Items where Department is "Politics & International Relations (Merged into PPR 2010-08-01)" and Year is 2001

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Archard, David (2001) Political Disagreement, Legitimacy, and Civility. Philosophical Explorations, 4 (3). pp. 207-222. ISSN 1386-9795


Bellany, Ian (2001) P M S Blackett: Military and political consequences of atomic energy. In: Landmarks in defence literature :. Bailrigg Study (5). CDISS, Lancaster, pp. 224-227.

Bennie, Lynn; and Denver, David; and Mitchell, James; and Bradbury, Jonathan (2001) Harbingers of new politics? The characteristics and attitudes of candidates in the Scottish parliament elections, 1999. British Elections and Parties Review, 11 (1). pp. 23-45. ISSN 1368-9886

Bishop, Patrick and Davis, Glyn (2001) Developing consent. In: Are you being served? : state citizens and governance :. Allen & Unwin, pp. 175-195.

Bowers, Chet and Foster, John and Jickling, Bob (2001) Contribution to mini-symposium. Environmental Education Research, 7 (2). pp. 183-184. ISSN 1469-5871

Brady, Emily (2001) Introduction : Sibley's vision. In: Aesthetic concepts : essays after Sibley :. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 1-22.

Brady, Emily and Levinson, J. (2001) Aesthetic concepts : essays after Sibley. Oxford University Press, Oxford.


Chadwick, Ruth (2001) Genetic interventions and personal identity. In: Bioethics in a European perspective :. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 339-349.

Chadwick, Ruth (2001) Genetics, ethics and human identity. Dialogue : Journal of Religion and Philosophy, 17. pp. 21-24.

Chadwick, Ruth (2001) The Icelandic database : do modern times need modern sagas? In: The Cambridge medical ethics workbook :. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 51-58.

Chadwick, Ruth (2001) Informed consent and genetic research. In: Informed consent and medical research :. BMJ Books, London, pp. 203-210.

Chadwick, Ruth (2001) Stammzellenforschung und Therapeutisches Klonen - die Situation in Grossbritannien. Zeitschrift für mediznische Ethik, 47 (3). pp. 285-291.

Chadwick, Ruth (2001) Whose choice? Whose responsibility? Ethical issues in prenatal diagnosis and learning disability. In: Considered choices? The new genetics, prenatal testing and people with learning disabilities :. British Institute of Learning Disabilities, Kidderminster, pp. 82-90.

Chadwick, Ruth (2001) The concise encyclopedia of ethics in politics and the media. Academic Press, San Diego.

Chadwick, Ruth (2001) The concise encyclopedia of the ethics of new technologies. Academic Press, San Diego.

Chadwick, Ruth and Berg, Kåre (2001) Solidaroty and equity : new ethical frameworks for genetic databases. Nature Reviews Genetics, 2 (4). pp. 318-321. ISSN 1471-0064

Chappells, H. and Selby, J. and Shove, Elizabeth (2001) Control and flow : rethinking the sociology, technology and politics of water consumption. In: Exploring sustainable consumption : environmental policy and the social sciences :. Pergamon, Oxford, pp. 157-170. ISBN 0080439209

Clapham, Christopher (2001) Africa's dysfunctional states. In: South African yearbook of internatinal affairs :. UNSPECIFIED.

Clapham, Christopher (2001) African enclosures: a default mode of development? In: Proceedings of the ESRC transformations in African agriculture seminar: access to resources: land tenure and governance in Africa :. University of Manchester, Manchester.

Clapham, Christopher (2001) Effondrement de l'Etat et tentatives de reconstruction en Sierra Leone : le jeu politique du local et du global. Afrique Contemporaine (199). pp. 169-183.

Clapham, Christopher (2001) Ethiopia and eritrea: insecurity and intervention in the Horn. In: African interventionist states :. Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 119-137. ISBN 1840149892

Clapham, Christopher (2001) One-party system, and patron-client politics. In: The Oxford companion to politics of the world :. Companion to politics of the world . Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 617-618. ISBN 0195117395

Clapham, Christopher (2001) Rethinking African States. African Security Review, 10 (3). ISSN 1024-6029

Clapham, Christopher (2001) Summary of proceedings. In: International alert: the privatisation of security: framing a conflict prevention and peacebuilding policy agenda. :. International Alert, London, pp. 7-10.

Clapham, Christopher (2001) The changing world of regional integration in Africa. In: Regional integration in Southern Africa : comparative international perspectives :. SAIIA (South African Institute of International Affairs), Johannesburg, pp. 56-59. ISBN 1919810196

Cochrane, Feargal (2001) The 2001 Westminster election in Northern Ireland. Irish Political Studies, 16 (1). pp. 179-190. ISSN 0790-7184

Cochrane, Feargal E. (2001) Unsung Heroes or Muddle-headed Peaceniks? A profile and assessment of NGO conflict resolution activity in the Northern Ireland 'peace process'. Irish Studies in International Affairs, 12. pp. 97-112. ISSN 0332-1460

Cochrane, Feargal. (2001) Unionist politics and the politics of Unionism since the Anglo-Irish Agreement. Cork University Press, Cork. ISBN 1859182593.

Cochrane, Feargal. (2001) Unsung heroes? the role of civil society in the Northern Ireland conflict. In: Northern Ireland and the divided world : the Northern Ireland conflict and the Good Friday Agreement in comparative perspective :. Oxford scholarship online . Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 137-156. ISBN 9780199244348

Crawshaw, R. and Callen, B. and Tusting, Karin (2001) Attesting the self: Narration and identity change during periods of residence abroad. Language and Intercultural Communication, 1 (2). pp. 101-119. ISSN 1470-8477


Deane-Drummond, Celia and Grove-White, Robin B. and Szerszynski, Bronislaw (2001) Genetically modified theology : the religious dimensions of public concerns about agricultural biotechnology. Studies in Christian Ethics, 14 (2). pp. 23-41. ISSN 1745-5235

Denham, Andrew and Garnett, Mark (2001) From ‘Guru’ to ‘Godfather’ : Keith Joseph, ‘New’ Labour and the British Conservative Tradition. The Political Quarterly, 72 (1). pp. 97-106. ISSN 0032-3179

Denver, David T. (2001) The Liberal Democrat Campaign. Parliamentary Affairs, 54 (4). pp. 638-649. ISSN 1460-2482

Denver, David T. (2001) The Liberal Democrat campaign. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Denver, David T. (2001) The devolution project. Politics Review, 11 (1). pp. 20-23. ISSN 0959-8480

Denver, David T. and Hands, H. T. G. (2001) The Fall and Rise of Constituency Campaigning. In: Political communications transformed :. Palgrave, Houndmills [England], pp. 71-86. ISBN 0333776763

Dillon, Michael (2001) Pathologies of network societies. Other. DERA Report.

Dillon, Michael and Reid, Julian (2001) Global liberal governance : biopolitics, security and war. Millennium : Journal of International Studies, 30 (1). pp. 41-66. ISSN 0305-8298

Duffy, Rosaleen (2001) Peace Parks: The Paradox of Globalisation. Geopolitics, 6 (2). pp. 1-26. ISSN 1465-0045


Edmonds, M. and Gray, R. C. (2001) Landmarks in defence literature. CDISS Bailrigg Study, Lancaster.

Edmonds, Martin (2001) 100 years of the trade : Royal Navy submarines past, present & future. Bailrigg Study . Centre for Defence and International Security Studies (CDISS), Lancaster. ISBN 1862201064

Edmonds, Martin (2001) Action stations: the future of the Royal Navy's submarine service. In: Global defence review 2001 :. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 95-97.

Edmonds, Martin (2001) Andre Beaufre, 'Deterrence and strategy (review). In: Landmarks in defence literature :. Bailrigg Study (5). Centre for Defence & International Security Studies (CDISS), Lancaster, pp. 232-234.

Edmonds, Martin (2001) Commandant J. Colin, 'Transformations of war' (review). In: Landmarks in defence literature :. Bailrigg Study (5). Centre for Defence & International Security Studies (CDISS), Lancaster, pp. 94-97.

Edmonds, Martin (2001) Robert W. Tucker, 'The just war: a study in contemporary American doctrine' (review). In: Landmarks in defence literature :. Bailrigg Study (5). Centre for Defence & International Security Studies (CDISS), Lancaster, pp. 130-133.

Edmonds, Martin (2001) UK shipbuilding: a new direction? In: Global defence review 2001 :. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 92-94.

Edmonds, Martin (2001) The security implications of missile proliferation and missile defence in East Asia. In: New security paradigms :. SAIIA (South African Institute of International Affairs), Johannesburg, pp. 53-88. ISBN 1919810374

Edmonds, Martin; and Lee, Chyungly; and Mills, Greg (2001) New security paradigms. SAIIA (South African Institute of International Affairs), Johannesbury. ISBN 1919810374

English, J. and Pickup, R. and Parry, Jackie D. (2001) The potential harbouring of coliform bacteria by protozoa in biofilms. In: Biofilm community interactions : chance or necessity? :. Bioline, Cardiff, pp. 271-279.


Fisher, Justin; and Cowley, Philip; and Denver, David; and Russell, Andrew. (2001) British elections and parties review. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 1368-9886

Foster, John (2001) Education as sustainability. Environmental Education Research, 7 (2). pp. 153-165. ISSN 1469-5871

Foster, John (2001) Review of 'Criticism and the environmental crisis'. Environmental Values, 10 (4). pp. 541-546. ISSN 0963-2719


Garnett, Mark A. and Denham, Andrew (2001) Keith Joseph: A Life. Acumen Press. ISBN 190268303X

Garvey, B. P. (2001) Simon Browne and the paradox of 'being in denial'. Inquiry, 44 (1). pp. 3-19. ISSN 0020-174X

Garvey, Brian (2001) Finally, the big picture (critical notice of Stephen Jay Gould's The structure of evolutionary theory). International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 11 (3). ISSN 0967-2559

Garvey, Brian (2001) Freudian mental preservation without Lamarck. Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought, 23 (3). ISSN 0161-5289

Geyer, Robert R. (2001) Can European Union (EU) Social NGOs Co-operate to Promote EU Social Policy. Journal of Social Policy, 30 (3). pp. 477-493. ISSN 0047-2794


Hearn, Julie (2001) The "Uses and Abuses" of Civil Society in Africa. Review of African Political Economy, 28 (87). pp. 43-53. ISSN 0305-6244

Heaton, K. and Drinkall, J. and Minett, A. and Hunt, A. P. and Parry, Jackie D. (2001) Amoeboid grazing on surface-associated prey. In: Biofilm community interactions : chance or necessity? :. Bioline, Cardiff, pp. 293-301.

Heelas, Paul L. F. (2001) Cultural extremities, new age ethicality and postmodernity. In: Virtue ethics and sociology :. Macmillan, London, pp. 155-169.

Heelas, Paul L. F. and Woodhead, Linda (2001) Homeless minds today? In: Peter Berger and the study of religion :. Routledge, London, pp. 43-72. ISBN 0415215315

Holland, Alan (2001) Am Anfang war das Wort : eine Kritik von Informationsmetaphern in der Genetik [In the beginning was the word? : A critique of the information metaphor in genetics]. In: Ethische Probleme in den Biowissenschaften :. Synchron, Heidelberg, pp. 93-105.

Holland, Alan (2001) Sustainability. In: A companion to environmental philosophy :. Blackwell companions to philosophy. . Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 390-401. ISBN 1557869103 9781557869104 9781405106597 140510659X

Hyman, Gavin (2001) Graham Ward. In: The Blackwell companion to postmodern theology :. Blackwell companions to religion . Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 192-193. ISBN 0631212175 1405127198

Hyman, Gavin L. (2001) Introduction. In: Blackwell companion to postmodern theology :. Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 192-193. ISBN 0631212175 1405127198

Hyman, Gavin L. (2001) Postmodernism. In: Concise encyclopedia of language and religion :. Pergamon/Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 308-310. ISBN 0080431674

Hyman, Gavin L. (2001) The Predicament of Postmodern Theology Radical Orthodoxy or Nihilist Textualism? Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville, Kentucky. ISBN 0-664-22366-4

Hyman, Gavin L. (2001) Religious language in everyday speech : a response to Don Cupitt. Modern Believing, 42 (1). pp. 24-30. ISSN 1353-1425


Jessop, Bob and Sum, Ngai-Ling (2001) Pre-disciplinary and Post-disciplinary Perspectives. New Political Economy, 6 (1). pp. 89-101. ISSN 1469-9923


Kawanami, Hiroko (2001) Can women be celibate? : sexuality and abstinence in Theravada Buddhism. In: Celibacy, culture and society : the anthropology of sexual abstinence. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, Wisc., pp. 137-156. ISBN 0-2991-7164-7

Knott, Kim (2001) Hinduism: A Very Short Introduction (Russian). Vesmir Books.

Knott, Kim (2001) Religion, family and kinship. In: International encyclopedia of the social & behavioural sciences :. Elsevier Science, Oxford, pp. 13066-13071. ISBN 9780080430768


Lacy, Mark J. (2001) Andrew Light (ed.) Social ecology after bookchin. Environmental Ethics, 23. ISSN 0163-4275

Lacy, Mark J. (2001) Cinema and ecopolitics : existence in the Jurassic Park. Millennium : Journal of International Studies, 30 (3). pp. 635-645. ISSN 0305-8298

Lacy, Mark J. (2001) Zygmunt Bauman, liquid modernity. The Global Site.

Levitt, M. (2001) 'Not so wrong that we are prepared to threaten the whole service': The regulation of reproductive technologies in the UK. Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics, 7 (2). pp. 45-51. ISSN 1028-7825

Levitt, M. I. (2001) Let the consumer decide? The regulation of commercial genetic testing. Journal of Medical Ethics, 27 (6). pp. 398-403. ISSN 1473-4257


Mason, Victoria (2001) Needed but not accepted : the ambiguous role of Palestinian migrant workers in Kuwait following the discovery of oil. In: On the edge : refereed proceedings of the fourth annual Curtin Humanities Postgraduate Research Conference, 2000 :. Black Swan Press, Perth, Australia, pp. 13-28. ISBN 1740671155

May, Christopher (2001) The global information economy and competitive advantage. In: Globalization : experiences and prospects :. Friedrich Ebert Foundation / Oficyna Wydawnicza "Rewasz", Warsaw.

Mays, N. and Roberts, E. and Popay, Jennie (2001) Synthesising research evidence. In: Methods for studying the delivery and organisation of health services :. Routledge, London.

Metcalfe, Sarah E. and Whyatt, J. Duncan and Broughton, R. and Derwent, R. G. and Finnegan, D. and Hall, J. and Mineter, M. and O'Donoghue, M. and Sutton, M. A. (2001) Developing the Hull Acid Rain Model: Its Validation and Implications for Policy Makers. Environmental Science and Policy, 4 (1). pp. 25-37. ISSN 1462-9011

Miall, H. (2001) Conflict transformation: a multidimensional task. In: Berghof handbook for conflict transformation :. Berghof Research Center for Constructive Conflict Management, Berlin.

Miall, H. (2001) Global governance, the Liberal peace, and Kosovo. In: Interbalkan relations at the end of the Twentieth Century :. South-East European Institute of Internatinal Affairs, Athens.

Misra, Amalendu (2001) Shanghai 5 and the emerging alliance in Central Asia: The closed society and its enemies. Central Asian Survey, 20 (3). pp. 305-321. ISSN 0263-4937

Misra, Amalendu (2001) The centrality of Kashmir in India-Pakistan security dynamics. International Politics, 38 (1). pp. 103-120. ISSN 1384-5748

Misra, Amalendu (2001) The politics of secessionist conflict management in India. Contemporary Security Policy, 22 (2). pp. 49-68. ISSN 1352-3260


Nonneman, Gerd (2001) Constants and variations in Gulf-British relations. In: Iran, Iraq, and the Arab Gulf States :. Palgrave, New York, pp. 325-350. ISBN 0312293887

Nonneman, Gerd (2001) Governance, human rights, and the case for political adaptation in the Gulf : issues in the EU-GCC political dialogue. Robert Schuman Centre policy paper series . European University Institute, Florence.

Nonneman, Gerd (2001) Rentiers and Autocrats, Monarchs and Democrats, State and Society: the Middle East Between Globalization, Human 'Agency', and Europe. International Affairs, 77 (1). pp. 141-162. ISSN 1468-2346

Nonneman, Gerd (2001) Review article - Europe and the Middle East. Mediterranean Politics, 6 (1). pp. 100-109. ISSN 1362-9395

Nonneman, Gerd (2001) Saudi–European relations 1902–2001: a pragmatic quest for relative autonomy. International Affairs, 77 (3). pp. 631-661. ISSN 1468-2346


O'Neill, John (2001) Chekov and the egalitarian. Ratio, 14 (2). pp. 165-170. ISSN 0034-0006

O'Neill, John (2001) Environmental virtues and public policy. Philosophy in the Contemporary World, 8. pp. 125-135. ISSN 1077-1999

O'Neill, John (2001) Ethics. In: Encyclopedia of global change :. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 396-398.

O'Neill, John (2001) Future generations : present harms. In: Environmental ethics and philosophy :. Edward Elgar, Aldershot, pp. 181-197.

O'Neill, John (2001) Managing without prices : the monetary valuation of biodiversity. In: Environmental ethics and philosophy :. Edward Elgar, Aldershot, pp. 516-520.

O'Neill, John (2001) Markets and the environment : the solution is the problem. Economic and Political Weekly, 36. pp. 1865-1873. ISSN 0012-9976

O'Neill, John (2001) Meta-ethics. In: Blackwell companion to environmental philosophy :. Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 163-176.

O'Neill, John (2001) Piyasa : Etik, Bilgi ve Politika [Turkish translation of The market : ethics, knowledge and politics]. Ayrinti, Istanbul.

O'Neill, John (2001) Property, care and environment. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 19 (4). pp. 695-711. ISSN 0263-774X

O'Neill, John (2001) Representing people, representing nature, representing the world. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 19 (4). pp. 483-500. ISSN 0263-774X

O'Neill, John (2001) Self-interest. In: Routledge encyclopedia of philosophy :. Routledge.

O'Neill, John (2001) Sustainability : ethics, politics and the environment. In: Environmental ethics and philosophy :. Edward Elgar, Aldershot, xii-xxxix.

O'Neill, John and Bateman, I and Turner, R K (2001) Environmental ethics and philosophy. Edward Elgar, Aldershot.

O'Neill, John and Martinez-Alier, J. C. and Munda, G. (2001) Theories and methods in ecological economics : a tentative classification. In: The economics of nature and the nature of economics :. Edward Elgar, Aldershot, pp. 34-56.


Palmer, Clare A (2001) Plagiarism and the academic essay. In: Proceedings of the 2nd annual national skills conference :. UNSPECIFIED, University of Hertfordshire.

Palmer, Clare A. (2001) Taming the wild profusion of existing things? : A study of Foucault, power and human/animal relationships. Environmental Ethics, 23 (494). pp. 339-358. ISSN 0163-4275

Parry, Jackie D. and Hunt, A. P. and Drinkall, Janice and Heaton, Karen (2001) The influence of free-living protozoa on aquatic biofilm dynamics. In: Biofilm community interactions : chance or necessity? :. Bioline, Cardiff, pp. 255-261.

Partridge, Christopher (2001) Pagan fundamentalism? In: Fundamentalisms :. Paternoster Press, Carlisle, pp. 155-180. ISBN 1842270834

Price, Russell and Badolato, F. (2001) Social subordination and superiority in Gissing's 'A daughter of the lodge'. In: A garland for Gissing :. Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 235-247. ISBN 9042014776


Ram-Prasad, Chakravarthi (2001) Knowledge and liberation in classical Indian thought. Library of Philosophy and Religion . Palgrave, Basingstoke.

Ram-Prasad, Chakravarthi (2001) Multiplism : a Jaina meta-ethics of toleration. In: Ethics and the world religions :. One World Press, Oxford, pp. 347-369.

Ram-Prasad, Chakravarthi (2001) Saving the Self? Classical Hindu Theories of Consciousness and Contemporary Physicalism. Philosophy East and West, 51 (3). pp. 378-392. ISSN 1527-943X

Ram-Prasad, Chakravarthi (2001) What kind of questions do Hindu philosophers ask? In: Meeting Hindus :. Christians Aware, Leicester, pp. 16-23.

Reader, Ian J. (2001) Consensus shattered : Japanese paradigm shifts and moral panic in the post-Aum era. Nova Religio, 4 (2). pp. 225-234. ISSN 1092-6690

Reader, Ian J. (2001) Interior travels : pilgrimage, nostalgia, identity and quest. In: Return to Japan : from 'pilgrimage' to the West :. Arhus University Press, Arhus, Denmark, pp. 13-32.

Reader, Ian J. (2001) Reflected meanings : underlying themes in the experiences of two Japanese pilgrims to Europe. In: Firenze, Il giappone e l'Asia orientale :. Leo S. Olschi, Florence, pp. 121-139.

Reader, Ian J. (2001) Religions of East Asia. In: International encyclopedia of social and behavioural sciences :. Elsevier.

Reader, Ian J. (2001) Violent millennialism with a Christian touch : syncretic themes in the millennial perspectives of Aum Shinrikyo. In: Christian millennialism :. Hurst, London, pp. 239-254.

Rihani, Samir and Geyer, Robert (2001) Complexity : a new framework for development theory. Progress in Development Studies, 1 (3). pp. 237-245. ISSN 1477-027X

Roberts, Celia (2001) A matter of embodied fact : sex hormones and the history of bodies. Feminist Theory, 3 (1). pp. 7-26. ISSN 1741-2773

Roberts, Richard (2001) Introduction. International Review of Sociology, 11 (3). pp. 325-329. ISSN 0390-6701

Roberts, Richard (2001) Religion, theology and the human sciences. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Roberts, Richard (2001) Space, time and the sacred in modernity/postmodernity. International Review of Sociology, 11 (3). pp. 332-355. ISSN 0390-6701


Sawyer, Deborah F. (2001) Disputed Questions in Biblical Studies 3. A male bible? Expository Times, 112 (11). pp. 366-369. ISSN 1745-5308

Sawyer, Deborah F. (2001) Dressing up/dressing down : power, performance and identity in the Book of Judith. Theology and Sexuality, 8 (15). pp. 23-31. ISSN 1745-5170

Sawyer, Deborah F. (2001) Gender strategies in antiquity : Judith's performance. Feminist Theology, 10 (28). pp. 9-26. ISSN 1745-5189

Schroeder, Doris (2001) Evolutionary ethics. UNSPECIFIED.

Schroeder, Doris (2001) Homo economicus on trial. Reason Pract. : Journal Philos. Manage., 1 (2). pp. 65-74.

Schroeder, Doris (2001) Wickedness, idleness and basic income. Res Publica, 7 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1356-4765

Segal, Robert A. (2001) Are there modern myth? In: Changing religious worlds : the meaning and end of Mircea Eliade :. State Universirty of New York Press, Albany, N. Y., pp. 25-32.

Segal, Robert A. (2001) Eliade, Mircea. In: International encyclopedia of social and behavioural sciences :. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 4406-4409.

Segal, Robert A. (2001) In defence of the comparative method. Numen: International Review for the History of Religions, 48. pp. 339-373. ISSN 1568-5276

Segal, Robert A. (2001) Myth in religion. In: International encyclopedia of social and behavioural sciences :. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 10273-10278.

Segal, Robert A. (2001) Ninian Smart and religious studies. Council of Societies for the Study of Religion Bulletin, 30. pp. 27-29. ISSN 1060-1635

Segal, Robert A. (2001) Robertson Smith's influence on Durkheim's theory of myth and ritual. In: Reappraising Durkheim for the study and teaching of religion today :. Brill, Leiden, pp. 597-72.

Sell, Susan and May, Christopher (2001) Moments in law : contestation and settlement in the history of intellectual property. Review of International Political Economy, 8 (3). pp. 467-500. ISSN 0969-2290

Sheldon, S. and Wilkinson, Stephen (2001) ‘On the sharpest horns of a dilemma’: : re A (conjoined twins). Medical Law Review, 9 (3). pp. 201-207. ISSN 0967-0742

Sheldon, S. and Wilkinson, Stephen (2001) Termination of pregnancy for reason of foetal disability : are there grounds for a special exception in law? Medical Law Review, 9 (2). pp. 85-109. ISSN 0967-0742

Shove, E. (2001) Inconspicuous consumption: the sociology of consumption, lifestyles and environment. In: Sociological theory and the environment : classical foundations, contemporary insights :. Rownan and Littlefield Publishers, Lanham, Md., pp. 230-241. ISBN 074250185X

Shove, Elizabeth and Chappells, H. (2001) Ordinary consumption and extraordinary relationships : utilities and their users. In: Ordinary consumption :. Studies in consumption and markets . Routledge, London, pp. 45-59. ISBN 0415270375

Southerton, D. and Shove, Elizabeth and Warde, A. and Deem, R. (2001) The Social Worlds of Caravaning: Objects, Scripts and Practices. Sociological Research Online, 6 (2). ISSN 1360-7804

Stengel, Katrina and Mort, Maggie M. (2001) Lancaster mental health advocacy project : report to Morecambe Bay Primary Care NHS Trust, November 2001. Working Paper. University of Lancaster, Lancaster.

Stevens, A. and Ingrey, M. and Shove, E. (2001) Analysing barriers in innovation for sustainable mobility. In: Proceedings of the ITS-UK summer conference :. UNSPECIFIED.

Sum, N.-L. (2001) Theorising the development of East Asian newly-industrialising countries: a regulationist perspective. In: Regulation theory and the crisis of capitalism :. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 354-390. ISBN 1858982790

Sum, N.-L. (2001) Time-space envelopes, governance and the subregion of 'Greater China'. In: Regionalism and subregionalism in East Asia : the dynamics of China :. Nova Science, New York, pp. 83-110. ISBN 1560728728

Sum, N.-L. (2001) An integral approach to the Asian 'crisis': the (dis-)articulation of the production and financial (dis-)orders. Capital and Class, 74. pp. 139-164. ISSN 0309-8168

Sum, N.-L. (2001) A material-discursive approach to the 'Asian crisis': the breaking and remaking of the production and financial orders. In: The European Union and East Asia : inter-regional linkages in a changing global system :. Edward Elgar, Northampton, pp. 125-153. ISBN 1840643943

Sum, N.-L. (2001) A temporal-spatial approach on cross-border subregions: time-space envelopes and governance. In: Regionalism and subregionalism in East Asia : the dynamics of China :. Nova Science, New York, pp. 29-44. ISBN 1560728728

Sum, Ngai-Ling (2001) Jabonjuui Shigongan-ui Dayangsung : Baetaeduen Suchuljuui-wa Governance. Gonggan-kwa-sahoe (15).

Szerszynski, Bronislaw and Urry, John (2001) Visual citizenship. In: Thinkglobal: Cityscape Landscape Symposium 2000 :. Cumbria College of Art and Design, Carlisle, pp. 110-115. ISBN 1858501822

shove, Elizabeth (2001) National and European dynamics of social environmental research. In: The dynamics of European science and technology policies :. Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 81-108. ISBN 0754613577


Tapsell, Susan and Tunstal, Sylvia and House, Margaret and Whomsley, John and Macnaghten, Philip (2001) Growing up with rivers : rivers in London children's world. Area, 33 (2). pp. 177-189. ISSN 0004-0894

Travers, D. T. (2001) The united Nationas: squaring the circle. In: The Kosovo crisis : the last American war in Europe? :. Reuters, London, pp. 246-276. ISBN 0273651587

Travers, David T. (2001) The United Nations and its agencies. In: The annual register: a record of world events for 2000 :. Keesings Archives Worldwide, USA, pp. 366-375.


Unwin, Nicholas (2001) Norms and Negation: A Problem for Gibbard's Logic. The Philosophical Quarterly, 51 (202). pp. 60-75. ISSN 1467-9213


Waines, D. (2001) Agriculture and vegetation. In: Encyclopaedia of the Qur'an :. Brill, Leiden, pp. 40-50. ISBN 9004114653

Waines, D. (2001) Carrion. In: Encyclopaedia of the Qur'an :. Brill, Leiden, pp. 291-292. ISBN 9004114653

Waines, D. (2001) Date palms. In: Encyclopaedia of the Qur'an :. Brill, Leiden, pp. 494-5. ISBN 9004114653

Waterton, Claire (2001) The social learning group. In: Learning to manage global environmental risks :. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., pp. 93-114.

Waterton, Claire (2001) The social learning group. In: Learning to manage global environmental risks :. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., pp. 7-30.

Waterton, Claire and Wynne, B. E. and Grove-White, Robin B. and Mansfield, T. (2001) Scientists reflect on science : scientists' perspectives on contemporary science and environmental policy. Working Paper. University of Lancaster, Lancaster.

Wilkin, Peter (2001) The political economy of global communication. Human security in the global economy . Pluto Press, London. ISBN 0745314015

Wilkinson, Stephen (2001) Intellectual property rights and the human body : is ‘gene patenting’ a special case? Imprints, 5 (2). pp. 132-160.

Wilkinson, Stephen (2001) Rationing health care : individuals and the broader public. Philosophy Today, 14 (36). pp. 10-11. ISSN 0031-8256

Wilkinson, Stephen (2001) What is humanism? Humanist News. pp. 14-15. ISSN 0953-1327

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