Items where Department is "Marketing" and Year is 2018

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Number of items: 72.


Agarwal, Nivedita and Chakrabarti, Ronika and Brem, Alexander and Bocken, Nancy (2018) Market driving at Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP) : An analysis of social enterprises from the healthcare sector. Journal of Business Research, 86. pp. 234-244. ISSN 0148-2963

Ahmad, Wasim (2018) Antecedents of SMMA continuance intention in two culturally diverse countries : An empirical examination. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 21 (1). pp. 45-68. ISSN 1097-198X

Ahmad, Wasim and Sun, Jin (2018) Modeling consumer distrust of online hotel reviews. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 71 (1). pp. 77-90. ISSN 0278-4319

Akram, Umair and Peng, Hui and Khan, Muhammad Kaleem and Tanveen, Yasir and Mehmood, Khalid and Ahmad, Wasim (2018) How website quality affects online impulse buying : Moderating effects of sales promotion and credit card use. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 30 (1). pp. 235-256. ISSN 1355-5855

Ashman, Rachel and Patterson, Anthony and Brown, Stephen (2018) 'Don't forget to like, share and subscribe' : Digital autopreneurs in a neoliberal world. Journal of Business Research, 92. 474 - 483. ISSN 0148-2963

Awanis, Sandra (2018) Commentary on “Salient Cultural Identities and Brand Valuation.”. Journal of Management and Training for Industries, 5 (3). pp. 82-85. ISSN 2188-2274


Bardet (Mejri), Olfa and Hopkinson, Gillian (2018) The British Genetically Modified Wheat Trials: Convicting pasts, clashing futures, and controversial presents. In: 5th Interdisciplinary Market Studies Workshop, 2018-06-06 - 2018-06-08, Copenhagen Business School. (Unpublished)

Baron, Steve and Patterson, Anthony and Maull, Roger and Warnaby, Gary (2018) Feed People First : A Service Ecosystem Perspective on Innovative Food Waste Reduction. Journal of Service Research, 21 (1). pp. 135-150. ISSN 1094-6705

Bettany, Shona and Kerrane, Benedict Andrew (2018) Figuring the pecking order : emerging child food-preferences when species meet in the family environment. European Journal of Marketing, 52 (12). pp. 2334-2355. ISSN 0309-0566


Cheded, Mohammed and Hopkinson, Gillian and Gilchrist, Alan (2018) Metaphors and markets: On usure, iterability, and performativity. In: 5th Interdisciplinary Market Studies Workshop, 2018-06-06 - 2018-06-08, Copenhagen Business School.

Cheded, Mohammed and Hopkinson, Gillian and Gilchrist, Alan JP Gilchrist (2018) Blame it on her genes : on performativity, politics, and the consumption of prevention. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Cheded, Mohammed and Hopkinson, Gillian (2018) Intersectionality between gene and gender : biopolitics and the control of risky female bodies. In: Macromarketing Conference 2018 : Change between complexity and simplicity. Macromarketing Society, Inc., Leipzig, pp. 306-310. ISBN 9783000606236

Chu, R. and Fowler, J.G. and Gentry, J.W. and Zhao, X. (2018) Marketing to Liminal Consumers : Migrant Workers as an Emerging Segment in Transitional Economies. Journal of Macromarketing, 38 (4). pp. 441-458. ISSN 0276-1467

Cocker, Hayley Louise and Piacentini, Maria Grazia and Banister, Emma Neva (2018) Managing dramaturgical dilemmas : youth drinking and multiple identities. European Journal of Marketing, 52 (5-6). pp. 1305-1328. ISSN 0309-0566

Crisafulli, Benedetta and Singh, Jaywant and Xue, Melanie and Quamina, La Toya (2018) Reviving corporate reputation following a crisis : The impact of online influencer communications and affective displays on consumers. In: 4th International Colloquium on Corporate Branding, Identity, Image and Reputation (COBIIR2018) :. UNSPECIFIED, ITA.

Cronin, James Martin and Hopkinson, Gillian Clare (2018) Bodysnatching in the marketplace : Market-focused health activism and compelling narratives of dys-appearance. Marketing Theory, 18 (3). pp. 269-286. ISSN 1470-5931

Cronin, James Martin and Malone, Sheila (2018) Lifeway Alibis : The biographical bases for unruly bricolage. Marketing Theory, 19 (2). pp. 129-147. ISSN 1470-5931

Cui, Charles and Mrad, Mona and Hogg, Margaret Kathleen (2018) Brand addiction : Exploring the concept and its definition through an experiential lens. Journal of Business Research, 87. pp. 118-127. ISSN 0148-2963


D'souza, Sylvia and Zhang, Haina and Downs, Carolyn Mary (2018) Perform or perish : Understanding the link between performance management systems and ethical behaviours. In: European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference 2018, 2018-06-19 - 2018-06-22. (Unpublished)

Daryanto, Ahmad (2018) Detecting Spurious Moderation Effect in Service Research : An Information-Theoretic Approach. In: SERVSIG 2018 Conference, 2017-12-20 - 2017-12-31.

Daskalopoulou, Athanasia and Skandalis, Alexandros and Lim, Ming (2018) Performing emplaced institutional work in the indie music field : The role of place in shaping market dynamics. In: 2018 Consumer Culture Theory Conference, 2018-06-28.

Davis, Teresa and Hogg, Margaret Kathleen and Marshall, David and Petersen, A. and Schneider, Tanja (2018) Families and Food : Marketing, Consuming and Managing. European Journal of Marketing, 52 (12). pp. 2270-2272. ISSN 0309-0566

Davis, Teresa and Hogg, Margaret Kathleen and Marshall, David and Petersen, A. and Schneider, Tanja (2018) Intersectional research stories of responsibilising the family for food, feeding and health in the twenty-first century. European Journal of Marketing, 52 (12). pp. 2273-2288. ISSN 0309-0566

Downs, Carolyn Mary and Hassan, Muhammad Fahad and Gatrell, Caroline (2018) Muted Masculinities – ethical and personal challenges for male qualitative researchers interviewing women. In: The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Business and Management Research Methods :. Sage, London. ISBN 9781473926622

Downs, Carolyn Mary and Mughal, Farooq and Shah, Syed Uzair (2018) Seeing Workplace As A Learning Space : A Call For Developing Critical Work-Based Learning (WBL) Pedagogy. In: British Academy of Management 2018 conference, 2018-09-04 - 2018-09-06, UWE Bristol.

Dunnett, Susan and Hamilton, Kathy and Piacentini, Maria Grazia (2018) Consumer vulnerability : critical insights from stories, action research and visual culture. In: The Routledge Companion to Critical Marketing :. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon.. ISBN 9781138641402


Fernandes, Josi (2018) Reforming a disrupted favela market agencement in times of armed conflict in Rio de Janeiro. In: 5th Interdisciplinary Market Studies Workshop, 2018-06-06 - 2018-06-08, Copenhagen Business School. (Unpublished)


Gopaldas, Ahir and Siebert, Anton (2018) Women over 40, foreigners of color, and other missing persons in globalizing mediascapes : understanding marketing images as mirrors of intersectionality. Consumption, Markets and Culture, 21 (4). pp. 323-346. ISSN 1025-3866


Higgins, Leighanne (2018) Narratives of Dependency : Exploring Realistic and Transformative Pathways to Tourism for Consumers Living with Disability. In: Academy for Marketing Conference Workshop on Social, 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31.

Hu, Feihong and Zhao, Xin and Liu, Chih-Ling (2018) Avatars, Consumers and Possession in Online Gaming. In: 49th Annual ACR Conference, 2018-10-11 - 2018-10-14, Hilton Anatole.


Jalili Tanha, Thomas (2018) Strategizing to Configure Markets for a Circular Economy of Electrical Energy Storage. In: UK Energy Storage Conference 2018, 2018-03-20 - 2018-03-22, Newcastle University.

Jalili Tanha, Thomas and Mason, Katherine Jane and Palo, Teea Erja Marjaana (2018) Imagining to (Re-)Organize Markets: Conceptualizing Fiction in the Performance of a Circular Economy. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Jalili Tanha, Thomas and Mason, Katherine Jane and Palo, Teea Erja Marjaana (2018) Strategizing as Fictionalizing a Circular Economy for EV Batteries. In: BAM2018 Doctoral Symposium, 2018-09-03 - 2018-09-03, UWE Bristol.

Jalili Tanha, Thomas and Mason, Katherine Jane and Palo, Teea Erja Marjaana (2018) Strategizing practices as social change : enrolling market actors in a circular economy for power. In: Entrepreneurship as Social Change workshop, 2018-06-28 - 2018-06-29, Aalto University School of Business. (Unpublished)

Jalili Tanha, Thomas and Mason, Katherine Jane and Palo, Teea Erja Marjaana (2018) Strategizing to Situate a New Market for Power in a Circular Economy. In: 5th Interdisciplinary Market Studies Workshop 2018, 2018-06-06 - 2018-06-08, Copenhagen Business School.

Jalili Tanha, Thomas and Mason, Katherine Jane and Palo, Teea Erja Marjaana (2018) Strategizing-as-Competing : Performing Markets for a Circular Economy of Electric Car Batteries. In: "Strategy Process and Practice Research Workshop" at Strategic Management Society conference 2018, 2018-09-22. (Unpublished)

Jalili Tanha, Thomas and Mason, Katherine Jane and Palo, Teea Erja Marjaana (2018) Strategizing-as-Competing Practices to Situate a New Market for Power in a Circular Economy. In: British Academy of Management 2018 conference, 2018-09-04 - 2018-09-06, UWE Bristol.

Jones, Scott and Cronin, James Martin and Piacentini, Maria Grazia (2018) Mapping the Extended Frontiers of Escapism : Binge-watching and Hyperdiegetic Exploration. Journal of Marketing Management, 34 (5-6). pp. 497-508. ISSN 0267-257X


Khan, Hina (2018) Sunday Trading in the New Millennium : Sunday is the new Saturday! In: Global Marketing Conference 2018 Proceedings :. Global Marketing Conference 2018 Proceedings . UNSPECIFIED, JPN, p. 1045.

Khan, Hina (2018) Sunday is the New Saturday : Sunday Trading Reforms and Its Effects on Family-run SMEs, Employees and Consumers. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 25 (6). pp. 960-984.

Kharuhayothin, Tanyatip and Kerrane, Benedict Andrew (2018) Learning from the past? : An exploratory study of familial food socialization processes using the lens of emotional reflexivity. European Journal of Marketing, 52 (12). pp. 2312-2333. ISSN 0309-0566

Kretschmer, Martin and Meletti, Bartolomeo and Singh, Sukhpreet (2018) IP Collaborative Agreements in the Creative Industries. Working Paper. Arts and Humanities Research Council, Swindon.


Leung, Eugina and Paolacci, Gabriele and Puntoni, Stefano (2018) Man versus machine : Resisting automation in identity-based consumer behavior. Journal of Marketing Research, 55 (6). pp. 818-831. ISSN 0022-2437

Liu, Chih-Ling and Hogg, Margaret Kathleen (2018) Using attachment theory to illuminate consumers’ tensions between their sense of self and goal-pursuits in relationships. Journal of Business Research, 92. pp. 197-209. ISSN 0148-2963

Liu, Chih-Ling and Zhao, Xin and Hogg, Margaret Kathleen (2018) Gift giving within adult daughter-mother dyads. In: Gifts, Romance, and Consumer Culture :. Routledge Interpretive Marketing Research . Routledge. ISBN 9781138500709


Malone, Sheila and McKechnie, Sally and Tynan, Caroline (2018) Tourists’ Emotions as a Resource for Customer Value Creation, Co-Creation and Destruction : A Customer-Grounded Understanding. Journal of Travel Research, 57 (7). pp. 843-855. ISSN 0047-2875

Mardon, Rebecca and Cocker, Hayley and Daunt, Kate (2018) Constructing and commodifying the tribal celebrity : A dramaturgical perspective. In: Academy of Marketing Conference, 2018-07-02 - 2018-07-05. (Unpublished)

Mouzas, Stefanos and Ford, David (2018) The Mediating Role of Consent in Business Marketing. Industrial Marketing Management, 74. pp. 195-204. ISSN 0019-8501


O'Leary, Killian and Murphy, Stephen (2018) Anonymous SNS apps : beyond the normative prescriptions of identity based platforms. In: Social Media and Society, 2018-07-18 - 2018-07-20, Copenhagen.


Parkes, Geoff and Hart, Mark and Rudd, John and Liu, Rebecca Ru-Yuh (2018) The role of behavioural competences in predicting entrepreneurial funding resource orchestration. Cogent Business & Management, 5: 5: 1512833. pp. 1-29.

Patterson, Anthony (2018) Let it all fall down : Delighting in anti-heroes, alternative heritage and ruination. In: Cultural Heritage :. Routledge. ISBN 9781138092822

Peters, Linda and Pressey, Andrew and Gilchrist, Alan John Patterson and Johnson, Wesley (2018) Involving customers in innovation : knowledgability and agency as process variables. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 33 (2): 0083. pp. 164-173. ISSN 0885-8624

Pradhan, Anuja and Cocker, Hayley and Hogg, Margaret (2018) Performing identity – How British Asians acquire subcultural capital, build social capital, and gain distinction through Bollywood, music and dance. In: 2018 Consumer Culture Theory Conference, 2018-06-28. (Unpublished)


Rammer, Christian and Ikeuchi, Kenta and Liu, Rebecca Ru-Yuh (2018) Internationalization and SME Innovations : An empirical study in Japan and in Germany. In: Proceedings of the 25TH IPDMC: INNOVATION AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE PORTO, PORTUGAL, JUNE 10-13 (14), 2018 :. Proceedings of the 25th IPDMC . UNSPECIFIED, PRT.

Rindt, Jekatarina and Mouzas, Stefanos (2018) Network Governance : A Process of Private Ordering. In: Institute for the Study of Business Markets, Boston MIT, 2018-08-08 - 2018-08-09, Boston, MIT Sloan School of Management.

Rodrigo, Padmali and Khan, Hina and Ekinci, Yuksel (2018) The determinants of foreign product preference amongst elite consumers in an emerging market. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 46. pp. 139-148. ISSN 0969-6989

Rogan, Donal and Piacentini, Maria Grazia and Hopkinson, Gillian Clare (2018) Intercultural household food tensions : a relational dialectics analysis. European Journal of Marketing, 52 (12). pp. 2289-2311. ISSN 0309-0566

Ryan, Annmarie and Palo, Teea Erja Marjaana (2018) 2020 Foresight : Narrating City Futures in the context of a European Capital of Culture bid process. In: 5th Interdisciplinary Market Studies Workshop 2018, 2018-06-06 - 2018-06-08, Copenhagen Business School.

Ryder, Mike (2018) Academic e-books and the changing face of university libraries. UNSPECIFIED.

Ryder, Mike (2018) Cars, guns and inevitable automation. UNSPECIFIED.

Ryder, Mike (2018) Ethics, killing, and the Moral Machine. UNSPECIFIED.

Ryder, Mike (2018) Images of the Vietnam War: James C. Farley and YP13. UNSPECIFIED.

Ryder, Mike (2018) Oliver the Justice Dog and what it means to be human. UNSPECIFIED.


Salciuviene, Laura and Kelvin, Lee (2018) Modelling determinants of customer loyalty in services sector across different cultural contexts. Engineering Economics, 29 (5). pp. 580-590. ISSN 1392-2785

Scheurenbrand, Klara and Parsons, Elizabeth and Cappellini, Benedetta and Patterson, Anthony (2018) Cycling into Headwinds : Analysing mobility practices that inhibit sustainability. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 37 (2). pp. 227-244. ISSN 0743-9156

Singh, Jaywant and Quamina, La Toya and Xue, Melanie (2018) 10 Million Followers and Counting : How Digital Brand Alliances Between Online Influencers and Brands Impact Consumer Value. In: Back to the Future : Using Marketing Basics to Provide Customer Value Proceedings of the 2017 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference. Dewvelopments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science . Springer, Cham. ISBN 9783319660226

Skandalis, Alexandros and Banister, Emma and Byrom, John (2018) The spatial aspects of musical taste : conceptualising consumers' place-dependent identity investments. Marketing Theory, 18 (2). pp. 249-265. ISSN 1470-5931

Stigzelius, Ingrid and Araujo, Luis and Mason, Katherine Jane and Murto, Riikka and Palo, Teea Erja Marjaana (2018) Kitchen concerns at the boundary between markets and consumption : agencing practice change in times of scarcity (Husmodern, Sweden 1938–1958). Consumption, Markets and Culture, 21 (4). pp. 347-372. ISSN 1025-3866

Szmigin, Isabelle and Piacentini, Maria Grazia (2018) Consumer Behaviour. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780198786238


Tarim, Emre (2018) Turkey’s lira crisis : ‘economic war’ sees Erdoğan look east for new allies. UNSPECIFIED.


Wang, Sihang and Cronin, James Martin and Hogg, Margaret Kathleen (2018) To Cast a Long Shadow : Theorising the Perseverance of Identity Vestiges. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Wright, Christopher and Nyberg, Daniel and Rickards, Lauren and Freund, James (2018) Organizing in the Anthropocene. Organization, 25 (4). pp. 455-471. ISSN 1350-5084

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