Items where Department is "School of Computing & Communications" and Year is 1992

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 69.

Journal Article

Armitage, B. and Hutchison, D. and Skinner, A. (1992) An experiment in distributed manufacturing control. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 7 (4). pp. 231-237. ISSN 0268-3768

Blair, Gordon S. and Lea, Rodger (1992) The impact of distribution on support for object-oriented software development. Software Engineering Journal, 7 (2). pp. 130-138.

Busby, J. S. and Hutchison, D. (1992) The practical integration of manufacturing applications. Software: Practice and Experience, 22 (2). pp. 183-207. ISSN 0038-0644

COULSON, G and Blair, Gordon and DAVIES, N and WILLIAMS, N (1992) Extensions to ANSA for multimedia computing. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 25 (3). pp. 305-323.

Coulson, Geoffrey and Blair, Gordon (1992) Meeting the real-time synchronization requirements of multimedia in open distributed processing. Distributed Systems Engineering, 1 (3). pp. 135-144. ISSN 1361-6390

Drayton, Lynne D. and Chetwynd, Amanda G. and Blair, Gordon S. (1992) An introduction to LOTOS through a worked example. Computer Communications, 15 (2). pp. 70-85.

Filev, Dimitar and Angelov, Plamen (1992) Fuzzy optimal control. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 47 (2). pp. 151-156. ISSN 0165-0114

Filev, Dimitar and Angelov, Plamen (1992) Optimal control in a fuzzy environment. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, 2 (1). pp. 33-43. ISSN 0354-0243

Harper, R.H.R. and Lamming, M.G. and Newman, W.M. (1992) Locating systems at work: Implications for the development of active badge applications. Interacting with Computers, 4 (3). pp. 343-363. ISSN 0953-5438

Honary, B. and Zolghadr, F. and Darnell, M. (1992) Improved HF modem using convolutional coding. Electronics and Communication Engineering Journal, 4 (2). pp. 73-82. ISSN 0954-0695

Hough, G. and Kosch, M. J. and Scourfield, M. W. J. (1992) First Observations of Super Fast Auroral Waves. Geophysical Research Letters, 19 (24). pp. 2433-2436. ISSN 0094-8276

Hutchison, David (1992) The CO-TECH project. Computer Communications, 15 (8). pp. 539-545. ISSN 0140-3664

Jones, R. I. (1992) Phosphorus transformations in the epilimnia of small forest lakes. Hydrobiologia, 243-24 (1). pp. 105-111.

Jones, R. I. (1992) The influence of humic substances on lacustrine planktonic food chains. Hydrobiologia, 229 (1). pp. 73-91. ISSN 0018-8158

Kemp, Z. P. and Oxborrow, E. A. and Davy, M. J. and Linnington, P. F. and Thearle, R. and Blair, G. S. and Dark, P. and Davies, N. A. and Mariani, J. A. and Snape, C. (1992) Zenith system for object management in distributed multimedia design environments. Information and Software Technology, 34 (7). pp. 427-436. ISSN 0950-5849

Kosch, M. J. and Scourfield, M. W. J. (1992) Resolution of Temporal and Spatial Ambiguities of Intensity Variations within Pulsating Aurorae. Journal of Geophysical Research, 97 (A10). pp. 14877-14883. ISSN 0148-0227

Kotonya, Gerald and Sommerville, Iain (1992) Viewpoints for requirements definition. Software Engineering Journal, 7 (6). pp. 375-387. ISSN 0268-6961

Morgan, J. A. and Clarke, K. J. and Rhodes, G. and Pickup, R. W. (1992) Non-culturable Aeromonas salmonicida in lake water. Microbial releases : viruses, bacteria, fungi, 1 (2). pp. 71-78. ISSN 0940-9653

Morgan, J. A. and Rhodes, G. and Pickup, R. W. and Winstanley, C. and Saunders, J. R. (1992) The effect of microcosm design on the survival of recombinant Pseudomonas putida in lake water. Microbial releases : viruses, bacteria, fungi, 1 (3). pp. 155-159. ISSN 0940-9653

Rees, S. and Jones, R. I. (1992) Phagotrophic nutrition of phytoflagellates. British Phycological Journal, 27. p. 100.

Rodden, T. and Sawyer, P. and Sommerville, I. (1992) Vista: a user interface for a distributed object-oriented software engineering environment. Software Engineering Journal, 7 (1). pp. 25-34.

Shaw, P. J. and De Haan, H. and Jones, R. I. (1992) The effect of acidification on abiotic interactions of dissolved humic substances, iron and phosphate in epilimnetic water from the humex Lake Skjervatjern. Environment International, 18 (6). pp. 577-588. ISSN 1873-6750

Shepherd, William and HUTCHINSON, D and GARCIA, F and COULSON, G (1992) Protocol support for distributed multimedia applications. Computer Communications, 15 (6). pp. 359-366.

Stocker, A. J. and Honary, F. and Robinson, T. R. and Jones, T. B. and Stubbe, P. and Kopka, H. (1992) EISCAT Observations of Large Scale Electron Temperature and Electron Density Perturbations Caused by High Power HF Radio Waves. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 54 (11-12). pp. 1555-1572.

Tardieu, F. and Zhang, J. and Davies, W. J. (1992) What information is conveyed by an ABA signal from maize roots in drying field soil? Plant, Cell and Environment, 15 (2). pp. 185-192. ISSN 0140-7791

Tardieu, F. and Zhang, J. and Katerji, N. and Bethenod, O. and Palmer, S. and Davies, W. J. (1992) Xylem ABA controls the stomatal conductance of field-grown maize subjected to soil compaction and soil drying. Plant, Cell and Environment, 15 (2). pp. 193-198. ISSN 0140-7791

Williams, Neil and Blair, Gordon and Coulson, Geoffrey and Davies, Nigel (1992) A support platform for distributed multimedia applications. Intelligent Tutoring Media, 3 (4). pp. 117-126.

Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings

Amaral, Paulo and Lea, Rodger and Jacquemot, Christian (1992) A model for persistent shared memory addressing in distributed systems. In: Proceedings - 2nd International Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating Systems, IWOOOS 1992 :. Proceedings - 2nd International Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating Systems, IWOOOS 1992 . Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., FRA, pp. 2-12. ISBN 0818630159

Bentley, R. and Hughes, J. A. and Randall, D. and Rodden, T. and Sawyer, P. and Shapiro, D. and Sommerville, I. (1992) Ethnographically-informed systems design for air traffic control. In: CSCW '92: Proceedings of the 1992 ACM conference on Computer-supported cooperative work :. ACM, New York, pp. 123-129. ISBN 0-89791-542-9

Bentley, Richard and Rodden, Tom and Sawyer, Peter and Sommerville, Iain (1992) A Prototyping Environment for Dynamic Data Visualisation. In: Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction : proceedings of the IFIP TC2/WG2.7 Working Conference on Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction, Ellivuori, Finland, 10-14 August 1992. North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, pp. 335-348. ISBN 0444899049

Bentley, Richard and Rodden, Tom and Sawyer, Peter and Sommerville, Ian (1992) An architecture for tailoring cooperative multi-user displays. In: CSCW '92: Proceedings of the 1992 ACM conference on Computer-supported cooperative work :. ACM, New York, pp. 187-194. ISBN 0-89791-542-9

Blair, G. S. and Davies, N. and Coulson, G. and Williams, N. (1992) Abstractions for continuous media in heterogeneous distributed systems: the role of groups. In: Proceedings of the 5th workshop on ACM SIGOPS European workshop: Models and paradigms for distributed systems structuring :. EW 5 . ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 1-5.

COULSON, G and GARCIA, F and HUTCHISON, D and Shepherd, William (1992) Protocol support for distributed multimedia applications. In: Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video :. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 614 . Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 45-56. ISBN 978-3-540-55639-8

Campbell, Andrew and Coulson, Geoff and Garcia, Francisco and Hutchison, David (1992) Continuous media transport and orchestration service. In: SIGCOMM '92: Conference proceedings on Communications architectures & protocols :. ACM, Baltimore, MD, USA, pp. 99-110. ISBN 0897915259

Charbit, G. and Honary, B. (1992) Frequency-hopping random M-ary FSK systems using Reed-Solomon Codes. In: 4th Bangor communications symposium :. University of Wales, Bangor, pp. 153-159.

Chomara, A. and Honary, B. and Horley, N. J. (1992) About reducing to a sub code of Reed-Solomon code. In: Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory :. UNSPECIFIED, Voneshta Bulgaria.

DAVIES, N and COULSON, G and Williams, Neil and Blair, Gordon (1992) Experiences of handling multimedia in distributed open systems. In: SEDMS III Papers from the symposium on Experiences with distributed and multiprocessor systems :. USENIX ASSOC, NEWPORT BEACH, pp. 173-190. ISBN 1-880446-41-3

Darnell, M. and Clark, P. D. J. and Honary, B. (1992) The HWCL DSP32C system. In: First international symposium on DSP for communication systems :. University of Warwick.

Darnell, M. and Clark, P. D. J. and Honary, B. and Horley, N. J. and Maundrel, M. and Vongas, G. (1992) Adaptive DSP-based MFSK modems for HF aeromobile channels. In: IEEE military communications conference :. UNSPECIFIED, San Diego, pp. 1086-1091.

Darnell, M. and Honary, B. and Vongas, G. (1992) Adaptive communication system design for HF/VHF multiple-mechanism propagation paths. In: IEEE military communications conference :. UNSPECIFIED, San Diego, pp. 1053-1058.

Darnell, M. and Honary, B. and Yung, H. N. and Charbit, G. and Harris, R. (1992) Design and stimulation of FHSS systems for UHF aeromobile channels. In: IEEE military communications conference :. UNSPECIFIED, San Diego, pp. 463-468.

Dean, G. and Hutchison, D. and Rodden, T. and Sommerville, I. (1992) Cooperation and configuration within distributed systems management. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Configurable Distributed Systems 1992 :. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Configurable Distributed Systems 1992 . Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., GBR, pp. 274-285. ISBN 0852965443

Grayson, M. and Darnell, M. and Honary, B. (1992) An adaptive symbol synchronization algorithm suited to DSP implementation. In: First international symposium on DSP for communication systems :. University of Warwick, Warwick, pp. 60-62.

Harper, Richard H.R. (1992) Looking at ourselves : an examination of the social organization of two research laboratories. In: CSCW '92 Proceedings of the 1992 ACM conference on Computer-supported cooperative work :. ACM, New York, pp. 330-337. ISBN 0897915429

He, D. and Honary, B. and Thomas, R. (1992) Real-time frequency companding using digital signal processor. In: First international symposium on DSP for communication systems :. University of Warwick, pp. 117-118.

Honary, B. and Arani, F. S. and Darnell, M. and Maundrel, M. (1992) MFSK and MPSK modems with intrinsic synchronization. In: Military Communications Conference, 1992. MILCOM '92, Conference Record. 'Communications - Fusing Command, Control and Intelligence'. :. IEEE Xplore, pp. 628-633. ISBN 0-7803-0585-X

Honary, B. and Bahrami, M. and Darnell, M. (1992) Combined Huffman and trellis decoders for data transmission. In: IEE international conference on data transmission - Advances in Modem and ISDN Technology and Applications :. UNSPECIFIED, London, pp. 47-55.

Honary, B. and Darnell, M. and Markarian, G. S. and Ng, T. (1992) Coding for spectrum management. In: IEE eighth international conference on electromagnetic compatibility :. UNSPECIFIED, Edinburgh, pp. 336-339.

Honary, B. and Horley, N. J. (1992) A semi-orthogonal M-ARY FSK system. In: 4th Bangor communications symposium :. University of Wales, Bangor, pp. 127-133.

Honary, Bahram and Arani, F. S. (1992) Embedded modulation and coding for HF channels. In: ICryptography and coding II :. The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications conference series . Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp. 105-121. ISBN 9780198533931

Honary, Bahram and Kissaka, M. M. and King, D. and Farrell, Paddy and Markarian, Garik and Nikogossian, K. M. (1992) The design of an integrated circuit to implement a new maximum likelihood decoding algorithm. In: First International Symposium on DSP for Communication Systems :. University of Warwick, Warwick, UK.

Horley, N. and Honary, B. and Maundrel, M. and Vongas, G. (1992) RS codec for an MFSK transmission system. In: First international symposium on DSP for communication systems :. University of Warwick, pp. 65-69.

Horley, N. J. and Honary, Bahram and Maundrell, M. and Vongas, G. (1992) RS coding design employing channel measurement information for a MFSK modem. In: First International Symposium on DSP for Communication Systems :. University of Warwick, Warwick, UK, pp. 65-69.

Lea, R. and Jacquemot, C. (1992) The COOL architecture and abstractions for object-oriented distributed operating systems. In: Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop: Models and Paradigms for Distributed Systems Structuring, EW 1992 :. ACM, pp. 1-8.

Markarian, G. S. and Honary, B. (1992) New CMI decoder for high-speed data transmission. In: First international symposium on DSP for communication systems :. University of Warwick, pp. 103-104.

Markarian, G. S. and Honary, B. and Ali, F. (1992) Collaborative coding multiple access employing Manchester and CMI codes. In: 4th Bangor communications symposium :. University of Wales, Bangor, pp. 120-123.

Ni, J. and Honary, B. (1992) System state independent-unique-decodable CCMA codes. In: 4th Bangor communications symposium :. University of Warwick, Bangor, pp. 301-307.

RUSTON, L and Blair, Gordon and COULSON, G and DAVIES, N (1992) Integrating computing and telecommunications: A tale of two architectures. In: Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video :. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 57-68. ISBN 978-3-540-55639-8

Suri, N. and Hugue, M.M. and Walter, C.J. (1992) Reliability modeling of large fault-tolerant systems. In: Digest of Papers. FTCS-22: The Twenty-Second International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing :. IEEE, pp. 212-220. ISBN 0818628758

Taleb-Bendiab, A. and Oh, K. S. V. and Sommerville, I. and French, M. J. (1992) Collaborative design: knowledge-based systems for concurrent engineering. In: ECAI'92 :. UNSPECIFIED, Vienna.

Taleb-Bendiab, A. and Oh, K. S. V. and Sommerville, I. and French, M. J. (1992) Knowledge-representation for engineering design product improvement. In: Applications of artificial intelligence in engineering VII :. Computational Mechanics/Elsevier, Southampton; London, pp. 807-824.

Taleb-Bendiab, A. and Oh, K. S. V. and Sommerville, I. and French, M. J. (1992) SIMAD: a system for improving mechanical assembly design. In: Proceedings first Singapore international conference on intelligent systems :. SPICIS '92 Technical Committee, pp. 257-262.

Yung, R. and Darnell, M. and Charbit, G. and Honary, B. and Harris, M. (1992) Time-scaled implementation of the FHSS communication system using multiple DSP'S. In: First international symposium on DSP for communication systems :. University of Warwick, pp. 143-156.


Garside, R. and Leech, G. and Thomas, J.A. and Wilson, A. and Rayson, P. (1992) The Automatic Content Analysis of Spoken Discourse. Final Report on SERC-DTI Project Nr. GR-F/36385 IED4-1-1143. Working Paper. Lancaster University.

Contribution to Conference

Blair, Gordon and Coulson, Geoff and García, Francisco and Hutchison, David and Shepherd, Doug (1992) Towards new transport services to support distributed multimedia applications. In: 4th IEEE ComSoc International Workshop on Multimedia Communications, MULTIMEDIA 1992, 1992-04-01 - 1992-04-04.


Ackroyd, Stephen and Harper, R.H.R. and Hughes, John and Shapiro, Daniel and Soothill, Keith (1992) New Technology and Practical Police work : The social context of technological innovation. Open University, Buckingham and Philadelphia. ISBN 0335094597


Markarian, Garik (1992) New Multidimensional Combined Coding and Modulation Technique. 194497.

Markarian, Garik (1992) Decoding Device. 1783612.


Garside, R. and Rayson, P. and Leech, G. and Wilson, A. and Thomas, J. A. (1992) The automatic content analysis of spoken discourse. UNSPECIFIED.

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