Items where Department is "Politics & International Relations (Merged into PPR 2010-08-01)" and Year is 2010
Caspersen, Nina (2010) Contested Nationalism: Serb Elite Rivalry in Croatia and Bosnia in the 1990s. Studies in ethnopolitics . Berghahn Books, New York. ISBN 9781845457266
Catto, Rebecca (2010) Book Review: Adam Dinham, Robert Furbey and Vivien Lowndes (eds) Faith in the Public Realm: Controversies, Policies and Practices. Sociology, 44 (6). pp. 1213-1215. ISSN 0038-0385
Catto, Rebecca (2010) Book review : Coming Out of the ‘‘Iron Cage’’: The Indigenists of the Society of the Divine Word in Paraguay, 1910–2000 by Darius J. Piwowarczyk, 2008. Journal of Contemporary Religion, 25 (2). pp. 329-330. ISSN 1353-7903
Clark, Samuel (2010) Kicking against the pricks : anarchist perfectionism and the conditions of independence. In: Anarchism and Moral Philosophy :. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-0230580664
Clark, Samuel (2010) Love, poetry, & the good life : Mill's autobiography & perfectionist ethics. Inquiry, 53 (6). pp. 565-578. ISSN 0020-174X
Cochrane, Feargal (2010) The end of Irish-America? : globalisation and the Irish diaspora. Irish Academic Press, Dublin. ISBN 9780716530190
Cooper, Rachel (2010) Are culture-bound syndromes as real as universally-occurring disorders? Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 41 (4). pp. 325-332. ISSN 1369-8486
Dawson, Andrew (2010) Positionality and role-identity in a new religious context : participant observation at Céu do Mapiá. Religion, 40 (3). pp. 173-181. ISSN 0048-721X
Dawson, Andrew (2010) Preface. In: Ayahuasca, ritual and religion in Brazil :. Equinox, London. ISBN 9781845536794
Dawson, Andrew (2010) Taking possession of Santo Daime : the growth of Umbanda within a Brazilian new religion. In: Spirit possession and trance : new interdisciplinary perspectives :. Continuum, London, pp. 134-150. ISBN 978-0826435743
Devere, Heather and Smith, Graham M. (2010) Friendship and Politics. Political Studies Review, 8 (3). pp. 341-356. ISSN 1478-9302
Dillon, Michael G. (2010) Violences of the Messianic. In: The Politics to Come: Power, Modernity and the Messianic :. Continuum, London. ISBN 978-1-8470-6315-1
Ellis, Rebecca and Waterton, Claire and Wynne, Brian (2010) Taxonomy, biodiversity and their publics in twenty-first-century DNA barcoding. Public Understanding of Science, 19 (4). pp. 497-512. ISSN 1361-6609
Febrica, Senia (2010) Securitizing terrorism in Southeast Asia : accounting for the varying responses of Singapore and Indonesia. Asian Survey, 50 (3). ISSN 0004-4687
Garnett, Mark (2010) Built on Sand? Ideology and Conservative Modernisation under David Cameron. In: British party politics and ideology after New Labour :. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 107-118. ISBN 9780230220768
Garnett, Mark (2010) New Labour's literary legacy : institutions, individuals and ideology. British Politics, 5 (3). pp. 315-336. ISSN 1746-9198
Garvey, Brian (2010) Absence of evidence, evidence of absence and the atheist's teapot. Ars Disputandi : the Online Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 10 (n/a). pp. 9-22. ISSN 1566-5399
Germond, Basil (2010) From frontier to boundary and back again : the European Union's maritime margins. European Foreign Affairs Review, 15 (1). pp. 39-55. ISSN 1384-6299
Germond, Basil (2010) Maritime Security Cooperation in the Mediterranean : Towards a Comprehensive Approach. In: VIII Seminario Internacional sobre Seguridad y Defensa en el Mediterráneo : New scenarios for cooperation. Barcelona Center for International Studies, Dirección General de Relaciones Institucionales (Ministerio de Defensa de España), pp. 65-73.
Germond, Basil (2010) Venus Has Learned Geopolitics : The European Union's Frontier and Transatlantic Relations. In: The Routledge Handbook of Transatlantic Security :. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 206-217. ISBN 9780415572835
Germond, Basil and Grove, Eric (2010) Maritime security in the Mediterranean : European and transatlantic approaches. Working Paper. The German Marshall Fund of the United States ; The Istituto Affari Internazionali, Washington ; Roma.
Geyer, Robert and Rihani, Samir (2010) Complexity and public policy : A new approach to twenty-first century politics, policy and society. Routledge. ISBN 0415556627
Geyer, Robert and Lightfoot, Simon (2010) The Strengths and Limits of New Forms of EU Governance: The Cases of Mainstreaming and Impact Assessment in EU Public Health and Sustainable Development Policy. Journal of European Integration, 32 (4). pp. 339-356. ISSN 0703-6337
Geyer, Robert and Rihani, Samir (2010) Complexity and Public Policy: A New Approach to 21st Century Politics, Policy and Society. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415556620
Hanhimäki, Jussi and Soutou, Georges Henri and Germond, Basil (2010) Introduction. In: The Routledge Handbook of Transatlantic Security :. Taylor and Francis Inc., xiv-xviii. ISBN 9780415572835
Hearn, Julie and Bergos, Monica (2010) Learning from the Cleaners? Trade Union Activism among Low Paid Latin American Migrant Workers at the University of London. Working Paper. Identity, Citizenship and Migration Centre, University of Nottingham.
Hemming, L. P. (2010) The Undoing of Sex: The Proper Enjoyment of Divine Command. Studies in Christian Ethics, 23 (1). pp. 59-72. ISSN 0953-9468
Hemming, Laurence (2010) Messianic deposition : representation and the flight of the gods. In: The politics to come : power, modernity and the messianic. Continuum studies in religion and political culture . Continuum, London, pp. 47-56. ISBN 9781847063151
Hughes, Jonathan and Hunter, David and Sheehan, Mark and Wilkinson, Stephen and Wrigley, Anthony (2010) European Textbook on Ethics in Research. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. ISBN 978-92-79-17543-5
Hyman, Gavin (2010) A Short History of Atheism. I B Tauris, London. ISBN 9781848851375
Jeremiah, Anderson (2010) “Exploring new facets of Dalit Christology in critical interaction with John D Crossan’s portrayal of Historical Jesus”. In: Dalit Theology in the 21st Century: Discordant Voices, Discerning Pathways :. Oxford University Press, New Delhi. ISBN 978-0198066910
Jessop, Bob and Sum, Ngai-Ling (2010) Critical discourse analysis, cultural political economy and economic crisis. In: Diskurs - Politik - Identität / Discourse - Politics - Identity : Festschrift für Ruth Wodak. Stauffenberg Verlag, Tuebingen, pp. 95-103. ISBN 9783860576694
Jessop, Bob and Sum, Ngai-Ling (2010) Cultural Political Economy : Logics of Discovery, Epistemic Fallacies, the Complexity of Emergence, and the Potential of the Cultural Turn. New Political Economy, 15 (3). pp. 308-315. ISSN 1356-3467
Johnson, M. (2010) Male genital mutilation : beyond the tolerable? Ethnicities, 10 (2). pp. 181-207. ISSN 1468-7968
Johnson, Matthew (2010) Editorial introduction. Global Discourse, 1 (1). pp. 1-4. ISSN 2326-9995
Johnson, Matthew (2010) Football Casuals : The Dissolution of Society and the Emergence of Romantic Identities. Under the Influence, 7. pp. 92-95.
Johnson, Matthew (2010) International relations theory : a critical introduction by Cynthia Weber. Global Discourse, 1 (2). pp. 208-211. ISSN 2326-9995
Johnson, Matthew (2010) Trauma in the First Generation of Emotional Fathers : The Drive for Recognition and the Need for Dependence. Under the Influence, 8. pp. 92-95.
Kawanami, Hiroko (2010) The politics of gender identity amongst Buddhist nuns in Myanmar. In: Contested Spaces: Citizenship and Belonging in Contemporary Times :. Orient Blackswan, Hyderabad, India, pp. 212-229. ISBN 978 81 250 4092 7
Knott, Kim (2010) Cutting through the postsecular city: A spatial interrogation. In: Exploring the postsecular : the religious, the political and the urban :. International studies in religion and society . Brill, Leiden, pp. 19-38. ISBN 9789004193710
Knott, Kim (2010) Diasporas, Migration and Identities: Final Director’s Report. Arts & Humanities Research Council.
Knott, Kim (2010) Diasporas, Migration and Identities: Final Director’s Report (online publication). UNSPECIFIED.
Knott, Kim (2010) Geography, space and the sacred. In: The Routledge companion to the study of religion :. Routledge, London ; New York. ISBN 9780415473286
Knott, Kim (2010) Insider/outsider perspectives. In: The Routledge companion to the study of religion :. Routledge, London ; New York. ISBN 9780415473286
Knott, Kim (2010) Religion, space and place: The spatial turn in research on religion. Religion and Society: Advances in Research, 1. pp. 29-43. ISSN 2150-9301
Knott, Kim (2010) Specialness and the sacred: Ann Taves, Religious Experience Reconsidered. Religion, 40 (4). pp. 305-307. ISSN 0048-721X
Knott, Kim (2010) Theoretical and methodological resources for breaking open the secular and exploring the boundary between religion and non-religion. Historia Religionum. An International Journal, 2 (n/a). pp. 115-133. ISSN 2035-5572
Knott, Kim and McLoughlin, Sean (2010) Introduction. In: Diasporas : concepts, intersections, identities :. Zed Books, London ; New York, pp. 1-16. ISBN 9781842779477
Knott, Kim and McLoughlin, Sean (2010) New Directions. In: Diasporas: Concepts, Intersections, Identities :. Zed Books, London ; New York, pp. 269-273. ISBN 9781842779477
Knott, Kim and McLoughlin, Sean (2010) Space and movement. In: Diasporas : concepts, intersections, identities :. Zed Books, London ; New York, pp. 79-83. ISBN 9781842779477
Leith, Murray and Steven, Martin (2010) Party over Policy? Scottish Nationalism and the Politics of Independence. The Political Quarterly, 81 (2). pp. 263-269. ISSN 0032-3179
Levitt, Mairi and O'Neill, Fiona K. (2010) Making human better and making better humans. Genomics, Society and Policy, 6 (1). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1746-5354
Macleod, Christopher (2010) Towards a Philosophical Account of Crimes Against Humanity. European Journal of International Law, 21 (2). pp. 281-302. ISSN 1464-3596
Manson, Neil (2010) Why do patients want information, if not to make decisions? Journal of Medical Ethics, 36 (12). pp. 834-837. ISSN 1473-4257
Marsden, Sarah (2010) Shaun L. Gabbidon (2010), Race, Ethnicity, Crime, and Justice: an International Dilemma. In-Spire Journal of Law, Politics and Societies, 5 (1). pp. 93-94.
Marsden, Sarah (2010) What role does punishment play in deterring crime? : practical, theoretical and ethical perspectives. In: Forensic psychology : concepts, debates and practice. Willan. ISBN 9781843924142
Marsden, Sarah and Qureshi, Toaha (2010) Furthering the counter-narrative via educational and social grassroots projects. In: Edited volume on counter-narratives :. Centre for Terrorism and Counterterrorism, The Hague, pp. 132-143.
May, Christopher (2010) The Corruption of the Public Interest : Intellectual Property and the Corporation as a Rights Holding "citizen". In: The Challenges of Global Business Authority : Democratic Renewal, Stalemate or Decay? State University of New York Press, Albany, pp. 179-201. ISBN 978-1-4384-3157-4
May, Christopher (2010) Direct and indirect influence at the World Intellectual Property Organization. In: Business and Global Governance :. Routledge/Warwick Studies in Globalisation . Routledge, London, pp. 39-56. ISBN 978-0-415-49337-6
May, Christopher (2010) John Ruskin's Political Economy: there is no wealth but life. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 12 (2). pp. 189-294. ISSN 1369-1481
May, Christopher (2010) Openness in academic publication: the question of trust, authority and reliability. Prometheus, 28 (1). pp. 91-94. ISSN 0810-9028
May, Christopher (2010) The global political economy of intellectual property rights: the new enclosures. Routledge/RIPE Studies in Global Political Economy (2nd ed). Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415427524
Misra, Amalendu (2010) Religion, Politics, & Violence in India. In: Religion and Politics in South Asia :. Routledge, pp. 71-97. ISBN 978-0-415-77801-5
Mort, Richard L. and Hay, Leonard and Jackson, Ian J. (2010) Ex vivo live imaging of melanoblast migration in embryonic mouse skin. Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research, 23 (2). pp. 299-301. ISSN 1755-1471
Mukherjee, Kunal (2010) China–Tibet Relations from 1950 untill 2008: the interaction between religion, nationalism, and reform. Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, 22 (4). pp. 467-483. ISSN 1016-3271
Mukherjee, Kunal (2010) Is there a distinct style of Asian democracy? Journal of Asian and African Studies, 45 (6). pp. 684-694. ISSN 0021-9096
Mukherjee, Kunal (2010) Islamic Revivalism and Politics in Contemporary Pakistan. Journal of Developing Societies, 26 (3). pp. 329-353. ISSN 0169-796X
Mukherjee, Kunal (2010) The Uyghur Question in Contemporary China. Strategic Analysis, 34 (3). pp. 420-435. ISSN 0970-0161
Mukherjee, Kunal (2010) Why has Democracy been less successful in Pakistan than in India? Asian Affairs, 41 (1). pp. 67-77. ISSN 0306-8374
Naguib, Shuruq (2010) Horizons and limitations of feminist muslim hermeneutics : reflections on the menstruation verse. In: New Topics in Feminist Philosophy of Religion: Contestations and Transcendence Incarnate :. Feminist philosophy collection . Springer Press, Dordrecht, pp. 33-49. ISBN 9781402068324
Nicholls, Stuart G (2010) Knowledge or understanding? Informed choice in the context of newborn bloodspot screening. Public Health Ethics, 3 (2). pp. 128-136. ISSN 1754-9973
Nicholls, Stuart G. (2010) Considering consent : an analysis of factors influencing parental perceptions of decisional quality in the context of newborn screening. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Orwin, Kate H. and Buckland, Sarah M. and Johnson, David and Turner, Benjamin J. and Smart, Simon and Oakley, Simon and Bardgett, Richard D. (2010) Linkages of plant traits to soil properties and the functioning of temperature grassland. Journal of Ecology, 98 (5). pp. 1074-1083. ISSN 0022-0477
Partridge, Christopher (2010) Dub in Babylon : understanding the evolution and significance of dub reggae in Jamaica and Britain from King Tubby to post-punk. Equinox Publishing, London. ISBN 9781845533120
Pedersen, John Martin (2010) Conclusion : property and the politics of commoning. The Commoner, Specia. pp. 287-294.
Pedersen, John Martin (2010) Free culture in context : property and the politics of free software. The Commoner, Specia. pp. 49-136.
Pedersen, John Martin (2010) Free software as property. The Commoner, Specia. pp. 211-286.
Pedersen, John Martin (2010) Introduction : property, commoning and the politics of free software. The Commoner, Specia. pp. 8-48.
Pedersen, John Martin (2010) Properties of Property: A Jurisprudential Analysis. The Commoner, Specia. pp. 137-210.
Ram-Prasad, Chakravarthi (2010) Situating the Elusive Self of Advaita Vedanta. In: Self, No Self? Perspectives from Analytical, Phenomenological, and Indian Traditions :. Oxford University Press, pp. 217-238. ISBN 978-0-19-959380-4
Riis, Ole and Woodhead, Linda (2010) A Sociology of Religious Emotion. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780199567607
Sandberg, Russell and Catto, Rebecca (2010) Law and Sociology : Toward a Greater Understanding of Religion. In: Law and Religion : New Horizons. Peeters, Leuven, pp. 275-298. ISBN 978-90-429-2159-7
Schmidt, Harald and Voigt, Kristin and Wikler, Daniel (2010) Carrots, sticks, and health care reform — problems with wellness incentives. New England Journal of Medicine, 362 (2). e3. ISSN 0028-4793
Sheldon, Sally and Wilkinson, Stephen (2010) Saviour siblings, other siblings and whole organ donation. In: The 'healthy' embryo : social, biomedical, legal and philosophical perspectives. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 251-264. ISBN 9780521748131
Skogly, Sigrun and Secker, Emilie (2010) The role of the international financial institutions in the process of a rights based approach to development. In: Development as a human right : legal, political and economic dimensions. Intersentia, Antwerp, pp. 353-380. ISBN 9789400000223
Steven, Martin (2010) Working with the Single Transferable Vote. [Report]
Stone, Alison (2010) Matter and form : Hegel's Organicism and the difference between women and men. In: Hegel's philosophy and feminist thought : beyond antigone? :. Breaking feminist waves . Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-0230621459
Stone, Alison (2010) Matter and form : Hegel, organicism and the difference between women and men. In: Hegel's philosophy and feminist thought : beyond antigone? :. Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-230-62145-9
Stone, Alison (2010) Natality and mortality : rethinking death with Cavarero. Continental Philosophy Review, 43 (3). pp. 353-372. ISSN 1387-2842
Stone, Alison and Bauer, N. and Hutchings, Kimberly and Pulkkinen, Tuija (2010) Hegel and feminist politics : a symposium. In: Hegel's philosophy and feminist thought : beyond antigone? :. Breaking feminist waves . Macmillan. ISBN 978-0230621459
Sum, Ngai-Ling (2010) The Cultural Political Economy of Transnational Knowledge Brands : Porterian Competitiveness Discourse and its Recontextualization to Hong Kong/Pearl River Delta. Journal of Language and Politics, 9 (4). pp. 546-573. ISSN 1569-9862
Sum, Ngai-Ling (2010) Cultural political economy of neoliberalism : the production and negotiations of 'competitiveness' as hegemonic logic(s). In: Economic transitions to neoliberalism in middle-income countries : policy dilemmas, economic crises, forms of resistance. Routledge, London, pp. 47-61. ISBN 9780415492539
Sum, Ngai-Ling (2010) Die (Semi-)Peripherie ins Zentrum ruecken : Zur kulturellen Politischen Oekonomie der BRIC-Staaten. Prokla (161). pp. 543-566. ISSN 0342-8176
Sum, Ngai-Ling (2010) Wal-Martization and CSR-ization in developing countries. In: Corporate social responsibility and regulatory governance : towards inclusive development? Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 50-76. ISBN 9780230576445
Todd, Cain (2010) The philosophy of wine : a case of truth, beauty, and intoxication. Routledge, Durham. ISBN 9781844652501
Tusting, Karin (2010) Eruptions of interruptions : managing tensions between writing and other tasks in a textualised childcare workplace. In: The anthropology of writing : understanding textually mediated worlds. Continuum, London, pp. 67-89. ISBN 9781441108852
Tutton, Richard and Levitt, Mairi (2010) Health and wealth, law and order : banking DNA against disease and crime. In: Genetic suspects : global governance of forensic DNA profiling and databasing :. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 85-104. ISBN 978-0-521-51943-4
Voigt, Kristin (2010) Smoking and social justice. Public Health Ethics, 3 (2). pp. 91-106. ISSN 1754-9973
Wickins-Drazilova, Dita and Nicholls, Stuart and Williams, Garrath and Börnhorst, Claudia and Grafström, L and De Henauw, S. and Marild, S and Molnar, Denes and Moreno Aznar, Luis and Pigeot, Iris and Siani, A. and Tornartis, Michael and Veidebaum, T and Ahrens, Wolfgang (2010) Parental views on public-policy options regarding healthy eating. In: Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics: Global Food Security: Ethical and Legal Challenges :. Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 184-188.
Wickins-Drazilova, Dita and Williams, Garrath (2010) Ethical and public policy aspects of childhood obesity: opinions of scientists working on an intervention study. Obesity Reviews, 11 (8). pp. 620-626. ISSN 1467-7881
Wickins-Drazilova, Dita and Williams, Garrath (2010) Ethics and public policy. In: Epidemiology of Obesity in Children and Adolescents: Prevalence and Etiology :. Springer. ISBN 978-1441960382
Wilkinson, Anna and Solan, Martin and Taylor, Andrew F. S. and Alexander, Ian J. and Johnson, David (2010) Intraspecific Diversity Regulates Fungal Productivity and Respiration. PLoS ONE, 5 (9). ISSN 1932-6203
Wilkinson, Stephen (2010) Choosing tomorrow's children : : the ethics of selective reproduction. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780199646586
Wilkinson, Stephen (2010) Choosing tomorrow’s children : the ethics of selective reproduction. Issues in biomedical ethics . Clarendon Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780199273966
Wilkinson, Stephen (2010) On the distinction between positive and negative eugenics. In: Arguments and analysis in bioethics :. Value inquiry book series . Rodopi bv, New York, pp. 115-128. ISBN 9789042028029
Wilkinson, Stephen (2010) Why I wrote…choosing tomorrow's children : the ethics of selective reproduction. Clinical Ethics, 5 (1). pp. 46-50. ISSN 1477-7509
Williams, Garrath (2010) Moral responsibility. Oxford Bibliographies Online : Philosophy.
Williams, Garrath (2010) "Who are we to judge?" : on the proportionment of happiness to virtue. Philosophy, 85 (1). pp. 47-66. ISSN 1469-817X
Winchester, Angus J. L. and Straughton, Eleanor A. (2010) Stints and sustainability : managing stock levels on common land in England, c.1600-2006. Agricultural History Review, 58 (1). pp. 30-48. ISSN 0002-1490
Woodhead, Linda (2010) Real Religion, Fuzzy Spirituality? : Taking Sides in the Sociology of Religion. In: Religions of Modernity : Relocating the Sacred to the Self and the Digital. Brill, Leiden, pp. 31-48. ISBN 978900418451
Woodhead, Linda (2010) "Religion or belief" : identifying issues and priorities. Working Paper. EHRC.