Items where Department is "Sociology" and Year is 2016

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 209.

UNSPECIFIED (2016) Conceptual innovation in environmental sociology. Environmental Sociology, 2 (4).

Spurling, Nicola Jane and Kuijer, Lenneke, eds. (2016) Everyday futures : essay collection. Institute for Social Futures, Lancaster University, Lancaster and Eindhoven.

Lindner, Christoph and Meissner, Miriam, eds. (2016) Global garbage : urban imaginaries of waste, excess, and abandonment. Routledge. ISBN 9781138841390

Hausner, Jerzy and Jessop, Bob and Mazur, Stanislaw, eds. (2016) Governance : Wybór tekstów klasyncznych. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warsaw. ISBN 9788373837522

UNSPECIFIED (2016) Southern feminisms. Feminist Theory, 17 (2). pp. 135-247. ISSN 1464-7001

Gutsche Jr, Robert and Rafikova, Alina, eds. (2016) Visual culture for a global audience. Cognella. ISBN 9781516504107

Garrett, Roberta and Jensen, Tracey Louisa and Voela, Angie, eds. (2016) We need to talk about family : essays on Neoliberalism, the Family and Popular Culture. Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle Upon Tyne. ISBN 9781443895293

Moseley, Rachel and Wheatley, Helen and Wood, Helen, eds. (2016) Television for Women : New Directions. Taylor and Francis, London. ISBN 9781138914285

Agrawal, Sutapa and Fledderjohann, Jasmine (2016) Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and risk of diabetes in Indian women : a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open, 6 (8): e011000. ISSN 2044-6055

Alexandrescu, Liviu (2016) Injecting ATS/NPS use and drug abjection in Romania. Drugs and Alcohol Today, 16 (2). pp. 142-149. ISSN 1745-9265

Balmer, Andrew and Calvert, Jane and Marris, Claire and Molyneux-Hodgson, Susan and Frow, Emma and Kearnes, Matthew and Bulpin, Kate and Schyfter, Pablo and MacKenzie, Adrian Bruce and Martin, Paul (2016) Five rules of thumb for post-ELSI interdisciplinary collaborations. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 3 (1). pp. 73-80. ISSN 2329-9460

Becklake, Sarah Jane and Urry, John and Fortier, Anne-Marie (2016) Making ‘destino Guatemala’ : everyday enactments of ‘global tourism competition’ in La Antigua Guatemala. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Benson, M. (2016) Deconstructing belonging in lifestyle migration : Tracking the emotional negotiations of the British in rural France. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 19 (5). pp. 481-494. ISSN 1367-5494

Benson, Michaela and Osbaldiston, Nick (2016) Toward a critical sociology of lifestyle migration : reconceptualizing migration and the search for a better way of life. The Sociological Review, 64 (3). pp. 407-423. ISSN 0038-0261

Benson, Michaela and O’Reilly, Karen (2016) From lifestyle migration to lifestyle in migration : Categories, concepts and ways of thinking. Migration Studies, 4 (1). pp. 20-37. ISSN 2049-5838

Birtchnell, Thomas and Urry, John (2016) A New Industrial Future? : 3D Printing and the Reconfiguring of Production, Distribution, and Consumption. Antinomies . Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138022928

Blue, Stanley John and Shove, Elizabeth Anne (2016) How social practices generate, carry and require knowledge and know-how. In: Knowledge and practice in business and organisations :. Routledge Advances in Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management . Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138940857

Blue, Stanley John and Spurling, Nicola Jane (2016) Qualities of connective tissue in hospital life : how complexes of practices change over time. In: The nexus of practice : connections, constellations and practitioners. Routledge, London.

Boden, Alexander and Al-Akkad, Amro and Liegl, Michael and Buscher, Monika and Stein, Michael and David, Randall and Wulf, Volker (2016) Managing Visibility and Validity of Distress Calls with an Ad-Hoc SOS System. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 23 (6). pp. 38-48. ISSN 1073-0516

Broadhurst, Karen Elizabeth (2016) Innovation in social work research. Qualitative Social Work, 15 (1). pp. 3-10. ISSN 1473-3250

Broadhurst, Karen Elizabeth and Alrouh, Bachar and Mason, Claire Suzanne and Yeend, Emily and Kershaw, Sophie and Shaw, Mike and Harwin, Judith (2016) Women and infants in care proceedings in England : new insights from research on recurrent care proceedings. Family Law, 46 (2): 07. pp. 208-211. ISSN 0014-7281

Buscher, Monika and Sheller, Mimi and Tyfield, David Peter (2016) Mobility intersections : social research, social futures. Mobilities, 11 (4). pp. 485-497. ISSN 1745-0101

Buscher, Monika and Becklake, Sarah Jane and Easton, Catherine Rachel and Kerasidou, Charalampa Xaroula and Oliphant, Rachel Sarah and Petersen, Katrina Gooding and Jasmontaite, Lina and Paterour, Olivier (2016) ELSI guidelines for networked collaboration and information exchange in PPDR and risk governance. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management :. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management . ISCRAM. ISBN 9788460879848

Buscher, Monika and Kerasidou, Charalampa Xaroula and Liegl, Michael and Petersen, Katrina (2016) Digital urbanism in crises. In: Code and the City :. Regions and Cities . Routledge, London, pp. 163-177. ISBN 9781138922112

Coin, Francesca and Lovera, Vittorio (2016) Per l’annullamento del debito illegittimo e un Piano B europeo. In: L'alternativa all'Europa del debito. Dopo Brexit e caso greco, un piano B contro l'austerità :. Alegre, Roma, pp. 10-31. ISBN 8898841264

Cronin, Anne Margaret (2016) Reputational capital in 'the PR University' : public relations and market rationalities. Journal of Cultural Economy, 9 (4). pp. 396-409. ISSN 1753-0350

Davis, S.B. and Gristwood, S. (2016) Computing, Design, Art : Reflections on an Innovative Moment in History. In: History and Philosophy of Computing : Third International Conference, HaPoC 2015, Pisa, Italy, October 8-11, 2015, Revised Selected Papers. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology . Springer, ITA, pp. 101-115. ISBN 9783319472850

Denenberg, Peter and Broadhurst, Karen and Sayer, Andrew (2016) The experience of children and young people in long term foster care. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Detotsi, Sofia and Young, Alys and Broadhurst, Karen Elizabeth (2016) Social work education in a time of national crisis In Greece : educating the workforce to combat inequalities. European Journal of Social Work, 19 (3-4). pp. 368-384. ISSN 1369-1457

Deville, Joe and Guggenheim, Michael and Hrdličková, Zuzana (2016) Introduction : The Practices and Infrastructures of Comparison. In: Practising Comparison : Logics, Relations, Collaborations. Mattering Press, Manchester, pp. 17-41. ISBN 9780993144943

Deville, Joe and Guggenheim, Michael and Hrdličková, Zuzana (2016) Same, Same but Different : Provoking Relations, Assembling the Comparator. In: Practising Comparison : Logics, Relations, Collaborations. Mattering Press, Manchester, pp. 99-129. ISBN 9780993144943

Deville, Joseph (2016) Debtor publics : tracking the participatory politics of consumer credit. Consumption, Markets and Culture, 19 (1). pp. 38-55. ISSN 1025-3866

Diken, Bulent (2016) Profanation in Spinoza and Badiou : religion and truth. Theory, Culture and Society, 33 (3). pp. 27-50. ISSN 0263-2764

Diken, Bulent (2016) The map, the territory, and the impossibility of painting a priest. Critical Sociology, 42 (7-8). pp. 1109-1124. ISSN 0896-9205

Doebler, Stefanie (2016) Access to a Car and the Self-Reported Health and Mental Health of People Aged 65 and Older in Northern Ireland. Research on Aging, 38 (4). pp. 453-476. ISSN 0164-0275

Duffy, Deirdre (2016) Get on your feet, get happy : Happiness and the affective governing of young people in the age of austerity. In: Neoliberalism, Austerity, and the Moral Economies of Young People's Health and Well-being :. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 87-101. ISBN 9781137582652

Duffy, Deirdre Niamh (2016) Time to look in/at anger: considerations on the position and policing of young people’s anger. Journal of Youth Studies, 20 (1). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1367-6261

Faulconbridge, James and Hui, Allison (2016) Traces of a mobile field : ten years of mobilities research. Mobilities, 11 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1745-0101

Fernandez Arrigoitia, Melissa and Kumar, Sunil (2016) The Urbanisation Construction Migration Nexus in 5 Cities in South Asia. [Report]

Ferreday, Debra Jane (2016) Beyond equality : Transparent's Gaga feminism. Working Paper. Culture Matters.

Ferreday, Debra Jane (2016) What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stranger : the queer temporalities of Jessica Jones' survivor superhero body. In: Technicity, Temporality, Embodiment, 2016-11-30 - 2016-12-03, University of the Southern Cross.

Fish, Adam Richard (2016) Mirror. In: Digital keywords : a vocabulary of information society and culture. Princeton Studies in Culture and Technology . Princeton University Press, Princeton, pp. 217-226. ISBN 9780691167343

Fish, Adam Richard (2016) Mirroring the videos of Anonymous : cloud activism, living networks, and political mimesis. The Fibreculture Journal, 26 (191): FCJ-191. pp. 85-107. ISSN 1449-1443

Fish, Adam Richard (2016) Press Delete. The Sociological Review. ISSN 0038-0261

Fish, Adam Richard and Follis, Luca (2016) Gagged and doxed : Hacktivism’s self-incrimination complex. International Journal of Communication, 10. pp. 3281-3300. ISSN 1932-8036

Fledderjohann, Jasmine and Johnson, David R. (2016) Impaired fertility and perceived difficulties conceiving in Ghana : measurement problems and prospects. Journal of Biosocial Science, 48 (4). pp. 431-456. ISSN 0021-9320

Fledderjohann, Jasmine and Vellakkal, Sukumar and Khan, Zaky and Ebrahim, Shah and Stuckler, David (2016) Quantifying the impact of rising food prices on child mortality in India : a cross-district statistical analysis of the District Level Household Survey. International Journal of Epidemiology, 45 (2). pp. 554-564. ISSN 0300-5771

Fledderjohann, Jasmine and Vellakkal, Sukumar and Stuckler, David (2016) Breastfeeding, pregnant, and non-breastfeeding nor pregnant women's food consumption : a matched within-household analysis in India. Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare : Official Journal of the Swedish Association of Midwives, 7. pp. 70-77. ISSN 1877-5756

Fortier, Anne-Marie (2016) Afterword: acts of affective citizenship? : possibilities and limitations. Citizenship Studies, 20 (8). pp. 1038-1044. ISSN 1362-1025

Fotopoulou, Aristea (2016) Digital and networked by default? : women's organizations and the social imaginary of networked feminism. New Media and Society, 18 (6). pp. 989-1005. ISSN 1461-7315

Fraser, Emma (2016) Awakening in ruins : The virtual spectacle of the end of the city in video games. Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds, 8 (2). pp. 177-196.

Gaine, Vincent (2016) It's Only a Films, Isn't It? Policy Paranoia Thrillers of the War on Terror. In: Multiplicities: Cycles, Sequels, Remakes and Reboots in Film & Television :. University of Texas Press, pp. 148-165.

Galvani, Sarah and Livingstone, Wulf and Morgan, Hannah (2016) The relationship between sight loss and substance use : users’ perspectives. Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, 23 (6). pp. 476-483. ISSN 0968-7637

Garrett, Bradley L. and Fish, Adam Richard (2016) Attack on the drones : the creeping privatisation of our urban airspace. The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077

Gilloch, Graeme Peter (2016) Non-Lieux / Non-Scapes : reflections on an exhibition by Sungsoo Kim. In: Les Cahiers Européens de L'Imaginaire : La Rue. CNRS Editions, Paris, pp. 96-99. ISBN 9782271090256

Gilloch, Graeme Peter and Kang, Jaeho (2016) Ink Play : Walter Benjamin's Chinese Curios. Sociétés : revue des sciences humaines et sociales, 2016 (1). pp. 119-130. ISSN 0765-3697

Gilloch, Graeme Peter and Ryu, Jiseok (2016) Rue de Busan et d'ailluers. Partie1. : Prologomenes:le paysage de 'Dynamic Busan'. Sociétés : revue des sciences humaines et sociales, 2016/2 (132). pp. 129-149. ISSN 0765-3697

Grover, Chris (2016) The end of an era? : the resignation of Iain Duncan Smith, Conservatism and social security benefits for disabled people. Disability and Society, 31 (8). pp. 1127-1131. ISSN 0968-7599

Grover, Christopher Geoffrey (2016) From wage supplements to a ‘living wage’? : a commentary on the problems of predistribution in Britain’s summer budget of 2015. Critical Social Policy, 36 (4). pp. 693-703. ISSN 0261-0183

Grover, Christopher Geoffrey (2016) Social security and wage poverty : historical and policy aspects of supplementing wages in Britain and beyond. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781137293961

Gutsche Jr, Robert and Salkin, Erica (2016) Who lost what? : An analysis of myth, loss, and proximity in news coverage of the Steubenville rape. Journalism, 17 (4). pp. 456-473. ISSN 1741-3001

Hall, Christopher and Morriss, Lisa and Juhila, Kirsi (2016) Negotiating risks, choices and progress in case-planning meetings. In: Responsibilisation at the Margins of Welfare Services :. Routledge, London, pp. 129-150. ISBN 9781138928381

Han, Young Sue and Gilloch, Graeme and Kraetke, Michael (2016) Miracle from the Rhein to the Han River : heavy industrialisation of South Korea and its social consequences under Park Chung Hee. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Hanbury, Ali and Roberts, Celia and Singleton, Vicky (2016) Life-saving or life-limiting? : Young women’s experiences of the HPV vaccination programme. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Hanbury, Ali and Eastham, Rachael Kay (2016) Keep calm and contracept! : addressing young women’s pleasure in sexual health and contraception consultations. Sex Education, 16 (3). pp. 255-265. ISSN 1468-1811

Harwin, Judith and Alrouh, Bachar and Palmer, Melanie and Broadhurst, Karen Elizabeth and Swift, Stephen (2016) Considering the case for parity in policy and practice between adoption and special guardianship : findings from a population wide study. Family Law, 46 (2): 06. pp. 204-207. ISSN 0014-7281

Harwin, Judith and Alrouh, Bachar and Palmer, Melanie and Broadhurst, Karen Elizabeth and Swift, Stephen (2016) Spotlight on supervision orders : What do we know and what do we need to know? Family Law, 46 (3): 7. pp. 365-368. ISSN 0014-7281

Heikkurinen, Pasi Petteri and Rinkinen, Jenny Maria and Järvensivu, Timo and Wilén, Kristoffer and Ruuska, Toni (2016) Organising in the Anthropocene : an ontological outline for ecocentric theorising. Journal of Cleaner Production, 113. pp. 705-714. ISSN 0959-6526

Hill, Cath and Mikkonen, Enni and Laitinen, Merja (2016) Hierarchies of knowledge: Analyzing inequalities within the social work ethnographic research process as ethical notions in knowledge production. Qualitative Social Work, 16 (4). ISSN 1473-3250

Horn, Geir and Eliassen, F. and Amir, Taherkordi and Venticinque, Salvatore and Di Martino, Beniamino and Buscher, Monika and Wood, Lisa (2016) An architecture for using commodity devices and smart phones in health systems. In: Computers and Communication (ISCC), 2016 IEEE Symposium on :. IEEE, pp. 255-260. ISBN 9781509006809

Hoyng, Rolien Susanne (2016) From Infrastructural Breakdown to Data Vandalism : Repoliticizing the Smart City? Television and New Media, 17 (5). pp. 397-415. ISSN 1527-4764

Hoyng, Rolien Susanne (2016) A socio-technical contract : Network governance and ICT4D in Turkey. Telematics and Informatics, 33 (1). pp. 139-149. ISSN 0736-5853

Hu, Yang (2016) Chinese-British intermarriage : disentangling gender and ethnicity. Palgrave Macmillan, London. ISBN 9783319292809

Hu, Yang (2016) Impact of rural-to-urban migration on family and gender values in China. Asian Population Studies, 12 (3). pp. 251-272. ISSN 1744-1730

Hu, Yang (2016) Marriage of matching doors : marital sorting on parental background in China. Demographic Research, 35: 20. pp. 557-580. ISSN 1435-9871

Hu, Yang (2016) Sex ideologies in China : examining interprovince differences. Journal of Sex Research, 53 (9). pp. 1118-1130. ISSN 0022-4499

Hu, Yang (2016) Why rice growers in China are more sexually liberal than wheat growers. The Conversation.

Hu, Yang (2016) The dangers of being a bridesmaid in China mean some brides now hire professionals. The Conversation.

Hu, Yang and Scott, Jacqueline (2016) Family and gender values in China : generational, geographic, and gender differences. Journal of Family Issues, 37 (9). pp. 1267-1293. ISSN 0192-513X

Hui, Allison (2016) The boundaries of interdisciplinary fields : temporalities shaping the past and future of dialogue between migration and mobilities research. Mobilities, 11 (1). pp. 66-82. ISSN 1745-0101

Hui, Allison and Schatzki, Theodore and Shove, Elizabeth (2016) Introduction. In: The nexus of practices : connections, constellations, practitioners. Routledge, London, pp. 1-8. ISBN 9781138675155

Hui, Allison and Schatzki, Theodore and Shove, Elizabeth (2016) Introduction. In: The nexus of practices : connections, constellations, practitioners. Routledge, London, pp. 1-7. ISBN 9781138675155

Jacobson, Susan and Marino, Jacqueline and Gutsche Jr, Robert (2016) The digital animation of literary journalism. Journalism, 17 (4). pp. 527-546. ISSN 1741-3001

Jalas, Mikko and Rinkinen, Jenny Maria (2016) Stacking wood and staying warm : time, temporality and housework around domestic heating systems. Journal of Consumer Culture, 16 (1). pp. 43-60. ISSN 1469-5405

Jalas, Mikko and Rinkinen, Jenny Maria and Silvast, Antti (2016) The rhythms of infrastructure. Anthropology Today, 32 (4). pp. 17-20. ISSN 0268-540X

Jarvis, Helen and Scanlon, Kathleen and Fernández Arrigoitia, Melissa and Chatterton, Paul and Kear, Anna and O'Reilly, Dermot and Sargisson, Lucy and Stevenson, Fionn (2016) Cohousing: shared futures. ESRC, Newcastle UponTyne.

Jensen, Tracey Louisa (2016) Against resilience. In: We need to talk about family : essays on neoliberalism, the family and popular culture. Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle Upon Tyne. ISBN 9781443895293

Jensen, Tracey Louisa and Cudworth, Erica (2016) Puppy Love? : Companion animals in the media. In: Critical Animal and Media Studies :. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxford, pp. 185-204. ISBN 1138842265

Jessop, Bob (2016) Putting higher education in its place in (East Asian) political economy. Comparative Education, 52 (1). pp. 8-25. ISSN 0305-0068

Jessop, Bob (2016) The developmental state in an era of finance-dominated accumulation. In: The Asian developmental state : reexaminations and new departures. Palgrave-Macmillan, New York, pp. 27-55. ISBN 9781137476111

Jessop, Bob and Sum, Ngai-Ling (2016) What is critical? Critical Policy Studies, 10 (1). pp. 105-109. ISSN 1946-0171

Jessop, Robert Douglas (2016) Territory, politics, governance and multispatial metagovernance. Territory, Politics, Governance, 4 (1). pp. 8-32. ISSN 2162-2671

Jessop, Robert Douglas (2016) The heartlands of neoliberalism and the rise of the austerity state. In: The Handbook of Neoliberalism :. Routledge, London, pp. 410-421. ISBN 9781138844001

Jessop, Bob (2016) Review: Jack Rasmus Systemic Fragility in the Global Economy, Atlanta, GA: Clarity Press. Capital and Class, 40 (2). pp. 397-399. ISSN 0309-8168

Jessop, Bob (2016) A cultural political economy of legal regulation of monopoly and competition. Environment and Planning A, 48 (12). pp. 2541-2546. ISSN 0308-518X

Jeyasingham, Dharman (2016) Open spaces, supple bodies? : considering the impact of agile working on social work office practices. Child and Family Social Work, 21 (2). pp. 209-217. ISSN 1356-7500

Jones, L. and Norton, L. and Austin, Z. and Browne, A. l. and Donovan, D. and Emmett, B. A. and Grabowski, Z. J. and Howard, D. C. and Jones, J. P. G. and Kenter, J. O. and Manley, W. and Morris, C. and Robinson, D. A. and Short, C. and Siriwardena, G .M. and Stevens, C. J. and Storkey, J. and Waters, R. D. and Willis, G. F. (2016) Stocks and flows of natural and human-derived capital in ecosystem services. Land Use Policy, 52. pp. 151-162. ISSN 0264-8377

Kay, Jilly Boyce and Wood, Helen (2016) Dreaming of the 'good life' : Gender, mobility and anxiety in wanted down under. In: Television for Women : New Directions. Routledge, London, pp. 241-255. ISBN 9781138914285

Kerasidou, Charalampa Xaroula and Buscher, Monika and Liegl, Michael and Oliphant, Rachel Sarah (2016) Emergency ethics, law, policy & IT innovation in crises. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 8 (1). pp. 1-24. ISSN 1937-9390

Khalikova, Dinara and Fish, Adam Richard (2016) Networked idiots : affective economies and neoliberal subjectivity in Russian viral video. Global Media and Communication, 12 (2). pp. 143-159. ISSN 1742-7673

Kilis, Emils and MacKenzie, Adrian and Szerszynski, Bronislaw (2016) The ambiguity of hybridity : an encounter between constructivism and Latvian sociology. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Kong, Travis S. K. and Lau, Sky H. L. and Li, Eva Cheuk-Yin (2016) Sexual Cultures in Asia. In: Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Sociology :. Wiley Blackwell. ISBN 9781405124331

Kraetke, Michael Roland (2016) Austromarxismus und politische Ökonomie : Die Austromarxisten in ihrer Epoche. Austriaca, 80. pp. 31-52. ISSN 0396-4590

Kraetke, Michael Roland (2016) On the beginnings of Marxian macroeconomics. In: Rosa Luxemburg: A Permanent Challenge for Political Economy : On the History and the Present of Luxemburg's 'Accumulation of Capital'. Luxemburg International Studies on Political Economy . Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 123-155. ISBN 9781137601070

Kraetke, Michael Roland (2016) Retour sur une tradition méconnue : Austro-marxisme et économie politique (I). In: Une classe dominante mondiale? :. Actuel Marx, 60 . Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, pp. 121-138. ISBN 9782130733638

Kragh-Furbo, Mette and MacKenzie, Adrian Bruce and Mort, Margaret Mary Elizabeth and Roberts, Celia Mary (2016) Do biosensors biomedicalize? : sites of negotiation in DNA based biosensing data practices. In: Quantified : biosensing technologies in everyday life. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., Cambridge, Mass, pp. 5-26. ISBN 9780262034173

Lambert, Michael (2016) In pursuit of “the welfare trait” : recycling deprivation and reproducing depravation in historical context. People, Place and Policy Online, 10 (3). pp. 225-238. ISSN 1753-8041

Lambert, Michael (2016) Written evidence submitted to the Public Accounts Committee Inquiry into the Troubled Families Programme. UNSPECIFIED.

Leigh, J. (2016) The story of the PPO queen: the development and acceptance of a spoiled identity in child protection social work. Child and Family Social Work, 21 (4). pp. 412-420. ISSN 1356-7500

Levidow, Les and Psarikidou, Aikaterini (2016) Food relocalisation for environmental sustainability in Cumbria. In: Sustainable agriculture and food supply : scientific, economic and policy enhancements. Apple Academic Press. ISBN 9781771883849

Li, Cheuk Yin (2016) Book Review: Raewyn W Connell and Rebecca Pearse, Gender: In World Perspective. International Sociology, 31 (5). pp. 605-607. ISSN 0268-5809

Lidskog, Rolf and Waterton, Claire Frances Jane (2016) Anthropocene - a cautious welcome from environmental sociology? Environmental Sociology, 2 (4). pp. 395-406.

Lidskog, Rolf and Waterton, Claire Frances Jane (2016) Conceptual Innovation in Environmental Sociology. Environmental Sociology, 2 (4). pp. 307-311.

Liegl, Michael and Boden, Alexander and Buscher, Monika and Oliphant, Rachel Sarah and Kerasidou, Charalampa Xaroula (2016) Designing for ethical innovation : a case study on ELSI co-design in emergency. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 95. pp. 80-95. ISSN 1071-5819

Loopstra, Rachel and Fledderjohann, Jasmine and Reeves, Aaron and Stuckler, David (2016) The impact of benefit sanctioning on food insecurity : a dynamic cross-area study of food bank usage in the UK. Working Paper. Department of Sociology, University of Oxford, Oxford.

Loxham, Angela and Cronin, Anne and Gilloch, Graeme (2016) Women, tactility and consumption : middle-class female sensory participation in Victorian shopping environments. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Loxham, Angela (2016) Cleric or conman, curate or crook? : understanding the Victorian draper. Textile History, 47 (2). pp. 171-189. ISSN 0040-4969

Loxham, Angela (2016) Profiting from war : Bovril advertising during World War II. Journal of Macromarketing, 36 (2). pp. 198-214. ISSN 0276-1467

Mack, Heather and Paylor, Ian (2016) Employment experiences of those living with and being treated for hepatitis C : seeking reasonable adjustments and the role of disability legislation. Social Policy and Society, 15 (4). pp. 555-570. ISSN 1474-7464

Mack, Heather and Paylor, Ian (2016) Hepatitis C and social work. British Journal of Social Work, 46 (4). pp. 1115-1130. ISSN 0045-3102

Mackenzie, Adrian and McNally, Ruth and Mills, Richard and Sharples, Stuart (2016) Post-archival genomics and the bulk logistics of DNA sequences. BioSocieties, 11 (1). pp. 82-105. ISSN 1745-8552

Mansley, David Robert (2016) The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colourblindness Michelle Alexander. New York: The New Press (2012) 304pp. £16.99pb ISBN 978-1595586438. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 55 (3). ISSN 0265-5527

Marcore, Enrico and Spurling, Nicola Jane (2016) Grow your own : space, planning, practice and everyday futures of domestic food production. In: Everyday futures : essay collection. Institute for Social Futures, Lancaster University, Lancaster, pp. 32-40.

McKnight, John and Fish, Adam Richard (2016) Zopa's lambs : video ads, internet banks, and the financialization of affect. Ephemera : Theory and Politics in Organization, 16 (4). pp. 33-49. ISSN 1473-2866

McLaughlin, K. and Leigh, J. and Worsley, A. (2016) The State of Regulation in England : From the General Social Care Council to the Health and Care Professions Council. British Journal of Social Work, 46 (4). pp. 825-838. ISSN 0045-3102

McWade, Brigit (2016) Researching Mad Pride : the stigma and violence of knowledge production. UNSPECIFIED.

McWade, Brigit (2016) Book Review: Chris Grover and Linda Piggott (eds), Disabled People, Work and Welfare. Critical Social Policy, 36 (4). pp. 732-734. ISSN 0261-0183

McWade, Brigit (2016) Gender diversity, recognition and citizenship : towards a politics of difference. Feminist Theory, 17 (1). pp. 129-131. ISSN 1464-7001

McWade, Brigit (2016) Recovery-as-policy as a form of neoliberal state making. Intersectionalities: A Global Journal of Social Work Analysis, Research, Polity and Practice, 5 (3). pp. 62-81. ISSN 1925-1270

Michielse, Maarten (2016) A Digital Recording Consciousness : Analysing, Mixing and Evaluating Audio in the Mashup Community. IASPM@Journal, 6 (2). pp. 139-153. ISSN 2079-3871

Mitchell, Roger Haydon (2016) Ontologies of Being for a New Socio-Political Awareness. In: Sociology of Religion subgroup of the British Sociology Association (SocRel) :. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Morgan, Hannah and Fish, Rebecca Mary (2016) Re-imagining the unimagined : making visible the stealth restriction of the futures of learning disabled women in secure settings. In: British Sociological Association Conference, 2016-04-06 - 2016-04-08, Aston University.

Morriss, Lisa (2016) AMHP work: dirty or prestigious? : dirty work designations and the approved mental health professional. British Journal of Social Work, 46 (3). pp. 703-718. ISSN 0045-3102

Morriss, Lisa (2016) Dirty secrets and being ‘strange’ : using ethnomethodology to fight familiarity. Qualitative Research, 16 (5). pp. 526-540. ISSN 1468-7941

Mort, Margaret Mary Elizabeth and Roberts, Celia Mary and Furbo, Mette Kragh and Wilkinson, Joann and MacKenzie, Adrian Bruce (2016) Biosensing : how citizens’ views illuminate emerging health and social risks. Health, Risk and Society, 17 (7-8). pp. 605-623. ISSN 1369-8575

Mort, Margaret Mary Elizabeth and Walker, Marion Patricia and Lloyd Williams, Alison and Bingley, Amanda Faith and Howells, Virginia (2016) Children, young people and flooding : recovery and resilience. Lancaster University, Lancaster.

Moseley, Rachel and Wheatley, Helen and Wood, Helen (2016) Introduction : Television for women - what new directions? In: Television for Women : New Directions. Taylor and Francis Inc., pp. 1-12. ISBN 9781138914285

Moulaert, Frank and Jessop, Bob and Mehmood, Abid (2016) Agency, structure, institutions, discourse (ASID) in urban and regional development. International Journal of Urban Sciences, 20 (2). pp. 167-187. ISSN 1226-5934

Pedwell, Carolyn (2016) De-Colonising Empathy : Thinking Affect Transnationally. Samyukta, XVI (1). pp. 27-49.

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