Work. Qualitative Social Work, 17 (5). pp. 621-623. ISSN 1473-3250

Broadhurst, Karen Elizabeth and Mason, Claire Suzanne and Webb, Sheena (2018) Birth Mothers Returning to Court : Can a Developmental Trauma Lens Inform Practice with Women at Risk of Repeat Removal of Infants and Children? In: Justice for Children and Families : A Developmental Perspective. Cambridge University Press, Canmbridge, pp. 59-67. ISBN 9781108457699

Brock, Tom and Fraser, Emma (2018) Is computer gaming a craft? Prehension, practice, and puzzle-solving in gaming labour. Information, Communication and Society, 21 (9). pp. 1219-1233. ISSN 1369-118X

Buscher, Monika (2018) Social Futures : Dark matter, hidden wealth and social energy. In: Mobilities and Complexities :. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138601420

Buscher, Monika (2018) Moving methods. In: Routledge Handbook of Interdisciplinary Research Methods :. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138886872

Buscher, Monika and Lujan Escalante, Maria Alejandra and Kerasidou, Charalampa Xaroula and Easton, Catherine Rachel and Alter, Hayley Cheryl and Petersen, Katrina and Bonnamour, Marie-Christine and Lund, David and Baur, Andreas and Ammicht Quinn, Regina and Heesen, Jessica and Jasmontaite, Lina and González Fuster, Gloria and Boden, Alexander and Hofmann, Britta and Stachowicz, Anna and Choraś, Michał and Kozik, Rafal and Boersma, Kees and Comes, Martina and Galdon Clavell, Gemma and Föger, Nicole (2018) The IsITethical? Exchange : Responsible Research and Innovation for Disaster Risk Management. In: Proceedings of the 15th ISCRAM Conference :. ISCRAM, Rochester, pp. 254-267. ISBN 9780692127605

Büscher, M. and Veloso, L. (2018) Métodos móveis. Tempo Social, 30 (2). pp. 133-151. ISSN 0103-2070

Camp, Tom and Tyler, Imogen Elizabeth (2018) Stigma Machine [graphic animation]. UNSPECIFIED.

Carlick, Sarah and May-Chahal, Corinne (2018) Creative art-based technologies for interagency working together for safeguarding children and young people. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Cass, Noel Flay (2018) Energy-related standards and UK speculative office development. Building Research & Information, 46 (6). pp. 615-635. ISSN 0961-3218

Cass, Noel Flay and Schwanen, Tim and Shove, Elizabeth Anne (2018) Infrastructures, intersections and societal transformations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 137. pp. 160-167. ISSN 0040-1625

Cass, Noel Flay and Shove, Elizabeth Anne (2018) Standards, whose standards? Architectural Science Review, 61 (5). pp. 272-279. ISSN 0003-8628

Cass, Noel Flay and Shove, Elizabeth Anne (2018) Time, Practices and Energy Demand : Implications for flexibility. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED.

Cebolla-Boado, H and Hu, Yang and Soysal, Y (2018) Why study abroad? : Sorting of Chinese students across British universities. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 39 (3). pp. 365-380. ISSN 0142-5692

Clancy, Laura Jayne and Tyler, Imogen and Bennett, Bruce (2018) The (family) firm : representation and power in the British royal family. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Clancy, Laura (2018) The New Elizabethan Age : Culture Society and National Identity After World War II. Cultural and Social History, 15 (1). pp. 151-152. ISSN 1478-0038

Clancy, Laura and Burton, Sarah (2018) New writings in feminist and women's studies winning and short-listed entries from the 2017 feminist and women's studies association's annual student essay competition. Journal of International Women's Studies, 19 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 1539-8706

Coin, Francesca (2018) Keep the union at bay : The racial dimensions of anti-union practices in U.S. agriculture and the long fight for farm-labor representation. Edizioni Ca' Foscari, Venice. ISBN 9788869692222

Coin, Francesca (2018) L'anima antisociale della valutazione. In: Valutatemi! : Il fascino discreto della meritocrazia. Novalogos, pp. 215-224. ISBN 9788897339809

Coin, Francesca (2018) L'inadeguatezza del digital academic. Rivista Trimestrale di Scienza dell'Amministrazione, 1 (2018). pp. 1-23. ISSN 1972-4942

Coin, Francesca (2018) La profezia di Fanon e le colonie bianche. Scritture Migranti, 9-10. ISSN 2037-5042

Coin, Francesca (2018) When Love Becomes Self-Abuse : Gendered Perspectives on Unpaid Labor in Academia. In: Feeling Academic in the Neoliberal University : Feminist Flights, Fights and Failures. Palgrave Studies in Gender and Education . Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 301-320. ISBN 9783319642239

Coin, Francesca (2018) A genealogy of precarity and its ambivalence. In: Made in China Yearbook 2017: Gilded Age :. ANU E Press, Canberra, pp. 30-33. ISBN 9781760461980

Coin, Francesca and Marrone, Marco (2018) Ambivalence : Luci e ombre del lavoro digitale. Economia e Societa Regionale, 17 (1). pp. 24-35. ISSN 1827-2479

Coin, Francesca and Owen, Robert (2018) Per amore dell’umanità. In: Società giusta :. Feltrinelli, Milano, pp. 8-15. ISBN 978886835327

Coutard, Olivier and Shove, Elizabeth (2018) Infrastructures, practices and the dynamics of demand. In: Infrastructures in Practice : The Dynamics of Demand in Networked Societies. Routledge, London, pp. 10-22. ISBN 9781138476042

Cronin, Anne Margaret (2018) Public Relations Capitalism : Promotional Culture, Publics and Commercial Democracy. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. ISBN 9783319726366

Cronshaw, Cron (2018) Fuckology: Critical essays on John Money's Diagnostic Concepts, Lisa Downing, Iain Morland and Nikki Sullivan. Feminist Theory, 19 (1). pp. 116-118. ISSN 1464-7001

Cruz, Gibran and Fernandez Arrigoitia, Melissa and Ortiz Camacho, Janialy and Roman, Patria (2018) The Making of Caribbean Not-so-Natural Disasters. Alternautas, 5 (2). pp. 4-12. ISSN 2057-4924

Dagdelen, Ozum (2018) The Challenge to the Concept of Transnational Motherhood in Migration Studies from Radical Feminist Perspectives. Journal of Social Policy Conferences (74). pp. 103-116. ISSN 1304-0103

Deville, Joe and Guggenheim, Michael (2018) From preparedness to risk : from the singular risk of nuclear war to the plurality of all hazards. British Journal of Sociology, 69 (3). pp. 799-824. ISSN 0007-1315

Deville, Joseph Edward (2018) Open Access Publishing and the Future of the University. In: The Commons and Care :. Post Office Press and Rope Press, Coventry, pp. 6-15.

Diken, Bulent and Gilloch, Graeme Peter and Hammond, Craig (2018) The Cinema of Nuri Bilge Ceylan : The Global Vision of a Turkish Filmmaker. I. B. Tauris, London. ISBN 9781784538163

Doebler, Stefanie and Shuttleworth, Ian (2018) Religious Identification, Switching, and Apostasy Among Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland : Individual and Cohort Dynamics Between Two Censuses 2001–2011. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 57 (4). pp. 723-742. ISSN 0021-8294

Doebler, Stefanie and McAreavey, Ruth and Shortall, Sally (2018) Is racism the new sectarianism? : Negativity towards immigrants and ethnic minorities in Northern Ireland from 2004 to 2015. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41 (14). pp. 2426-2444. ISSN 0141-9870

Duffy, Deirdre Niamh and Pierson, Claire and Myerscough, Caroline and Urquhart, Diane and Earner-Byrne, Lindsey (2018) Abortion, emotions, and health provision: Explaining health care professionals' willingness to provide abortion care using affect theory. Women's Studies International Forum, 71. pp. 12-18.

Faulconbridge, James Robert and Cass, Noel Flay and Connaghton, John (2018) How market standards affect building design : the case of low energy design in commercial offices. Environment and Planning A, 50 (3). pp. 627-650. ISSN 0308-518X

Fernandez Arrigoitia, Melissa and Scanlon, Kath and West, Karen (2018) Well-being and age in co-housing life: Thinking with and beyond design. Housing LIN, London.

Fernandez Arrigoitia, Mellissa (2018) The Gentrification of Public Housing. In: Handbook of Gentrification Studies :. Elgar Original Reference series . Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 262-280. ISBN 9781785361739

Fish, Adam Richard (2018) Points of Presence. Screenworks, 8 (2). ISSN 2514-3123

Fish, Adam Richard (2018) Points of Presence. [Exhibition]

Fish, Adam Richard (2018) Scalia.warhead1, Operation Last Resort, and the Video Discourse of Warfare. In: Visual security studies : sights and spectacles of insecurity and war. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138229921

Fish, Rebecca Mary (2018) ‘Behind this wall’ – Experiences of seclusion on locked wards for women. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 20 (1). pp. 139-151. ISSN 1501-7419

Fish, Rebecca Mary and Hatton, Christopher Rowan and Chauhan, Umesh (2018) How do health professionals provide accessible information? [Report]

Fish, Rebecca Mary and Morgan, Hannah (2018) Challenging the discourse of 'challenging behaviour'. In: Lancaster Disability Studies Conference, 2018-09-11 - 2018-09-13, Lancaster University.

Fish, Rebecca Mary and Morgan, Hannah (2018) Working with men who self-harm in a learning disability secure unit : staff perspectives. [Report]

Fledderjohann, Jasmine and Barnes, Liberty (2018) Reimagining infertility : a critical examination of fertility norms, geopolitics, and survey bias. Health Policy and Planning, 33 (1). pp. 34-40. ISSN 0268-1080

Fong, Siao Yuong (2018) Rethinking Censorship : A Case Study of Singaporean Media. Javnost - The Public, 25 (4). pp. 410-425. ISSN 1318-3222

Forman, Peter J. (2018) Circulations beyond nodes : (in)securities along the pipeline. Mobilities, 13 (2). pp. 231-245. ISSN 1745-0101

Fortier, Anne-Marie (2018) On (not) speaking English : colonial legacies in language requirements for British citizenship. Sociology, 52 (6). pp. 1254-1269. ISSN 0038-0385

Francis, Brian and Walby, Sylvia and Pattinson, Becky and Elliott, Amy and Hoti - Llabjani, Valmira and Phoenix, Jessica and Verrall, Rachel and Peelo, Moira (2018) Data collection on trafficking in human beings in the EU : Final report. [Report]

Fraser, Emma (2018) ‘I am he. I am he. Siri rules’ : Work and play with the Apple Watch. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 21 (1). pp. 78-95. ISSN 1367-5494

Fraser, Emma (2018) Unbecoming place : urban imaginaries in transition in Detroit. cultural geographies, 25 (3). pp. 441-458. ISSN 1474-4740

Gebeyehu, Birkinesh and Feleke, Shiferaw and Tufa, Adane and Argaw, Thomas Lemma and Tefera, Tewodros and Manyong, Victor (2018) Patterns and structure of household income inequality in rural Ethiopia. World Development Perspective, 10-12. pp. 80-82.

Gillett, Joe and Shove, Elizabeth and Spurling, Nicola (2018) Running and swimming : a materialized account of careers and practices. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Gilloch, Graeme (2018) Untrammelled Elements : Reflections on the Work of Jasmir Creed. Victoria Gallery and Museum, University of Liverpool, Liverpool.

Gilloch, Graeme and Ryu, Jiseok (2018) Rues de Busan et d'ailleurs. Partie 2: Rues et lieux. Sociétés : revue des sciences humaines et sociales, 140 (2018/2). pp. 117-136. ISSN 0765-3697

Grover, Christopher Geoffrey (2018) Developments in loaning social assistance : support for mortgage interest in Britain. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 26 (3). pp. 401-415. ISSN 1759-8273

Gupta, Adyya and Fledderjohann, Jasmine and Reddy, Hanimi and Raman, V.R. and Stuckler, David and Vellakkal, Sukumar (2018) Barriers and prospects of India’s conditional cash transfer program to promote institutional delivery care : a qualitative analysis of the supply-side perspectives. BMC Health Services Research, 18: 40. ISSN 1472-6963

Gutsche, Robert E. (2018) Introduction : Translating trump: How to discuss the complications of covering new presidential politics. In: The Trump Presidency, Journalism, and Democracy :. Routledge, New York, pp. 1-16. ISBN 9781138307384

Gutsche Jr, Robert and Hess, Kristy (2018) Contesting communities : Reimagining journalism and social order in a fragmented world. Journalism Practice, 12 (2). pp. 136-145. ISSN 1751-2786

Gutsche Jr, Robert and Rafikova, Alina (2018) Journalism and Geography. In: Journalism :. Handbook of Communication Science . Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 335-352. ISBN 9781501510380

Gutsche Jr, Robert (2018) News Boundaries of ‘Fakiness’ and the Challenged Imaginative Power of Journalistic Authority. In: The Trump Presidency, Journalism and Democracy :. Routledge Research in Journalism Studies . Routledge. ISBN 9781138307384

Gutsche Jr, Robert and Hess, Kristy (2018) Geographies of journalism : The imaginative power of place in making digital news. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138554368

Harwin, Judith Elizabeth and Ryan, Mary and Broadhurst, Karen Elizabeth (2018) How does FDAC succeed with parents with substance misuse problems? : Exploring relational practices within the English Family Drug Alcohol Court. Child Abuse Review, 27 (4). pp. 266-279. ISSN 0952-9136

Harwin, Judith Elizabeth and Alrouh, Bachar and Broadhurst, Karen Elizabeth and McQuarrie, Tricia Janet and Golding, Lily Florence and Ryan, Mary (2018) Child and Parent Outcomes in the London Family Drug and Alcohol Court Five Years On : Building on international evidence. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 32 (2). pp. 140-169. ISSN 1464-3707

Hess, Kristy and Gutsche Jr, Robert (2018) Journalism and the ‘social sphere’ : Reclaiming a foundational concept for beyond politics and the public sphere. Journalism Studies, 19 (4). pp. 483-498. ISSN 1461-670X

Hoyng, Rolien Susanne (2018) Logistics of the Accident: E-Waste Management in Hong Kong. In: Logistical Asia :. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9789811083327

Hoyng, Rolien Susanne (2018) The politics of skill and potential in an ‘emerging’ region : Upskilling initiatives in Istanbul. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 21 (6). pp. 651-658. ISSN 1367-5494

Hu, Yang (2018) Masculine Compromise: Migration, Family, and Gender in China. Oakland, written by Susanne Y.P. Choi and Yinni Peng, 2016 and Rural Origins, City Lives: Class and Place in Contemporary China, written by Roberta Zavoretti, 2016. Nan Nü: Men, Women and Gender in China, 20 (1). pp. 353-359. ISSN 1387-6805

Hu, Yang (2018) Patriarchal hierarchy? : Gender, children’s housework time and family structure in post-reform China. Chinese Sociological Review, 50 (3). pp. 310-338. ISSN 2162-0555

Hu, Yang and Yucel, Deniz (2018) What fairness? : Gendered division of housework and family life satisfaction across 30 countries. European Sociological Review, 34 (1). 92–105. ISSN 0266-7215

Hu, Yang (2018) 中国家庭中的性别不平等:算上孩子. 知识分子.

Hu, Yang (2018) Domestic Gender Inequalities in China : Count Children In. The Asia Dialogue.

Hu, Yang and Qian, Yue (2018) Educational and age assortative mating in China : the importance of marriage order. Working Paper. Princeton Research Network on Contemporary China (PRCC) Working Paper Series.

Hu, Yang and To, Sandy (2018) Family Relations and Remarriage Post-Divorce and Post-Widowhood in China. Journal of Family Issues, 39 (8). 2286–2310. ISSN 0192-513X

Hui, Allison and Walker, Gordon (2018) Concepts and methodologies for a new relational geography of energy demand : social practices, doing-places and settings. Energy Research and Social Science, 36. pp. 21-29. ISSN 2214-6296

Jacobson, Susan and Marino, Jacqueline and Gutsche Jr, Robert (2018) Should there be an app for that? : An analysis of interactive applications within longform news stories. Journal of Magazine Media, 18 (2).

James, Elaine and Harvey, Mark and Mitchell, Rob (2018) An Inquiry by Social Workers into Evening Routines in Community Living Settings for Adults with Learning Disabilities. Practice, 30 (1). pp. 19-32. ISSN 0950-3153

Jensen, Tracey (2018) Book Review: Paul Michael Garrett Welfare Words. Critical Social Policy, 38 (4). pp. 796-797. ISSN 0261-0183

Jensen, Tracey (2018) Preface. In: Parenting the Crisis : The Cultural Politics of Parent-Blame. Policy Press, viii-x. ISBN 9781447325062

Jensen, Tracey and Tyler, Imogen (2018) Weaponising parent-blame in post-welfare Britain. In: Parenting the Crisis : The Cultural Politics of Parent-Blame. Policy Press, pp. 143-163. ISBN 9781447325062

Jensen, Tracey Louisa (2018) Parenting the Crisis : the cultural politics of parent blame. Policy Press, Bristol. ISBN 9781447325062

Jessop, Bob and Knio, Karim (2018) Critical realism, symptomatology and the pedagogy of crisis. In: The Pedagogy of Economic, Political and Social Crises : Dynamics, Construals and Lessons. Routledge, London, pp. 265-283. ISBN 9781138062504

Jessop, Robert Douglas and Sum, Ngai-Ling (2018) Language and critique : Some anticipations of critical discourse studies in Marx. Critical Discourse Studies, 15 (4). pp. 325-337. ISSN 1740-5904

Jessop, B. (2018) The entrepreneurial city : Re-imaging localities, redesigning economic governance, or restructuring capital? In: Transforming Cities : Contested Governance and New Spatial Divisions. Routledge Library Editions: British Sociological Association . Routledge, London, pp. 28-41. ISBN 9780815347194

Jessop, Bob (2018) Elective affinity or comprehensive contradiction? : Reflections on capitalism and democracy in the time of finance-dominated accumulation and austerity states. Berliner journal fur soziologie, 28 (1-2). pp. 9-37. ISSN 0863-1808

Jessop, Bob (2018) From the 1857 Introduction to the 1867 Preface : Reflections on Marx’s method in the critique of political economy. Politeia, 8 (16). pp. 15-37. ISSN 0256-8845

Jessop, Bob (2018) Neoliberalization, uneven development, and Brexit : Further reflections on the organic crisis of the British state and society. European Planning Studies, 26 (9). pp. 1728-1746. ISSN 0965-4313

Jessop, Bob (2018) Valid construals and/or correct readings? : On the symptomatology of crises. In: The Pedagogy of Economic, Political and Social Crises : Dynamics, Construals and Lessons. Routledge, London, pp. 49-72. ISBN 9781138062504

Jessop, Bob (2018) The rise of governance and the risks of failure : the case of economic development. International Social Science Journal, 68 (227-22). pp. 43-57. ISSN 0020-8701

Jessop, Bob and Knio, Karim (2018) Preface. In: The Pedagogy of Economic, Political and Social Crises : Dynamics, Construals and Lessons. Routledge, London, xi. ISBN 9781138062504

Jessop, Bob and Knio, Karim (2018) The pedagogy of economic, political and social crises : Dynamics, construals and lessons. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138062504

Jessop, Bob and Sum, Ngai-Ling (2018) Geopolitics : Putting geopolitics in its place in cultural political economy. Environment and Planning A, 50 (2). pp. 474-478. ISSN 0308-518X

Jessop, Robert Douglas (2018) Bonapartismus ohne Bonaparte : von Thatcher über Blair zum Brexit. In: Die neuen Bonapartismen : Mit Marx den Aufstieg von Trump & Co. Verstehen. Dietz Verlag, Berlin, pp. 95-117. ISBN 9783320023485

Jessop, Robert Douglas (2018) Dinâmica do regionalismo e do globalismo: : uma perspectiva de economia política crítica. In: Escalas Espaciais, Reescalonamentos e Estatalidades : lições e desafios para América Latina. Letra Capital Editores, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 43-70. ISBN 9788577855797

Jessop, Robert Douglas (2018) On academic capitalism. Critical Policy Studies, 12 (1). pp. 104-109. ISSN 1946-0171

Jessop, Robert Douglas (2018) State. In: The Marx Revival :. Cambridge University Press, New York.

Jessop, Robert Douglas (2018) The world market, North-South relations, neoliberalism. Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 29. pp. 207-228. ISSN 0702-8865

Jote, Adugna and Feleke, Shiferaw and Tufa, Adane and Manyong, Victor and Argaw, Thomas Lemma (2018) Assessing the efficiency of sweet potato producers in the Southern region of Ethiopia. Expermental Agriculture, 54 (4). pp. 491-506.

Kerr, S. and Watts, L. and Brennan, R. and Howell, R. and Graziano, M. and O'Hagan, A.M. and van der Horst, D. and Weir, S. and Wright, G. and Wynne, B. (2018) Shaping blue growth : Social sciences at the nexus between marine renewables and energy policy. In: Advancing Energy Policy : Lessons on the Integration of Social Sciences and Humanities. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 31-46. ISBN 9783319990972

Knio, Karim and Jessop, Bob (2018) Introduction : Organizational perspectives on crisiology and learning. In: The Pedagogy of Economic, Political and Social Crises : Dynamics, Construals and Lessons. Routledge, London, pp. 3-24. ISBN 9781138062504

Kocabicak, Ece (2018) What excludes women from landownership in Turkey? : Implications for feminist strategies. Women's Studies International Forum, 69. pp. 115-125. ISSN 0277-5395

Kostka, Joanna (2018) Financing Roma Inclusion with European Structural Funds : Why Good Intentions Fail. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138740266

Kostka, Joanna (2018) No Country for Poor People : The Case Study of the Romanian Roma Migrants in Poland. Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics, 4 (2): 8. pp. 169-188.

Krätke, Michael R. (2018) Marx and World History. International Review of Social History, 63 (1). pp. 91-125. ISSN 0020-8590

Lambert, Michael (2018) Book Review: Tackling Child Neglect: Research, Policy and Evidence-Based Practice, Ruth Gardner (ed.). British Journal of Social Work, 48 (6). pp. 1828-1830. ISSN 0045-3102

Lambert, Michael (2018) Written evidence submitted to the Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee of Inquiry into the Funding and Provision of Local Authorities' Children's Services. UNSPECIFIED.

Lambert, Michael (2018) État-providence et gestion de la pauvreté en Grand-Bretagne moderne. Revue Quart Monde, 246. pp. 32-37. ISSN 0980-7764

Leigh, Jadwiga and Laing, Jane (2018) Thinking about Child Protection Practice : Case Studies for Critical Reflection and Discussion. Policy Press, Bristol. ISBN 9781447332800

Li, Cheuk Yin (2018) Making Sense of Ambiguity : Theory and Method. In: Researching Sex and Sexualities : Methodological Reflections. Zed, London. ISBN 9781786993199

Lonergan, Gwyneth (2018) Reproducing the 'national home' : gendering domopolitics. Citizenship Studies, 22 (1). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1362-1025

Loopstra, Rachel and Fledderjohann, Jasmine and Reeves, Aaron and Stuckler, David (2018) Impact of Welfare Benefit Sanctioning on Food Insecurity : A Dynamic Cross-Area Study of Food Bank Usage in the UK. Journal of Social Policy, 47 (3). pp. 437-457. ISSN 0047-2794

Lord, Carolynne and Shove, Elizabeth and Morley, Janine and Blue, Stanley (2018) Integrating tablet computers into daily life : an investigation of changing practices and interconnections. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

MacKenzie, Adrian Bruce (2018) 48 million configurations and counting : platform numbers and their capitalization. Journal of Cultural Economy, 11 (1). pp. 36-53. ISSN 1753-0350

Marsden, Greg and Dales, John and Jones, Peter and Seagriff, Elaine and Spurling, Nicola Jane (2018) All Change? : The future of travel demand and its implications for policy and planning. [Report]

Marsh, Hazel and Cronin, Anne and Moore, Karenza (2018) The student drinking experience : expectations, friendship and drinking practices. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Martindale, Leigh and Matacena, Raffaele and Beacham, Jonathan (2018) Varieties of Alterity : Alternative Food Networks in the UK, Italy and China. Sociologia Urbana e Rurale, 115 (S1). pp. 27-41.

Maxigas, Peter (2018) Archivos de cambio : Los grandes repositorios de software como infraestructuras digitales volátiles. Cuadernos de Teoría Social, 4 (7): 4. pp. 93-114. ISSN 0719-6423

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