Items where Department is "Organisation, Work & Technology" and Year is 2022
Balki, Eric and Hayes, Niall and Holland, Carol (2022) The Impact of Social Isolation, Loneliness, and Technology Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic on Health-Related Quality of Life: A Cross-Sectional Study (Preprint). UNSPECIFIED.
Benevene, Paula and Buonomo, Ilaria and West, Michael (2022) Editorial: Compassion and compassionate leadership in the workplace. Frontiers in Psychology, 13: 1074068. ISSN 1664-1078
Bojovic, Neva and Garud, Raghu and Cheded, Mohammed (2022) Cultural Entrepreneurship In Legitimizing Social Innovation: Cultural Reconfiguration Of Sex-Tech. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022 (1). ISSN 0065-0668
Cervi, L. and Brewis, J. (2022) Fertility treatment and organizational discourses of the non-reproductive female body. Gender, Work and Organization, 29 (1). pp. 8-27. ISSN 0968-6673
Cervi, Lucia and Knights, David (2022) Organizing male infertility : Masculinities and fertility treatment. Gender, Work and Organization, 29 (4). pp. 1113-1131. ISSN 0968-6673
Cheded, Mohammed (2022) Failure as an opportunity in market shaping : The case of the market for ‘designer babies’. In: Interpretive Consumer Research Conference, 2022-06-09 - 2022-06-10, University of Liverpool.
Cheded, Mohammed and Liu, Chih-Ling and Hopkinson, Gillian (2022) Dead metaphors and responsibilised bodies-in-transition : the implications of medical metaphors for understanding the consumption of preventative healthcare. In: Transhumanisms and Biotechnologies in Consumer Society :. Key Issues in Marketing Management . Routledge, London. ISBN 9781032281735
Cheded, Mohammed and Liu, Chih-Ling (2022) “Which part of the day is (wo)man o'clock?” : Desires, urges, and possibilities of (un)becoming. Marketing Theory, 22 (1). pp. 67-84. ISSN 1470-5931
Cheded, Mohammed and Liu, Chih-Ling and Hopkinson, Gillian (2022) Dead metaphors and responsibilised bodies-in-transition : The implications of medical metaphors for understanding the consumption of preventative healthcare. Journal of Marketing Management, 38 (5-6). pp. 544-568. ISSN 0267-257X
Clark, Ian and Hunter, James and Pickford, Richard and Fearnall-Williams, Huw (2022) How do licensing regimes limit worker interests? : Evidence from informal employment in Britain. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 43 (1). pp. 431-449. ISSN 0143-831X
Clarke, Caroline and Knights, David (2022) Milking It for All It’s Worth : Unpalatable Practices, Dairy Cows and Veterinary Work? Journal of Business Ethics, 176 (4). pp. 673-688. ISSN 0167-4544
Corazza, Francesca and Fathallah, Judith (2022) From Mattering Press to the Open Book Collective. COPIM.
Corazza, Francesca and Fathallah, Judith (2022) UK Libraries Outreach Workshop. UNSPECIFIED.
Corvellec, Herve and Stowell, Alison and Johansson, Nils (2022) Critiques of the Circular Economy. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 26 (2). pp. 421-432. ISSN 1088-1980
Cronin, James and Skandalis, Alexandros and Hadley, Charlotte and Piacentini, Maria and Stowell, Alison and Hendry, Linda and Hardy, John and Verma, Savita (2022) Consumption Bottlenecks & Warrens of Wickedness : Insights from onflow household cultural research. In: Interpretive Consumer Research Conference, 2022-06-09 - 2022-06-10, University of Liverpool.
D'souza, Sylvia and Introna, Lucas and Latham, Yvonne (2022) Ethics as Practice : A Descriptive Sociology of Morality in the Indian Organizational Context. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
D'souza, Sylvia and Introna, Lucas (2022) Recovering Aristotle’s practice-based ontology : Practical wisdom as embodied intuition. In: British Academy of Management Conference 2022, 2022-08-31 - 2022-09-02.
Deville, Joe (2022) Open Book Collective: Reconfiguring value in open book publishing. In: OASPA Conference 2022, 2022-09-20 - 2022-09-22.
Deville, Joe (2022) Processing Open Access Books : Open access: where next?, Homerton College, University of Cambridge. UNSPECIFIED.
Eve, Martin Paul and Deville, Joe (2022) Making Open Access Books Work Fairly: establishing collaboration between libraries, publishers, and infrastructure providers. In: #RLUK22: Mapping the new open for research libraries, 2022-03-14 - 2022-03-16.
Eve, Martin Paul and Deville, Joe and Gatti, Rupert and Barnes, Miranda (2022) The Open Book Collective and Beyond: Community-Led Infrastructures for Open Access Books. In: SCURL Annual Conference 2022, 2022-06-15.
Fathallah, Judith (2022) Authenticity After Cock Rock : Emo and the Problem of Femininity. In: Cultures of Authenticity :. Emerald. (In Press)
Fathallah, Judith (2022) Introducing the Open Book Collective. UNSPECIFIED.
Fathallah, Judith (2022) Open Access Monographs : Myths, Truths and Implications in the Wake of UKRI Open Access Policy. LIBER Quarterly: The Journal of the Association of European Research Libraries, 32 (1).
Fathallah, Judith (2022) Open Access Monographs for Teaching and Research: A Sustainable Model Beyond Book Processing Charges. In: Open Educational Resources, 2022-04-26 - 2022-04-28.
Fathallah, Judith (2022) Open Access Monographs for Teaching and Research: Equity and Diversity Beyond Book Processing Charges. In: Open Education Conference 2022, 2022-10-17 - 2022-10-20, Online.
Fathallah, Judith (2022) Reading Serial Killer Fanfiction : What’s Fannish about It? Humanities, 11 (3): 65. p. 65. ISSN 2076-0787
Fathallah, Judith (2022) Responding to Open Access Needs : The OBC Position. UNSPECIFIED.
Fathallah, Judith and Eve, Martin and Grady, Tom (2022) Community-Led Infrastructures for Open Access Books : A Sustainable Model and Platform. OTESSA Conference Proceedings, 2 (1). ISSN 2816-2021
Fathallah, Judith and Eve, Martin Paul and Gatti, Rupert (2022) Inclusive Approaches to Open Access monograph funding: beyond the book processing charge. In: Library Publishing Form 2022 Preconference, 2022-05-18.
Fathallah, Judith and Onalee Snyder, Livy (2022) Open Access Monographs: Equity and Diversity Beyond Book Processing Charges. Zenodo.
Ferri, Marta and Piacentini, Maria and Mumford, Clare and Stowell, Alison and Hardy, John and Hendry, Linda and Verma, Savita and Hadley, Charlotte and Skandalis, Alexandros and Cronin, James (2022) Plastic Free July 2022. ‘For the love of plastics’ : reflections on a challenging month. Lancaster University.
Ferri, Marta and Stowell, Alison and Piacentini, Maria and Hadley, Charlotte and Mumford, Clare and Skandalis, Alexandros and Hardy, John and Hendry, Linda and Verma, Savita and Cronin, James (2022) Plastic Free July on the move: travelling plastic-free between challenges and good practices. Lancaster University.
Galiana, Laura and Sanso, Noemi and Benevene, Paula and Vidal, Gabriel and West, Michael (2022) The measurement of compassionate leadership : Adaptation and Spanish validation of the compassionate leadership self-reported scale. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 36. pp. 1165-1179. ISSN 0283-9318
Gasparin, Marta and Quinn, Martin and Green, William and Saren, Michael and Conway, Steve (2022) Stories of value : Business model innovation adding value propositions articulated by Slow Storytelling. Journal of Business Research, 149. pp. 101-111. ISSN 0148-2963
Gasparin, Marta and Quinn, Martin and Lilley, Simon and Brown, Steven D. and Green, William and Saren, Michael (2022) Re-Organizing for Public Value in the Anthropocene. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2022, 2022-08-05 - 2022-08-09, Seattle.
Hardy, John and Stowell, Alison and Mumford, Clare and Piacentini, Maria and Cronin, James and Hadley, Charlotte and Hendry, Linda and Skandalis, Alexandros and Verma, Savita and Saltalippi, Matteo (2022) Special Issue: Enabling Research in Smart Sustainable Plastic Packaging. Polymer International, 71 (12). pp. 1367-1369. ISSN 0959-8103
Hemming, Laurence Paul (2022) Heidegger's Race. In: Heidegger and the Human :. SUNY series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy . SUNY Press, Albany NY, 227–257. ISBN 9781438490496
Hultin, Lotta and Introna, Lucas and Göransson, Markus Balazs and Mähring, Magnus (2022) Precarity, hospitality and the becoming of a subject that matters : A study of Syrian refugees in Lebanese tented settlements. Organization Studies, 43 (5). pp. 669-697. ISSN 0170-8406
Jain, A. and Aloysius, S.L.M. and Lim, H. and Plowden, T. and Yong, D.L. and Lee, J.G. and Phelps, J. (2022) Understanding Singapore's dynamic parrot trade ecosystem. ORYX, 56 (2). pp. 184-194. ISSN 0030-6053
James, Richard and Jackson, Hannah and Hitcham, Lucy (2022) The relationship between smartphone use and smartphone addiction : an examination of logged and self-reported behaviour in a pre-registered, two-wave sample. Other. PsyArXiv.
Jones, Craig (2022) A Manifest for the Cosmic Commons. [Exhibition]
Joy, Eileen and Fathallah, Judith (2022) Governance by Membership : The Open Book Collective. COPIM.
Karakilic, Emrah Ali (2022) Rentierism and the commons : A critical contribution to Brett Christophers’ Rentier Capitalism. Environment and Planning A, 54 (2). pp. 422-429. ISSN 0308-518X
Karakilic, Emrah Ali (2022) Why Do Humans Remain Central to the Knowledge Work in the Age of Robots? : Marx’s Fragment on Machines and Beyond. Work, Employment and Society, 36 (1). pp. 179-189. ISSN 0950-0170
Karakilic, Emrah Ali and Painter, Mollie (2022) The (un)surprising nature of creativity : A Deleuzian perspective on the temporality of the creative process. Ephemera : Theory and Politics in Organization, 22 (2). ISSN 1473-2866
Knights, David and Huber, Guy and Longman, Richard (2022) Critical management education : Selected auto-ethnographic vignettes on how attachment to identity may disrupt learning. Management Learning, 53 (3). pp. 605-616. ISSN 1350-5076
Lujan Escalante, M.A. and Mortimer, C. (2022) Value-mapping transitions into the Pluriverse : Design notes on Participatory Methods, Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Emergency Community Resilience within the Ring of Fire. In: PDC 2022 - Embracing Cosmologies : Expanding Worlds of Participatory Design, Proceedings of the 17th Participatory Design Conference. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 1 . Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, pp. 50-62. ISBN 9781450393881
McCabe, D. and Ciuk, S. and Gilbert, M. (2022) ‘This Is the End’? : An Ethnographic Study of Management Control and a New Management Initiative. Work, Employment and Society, 36 (3). pp. 503-521. ISSN 0950-0170
Mortimer, Christine and Lujan Escalante, Male (2022) Response-able pedagogy : teaching through Shakespeare in a Higher Education (HE) transnational partnership. Culture and Organization, 28 (3-4). pp. 345-361. ISSN 1475-9551
Mumford, Clare and Holman, David and McCann, Leo and Nagington, Maurice and Dunn, Laurie (2022) Enacting care amid power relations : The role of ‘veiled care’ in organisational life. Organization, 29 (4). pp. 577-595. ISSN 1350-5084
Murray, Christopher and Dale, Karen and Faulconbridge, James (2022) Reconceptualising work in nightclubs. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Onalee Snyder, Livy and Corazza, Francesca and Deville, Joe (2022) How the Open Book Collective works. UNSPECIFIED.
Ossandón, José and Deville, Joe and Lazarus, Jeanne and Luzzi, Mariana (2022) Financial oikonomization : The financial government and administration of the household. Socio-Economic Review, 20 (3). pp. 1473-1500. ISSN 1475-1461
Payen, Florian Thomas and Evans, Daniel L. and Falagán, Natalia and Hardman, Charlotte A. and Kourmpetli, Sofia and Liu, Lingxuan and Marshall, Rachel and Mead, Bethan R. and Davies, Jessica A. C. (2022) How Much Food Can We Grow in Urban Areas? : Food Production and Crop Yields of Urban Agriculture: A Meta‐Analysis. Earth's Future, 10 (8): e2022EF002. e2022EF002748. ISSN 2328-4277
Pecis, Lara and Stead, Valerie and Wilkes, Melanie (2022) Gender Matters 2022. Lancaster University, Lancaster.
Piacentini, Maria and Stowell, Alison and King, Stephen and Hardy, John and Saltalippi, Matteo and Hadley, Charlotte and Cronin, James and Skandalis, Alexandros and Verma, Savita and Hendry, Linda and Schofield, Ian and Shepherd, Katie and Bebbington, Jan and Hill, Colin and Walker, Trinley and Tarim, Emre and Mason, Katy and Wagg, Sharon and Suttill, Beth and Singhal, Saurabh (2022) The pressing plastic problem : The Plastic Packaging in People's Lives team explore one of the biggest issues facing the planet. Lancaster University, Lancaster.
Robinson, Sarah and Contu, Alessia and Elliott, Carole and Gagnon, Suzanne and Antonacopoulou, Elena and Bogolyubov, Pavel and Mary, Crossan and Cunliffe, Ann and Elkjaer, Bente and Graca, Manuel and Kars, Selen and Li, Shenxue and Lyles, Marjorie and Snell, Robin and St Amour, Wayne and Stead, Valerie and Thorpe, Richard and Vera, Dusya (2022) In praise of holistic scholarship : A collective essay in memory of Mark Easterby-Smith. Management Learning, 53 (2). pp. 363-385. ISSN 1350-5076
Ryan, Mark and Gilchrist, Alan and Stowell, Alison (2022) Why are Circular Solutions so Difficult to Create? : A business network approach to understanding negative value orientation in a circular economy technology solution. In: 38th Annual IMP Conference, 2022-08-30 - 2022-09-02, The School of Economics and Management at the University of Florence.
Samuel, Grace and Stowell, Alison and Williams, Amanda and Irwin, Rodney (2022) Transferring Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research to Practice : Barriers and Solutions to the Practitioner-Academic Gap. In: Interdisciplinary Research for Sustainable Business : Perspectives of Female Business Scholars. Strategies for Sustainability . Springer, Cham, pp. 231-245. ISBN 9783031069239
Shah, Uzair and Hayes, Niall (2022) Gendered inequalities and developmentality within development work : a case study of NGOs in Pakistan. In: 15th Annual Ethnography Symposium, 2022-08-24 - 2022-08-26, University of Suffolk.
Spring, Martin and Faulconbridge, James and Sarwar, Atif (2022) How information technology automates and augments processes : Insights from Artificial‐Intelligence‐based systems in professional service operations. Journal of Operations Management, 68 (6-7). pp. 592-618. ISSN 0272-6963
Stowell, Alison and Brown, Colin (2022) The Little Book of how to Manage Planet Earth. Imagination Lancaster, Lancaster. ISBN 9781739713317
Stowell, Alison and Brown, Colin (2022) Management of Sustainability, or How should we manage Planet Earth? In: Introducing Organizational Behaviour and Management :. Cengage Learning, pp. 500-546. ISBN 9781473773851
Stowell, Alison and Piacentini, Maria and King, Stephen (2022) Working together to solve real world problems : Magazine issue: The pressing plastic problem. The Plastic Packaging in People's Lives team explore one of the biggest issues facing the planet. Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster.
Söder, Caroline and Hesketh, Anthony and Stead, Valerie (2022) The art of alliance formation : exploration of the role of dynamic alliance capabilities in early-stage alliance formation in the transportation industry. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Thanem, Torkild and Elraz, Hadar (2022) From stress to resistance : Challenging the capitalist underpinnings of mental unhealth in work and organizations. International Journal of Management Reviews, 24 (4). pp. 577-598. ISSN 1460-8545
Verma, Savita and Hendry, Linda and Hadley, Charlotte and Saltalippi, Matteo and Piacentini, Maria and Cronin, James and Stowell, Alison and Hardy, John and Skandalis, Alexandros (2022) Supply chain collaboration to reduce plastic packaging and diffuse sustainable innovation : An exploratory study in the UK food industry context. In: 9th EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum, 2022-03-21 - 2022-03-22, Zagreb.
Vurdubakis, Theodore and Rajão, Raoni (2022) Envisioning Amazonia : Geospatial technology, legality and the (dis)enchantments of infrastructure. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 5 (1). pp. 81-103. ISSN 2514-8486
Wallace, Mike and Reed, Michael and O'Reilly, Dermot and Tomlinson, Michael and Morris, Jonathan and Deem, Rosemary (2022) Developing Public Service Leaders : elite orchestration, change agency, leaderism, and neoliberalization. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780199552108
Walsh, Lael and Mead, Bethan R. and Hardman, Charlotte A. and Evans, Daniel and Liu, Lingxuan and Falagán, Natalia and Kourmpetli, Sofia and Davies, Jessica (2022) Potential of urban green spaces for supporting horticultural production : a national scale analysis. Environmental Research Letters, 17 (1): 014052. ISSN 1748-9326
Watt, Peter and Weibull, Fredrik (2022) Boredom at work : The contribution of Ernst Jünger. Organization, 29 (5). pp. 874-896. ISSN 1350-5084
West, T.H.R. and Daher, P. and Dawson, J.F. and Lyubovnikova, J. and Buttigieg, S.C. and West, M.A. (2022) The relationship between leader support, staff influence over decision making, work pressure and patient satisfaction : A cross-sectional analysis of NHS datasets in England. BMJ Open, 12 (2): e052778. ISSN 2044-6055