Items where Department is "Mathematics and Statistics" and Year is 2013

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 136.

Abidemi, Awopeju and Odum, Jane Ogechukwu and Nnanatu, Chibuzor (2013) Level of Intelligence among Best Brains in Mathematics in Nigeria Secondary Schools (South-East geopolitical zone) : Candid state of Nigeria Educational Standard. Journal of Culture, Society and Development, 2. pp. 18-23.

Baghfalaki, Taban and Ganjali, Mojtaba and Berridge, Damon (2013) Robust joint modeling of longitudinal measurements and time to event data using normal/independent distributions : a Bayesian approach. Biometrical Journal, 55 (6). pp. 844-865. ISSN 0323-3847

Batstone, Crispian and Lawless, Mark and Tawn, Jonathan Angus and Horsburgh, Kevin and Blackman, David L. and McMillan, Alistair and Worth, David and Laeger, Stefan and Hunt, Tim (2013) A UK best-practice approach for extreme sea level analysis along complex topographic coastlines. Ocean Engineering, 71. pp. 28-39. ISSN 0029-8018

Belton, Alexander C. R. (2013) On stopping Fock-space processes. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED.

Bird, Alistair and Jameson, Graham and Laustsen, Niels (2013) The Giesy-James theorem for general index p, with an application to operator ideals on the pth James space. Journal of Operator Theory, 70 (1). pp. 291-307.

Blum, M. G. B. and Nunes, Matthew and Prangle, Dennis and Sisson, S. A. (2013) A comparative review of dimension reduction methods in approximate Bayesian computation. Statistical Science, 28 (2). pp. 189-208. ISSN 0883-4237

Borowski, Holly and Marden, Jason R. and Leslie, David S. and Frew, Eric W. (2013) Coarse resistance tree methods for stochastic stability analysis. In: Decision and Control (CDC), 2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on :. IEEE, pp. 1860-1865. ISBN 9781467357142

Braun, Christopher and Lazarev, Andrey (2013) Homotopy BV algebras in Poisson geometry. Transactions of Moscow Mathematical Society, 74 (2). pp. 217-227. ISSN 0077-1554

Broomhead, Nathan and Pauksztello, David and Ploog, David (2013) Averaging t-structures and extension closure of aisles. Journal of Algebra, 394. pp. 51-78. ISSN 0021-8693

Böhmer, Wendelin and Grunewalder, Steffen and Shen, Yun and Musial, Marek and Obermayer, Klaus (2013) Construction of approximation spaces for reinforcement learning. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 14. pp. 2067-2118. ISSN 1532-4435

Carlson, Jon and Mazza, Nadia and Thévenaz, Jacques (2013) Endotrivial modules over groups with quaternion or semi-dihedral Sylow 2-subgroup. Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 15 (1). pp. 157-177. ISSN 1435-9863

Carpi, Sebastiano and Conti, Roberto and Hillier, Robin (2013) Conformal nets and KK-theory. Annals of Functional Analysis, 4 (1). pp. 11-17.

Carpi, Sebastiano and Conti, Roberto and Hillier, Robin and Weiner, Mihály (2013) Representations of conformal nets, universal C*-algebras and K-theory. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 320 (1). pp. 275-300. ISSN 0010-3616

Carslake, David and Fraser, Abigail and Davey Smith, George and May, Margaret and Palmer, Tom and Sterne, Jonathan and Silventoinen, Karri and Tynelius, Per and Lawlor, Debbie A. and Rasmussen, Finn (2013) Associations of mortality with own height using son's height as an instrumental variable. Economics and Human Biology, 11 (3). pp. 351-359.

Chapman, Archie C. and Leslie, David S. and Rogers, Alex and Jennings, Nicholas R. (2013) Convergent learning algorithms for unknown reward games. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 51 (4). pp. 3154-3180. ISSN 0363-0129

Choi, Yemon (2013) Approximately multiplicative maps from weighted semilattice algebras. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 95 (1). pp. 36-67. ISSN 1446-7887

Choi, Yemon (2013) On commutative, operator amenable subalgebras of finite von Neumann algebras. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle's Journal), 678. pp. 201-222. ISSN 0075-4102

Choi, Yemon and Samei, Ebrahim (2013) Quotients of Fourier algebras, and representations which are not completely bounded. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 141 (7). pp. 2379-2388. ISSN 0002-9939

Chuang, Joseph and Lazarev, Andrey (2013) Formal geometry and combinatorics of the Maurer-Cartan equation. Letters in Mathematical Physics, 103 (1). 79–112. ISSN 0377-9017

Coelho Guardado Simoes, Raquel (2013) Maximal rigid objects as noncrossing bipartite graphs. Algebras and Representation Theory, 16 (5). 1243–1272. ISSN 1386-923X

Collins, Alison and Cartwright, Susan and Berridge, Damon (2013) The relationship between absenteeism and presenteeism : a longitudinal study of the attendance patterns of UK workers. In: 10th International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health, 2013-05-16 - 2013-05-19, California.

Dales, H.G. (2013) Obituary: William George Bade 1924–2012. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 45 (4). pp. 875-888. ISSN 0024-6093

Dales, H.G. and Kania, Tomasz and Kochanek, Tomasz and Koszmider, Piotr and Laustsen, Niels (2013) Maximal left ideals of the Banach algebra of bounded operators on a Banach space. Studia Mathematica, 218 (3). pp. 245-286. ISSN 0039-3223

Dales, H.G. and Strauss, Dona E. and Zelenyuk, Yevhen and Zelenyuk, Yulia (2013) Radicals of some semigroup algebras. Semigroup Forum, 87 (1). pp. 80-96. ISSN 1432-2137

Davies, Rhian and Mihaylova, Lyudmila and Pavlidis, Nicos and Eckley, Idris (2013) The effect of recovery algorithms on compressive sensing background subtraction. In: Sensor Data Fusion : Trends, Solutions, Applications (SDF), 2013 Workshop on. IEEE, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9781479907779

Davit, Yohan and Bell, Christopher G. and Byrne, Helen M. and Chapman, Lloyd A.C. and Kimpton, Laura S. and Lang, Georgina E. and Leonard, Katherine H.L. and Oliver, James M. and Pearson, Natalie C. and Shipley, Rebecca J. and Waters, Sarah L. and Whiteley, Jonathan P. and Wood, Brian D. and Quintard, Michel (2013) Homogenization via formal multiscale asymptotics and volume averaging : How do the two techniques compare? Advances in Water Resources, 62 (B). pp. 178-206. ISSN 0309-1708

Dehaye, Paul-Olivier and Zeindler, Dirk (2013) On averages of randomized class functions on the symmetric groups and their asymptotics. Annales de L'Institut Fourier, 63 (4). pp. 1227-1262. ISSN 1777-5310

Denisov, Denis and Korshunov, Dmitry and Wachtel, Vitali (2013) Potential analysis for positive recurrent Markov chains with asymptotically zero drift : power-type asymptotics. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 123 (8). pp. 3027-3051. ISSN 0304-4149

Dunn, Christine E. and Rowlingson, Barry and Bhopal, R. S. and Diggle, Peter (2013) Meteorological conditions and incidence of Legionnaires’ disease in Glasgow, Scotland : application of statistical modelling. Epidemiology and Infection, 141 (4). pp. 687-696. ISSN 0950-2688

Dunn, Kerry and Hindley, Andrew and Wood, Lisa and Sanneh, Alison and Barber, David and Whitehead, Anne and Zain, Zakiyah (2013) Mometasone Furoate significantly reduces radiation dermatitis in patients undergoing breast radiation therapy : a double-blind randomized control trial in 120 patients. International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics, 87 (2 Supp). S115. ISSN 0360-3016

Durango, Esteban and Dietrich, Christian and Seitz, Helmut Karl and Kunz, Cornelia Ursula and Pomier-Layrargues, Gilles T. and Duarte-Rojo, Andres and Beaton, Melanie and Elkhashab, Magdy and Myers, Robert P. and Mueller, Sebastian (2013) Direct comparison of the FibroScan XL and M probes for assessment of liver fibrosis in obese and nonobese patients. Hepatic Medicine: Evidence and Research, 2013 (5). pp. 43-52.

Eastoe, Emma and Koukoulas, Sotirios and Jonathan, Philip (2013) Statistical measures of extremal dependence illustrated using measured sea surface elevations from a neighbourhood of coastal locations. Ocean Engineering, 62. pp. 68-77. ISSN 0029-8018

Euán, Carolina and Ortega, Joaquín and Esteban, Pedro C.Alvarez (2013) Detecting changes in wave spectra using the total variation distance. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2013 :. Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference . UNSPECIFIED, USA, pp. 824-830. ISBN 9781880653999

Fagan, Abigail A. and Van Horn, M. Lee and Hawkins, J. David and Jaki, Thomas (2013) Differential effects of parental controls on adolescent substance use : for whom is the family most important? Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 29 (3). pp. 347-368. ISSN 0748-4518

Fearnhead, Paul and Taylor, Benjamin M. (2013) An adaptive sequential Monte Carlo sampler. Bayesian Analysis, 8 (2). pp. 411-438. ISSN 1931-6690

Fokianos, K. and Neumann, M.H. (2013) A goodness-of-fit test for Poisson count processes. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 7 (1). pp. 793-819. ISSN 1935-7524

Foss, Sergey and Korshunov, Dmitry and Zachary, Stan (2013) An introduction to heavy-tailed and subexponential distributions. Springer Series in Operations Research and Financial Engineering (2nd). Springer, New York. ISBN 9781461471004

Francis, Brian and Humphreys, Leslie and Kirby, Stuart and Soothill, Keith (2013) Understanding criminal careers in organised crime. [Report]

Francis, Brian and Soothill, Keith (2013) Sexual recidivism. In: Encyclopedia of criminology and criminal justice :. Springer, New York, pp. 4798-4809. ISBN 9781461456896

Freitag, Christine M. and Cholemkery, Hannah and Elsuni, Leyla and Kroeger, Anne K. and Bender, Stephan and Kunz, Cornelia Ursula and Kieser, Meinhard (2013) The group-based social skills training SOSTA-FRA in children and adolescents with high functioning autism spectrum disorder--study protocol of the randomised, multi-centre controlled SOSTA--net trial. Trials, 14: 6. ISSN 1745-6215

Freund, Tobias and Campbell, Stephen M. and Geissler, Stefan and Kunz, Cornelia U. and Mahler, Cornelia and Peters-Klimm, Frank and Szecsenyi, Joachim (2013) Strategies for reducing potentially avoidable hospitalizations for ambulatory care-sensitive conditions. Annals of Family Medicine, 11 (4). pp. 363-370. ISSN 1544-1717

Fried, R. and Agueusop, I. and Bornkamp, B. and Fokianos, K. and Fruth, J. and Ickstadt, K. (2013) Retrospective Bayesian outlier detection in INGARCH series. Statistics and Computing, 25 (2). pp. 365-374. ISSN 0960-3174

Geline, Michael and Mazza, Nadia (2013) Auslander-Reiten components for some Knörr lattices. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 45 (4). pp. 800-810. ISSN 0024-6093

George, Melissa and Yang, Na and Jaki, Thomas and Feaster, Daniel and Lamont, Andrea E. and Van Horn, M. Lee and Wilson, Dawn K. (2013) Finite mixtures for simultaneously modelling differential effects and non-normal distributions. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 48 (6). pp. 816-844. ISSN 0027-3171

George, Melissa and Yang, Na and Van Horn, M. Lee and Smith, Jessalyn and Jaki, Thomas and Feaster, Daniel and Maysn, Katherine and Howe, George (2013) Using regression mixture models with non-normal data: examining an ordered polytomous approach. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 83 (4). pp. 757-770. ISSN 1563-5163

Gott, Aimee and Eckley, Idris (2013) A note on the effect of wavelet choice on the estimation of the evolutionary wavelet spectrum. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, 42 (2). pp. 393-406. ISSN 1532-4141

Grith, Maria and Haerdle, Wolfgang and Park, Juhyun (2013) Shape invariant modeling of pricing kernels and risk aversion. Journal of Financial Econometrics, 11 (2). pp. 370-399. ISSN 1479-8417

Grunewalder, S. and Gretton, A. and Shawe-Taylor, J. (2013) Smooth Operators. In: Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Machine Learning :. PMLR, pp. 1184-1192.

Haegeman, Bart and Hamelin, Jérôme and Moriarty, John and Neal, Peter and Dushoff, Jonathan and Weitz, Joshua S. (2013) Robust estimation of microbial diversity in theory and in practice. ISME Journal, 7 (6). pp. 1092-1101. ISSN 1751-7362

Hampson, Lisa and Jennison, Christopher (2013) Group sequential tests for delayed responses. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 75 (1). pp. 3-54. ISSN 1467-9868

Harbord, Roger M. and Didelez, Vanessa and Palmer, Tom M. and Meng, Sha and Sterne, Jonathan A. C. and Sheehan, Nuala A. (2013) Severity of bias of a simple estimator of the causal odds ratio in Mendelian randomization studies. Statistics in Medicine, 32 (7). pp. 1246-1258. ISSN 0277-6715

Hargreaves, Claire and Prince, Daniel (2013) Understanding cyber criminals and measuring their future activity. Future of ... . Lancaster University, Lancaster.

Higgins, Julian P. T. and Lane, Peter W. and Anagnostelis, Betsy and Anzures-Cabrera, Judith and Baker, Nigel F. and Cappelleri, Joseph C. and Haughie, Scott and Hollis, Sally and Lewis, Steff C. and Moneuse, Patrick and Whitehead, Anne (2013) A tool to assess the quality of a meta-analysis. Research Synthesis Methods, 4 (4). pp. 351-366. ISSN 1759-2887

Hirst, B. and Jonathan, P. and González del Cueto, F. and Randell, D. and Kosut, O. (2013) Locating and quantifying gas emission sources using remotely obtained concentration data. Atmospheric Environment, 74. pp. 141-158. ISSN 1352-2310

Hirst, B. and Jonathan, P. and Randell, D. (2013) Blowin' in the wind. Significance, 10 (3). pp. 17-19. ISSN 1740-9705

Hollingworth, William and McKell-Redwood, Denise and Hampson, Lisa and Metcalfe, Chris (2013) Cost-utility analysis conducted alongside randomized controlled trials: Are economic end points considered in sample size calculations and does it matter? Clinical Trials, 10 (1). pp. 43-53. ISSN 1740-7745

Holmes, Michael V. and Simon, Tabassome and Exeter, Holly J. and Folkersen, Lasse and Asselbergs, Folkert W. and Guardiola, Montse and Cooper, Jackie A. and Palmen, Jutta and Hubacek, Jaroslav A. and Carruthers, Kathryn F. and Horne, Benjamin D. and Brunisholz, Kimberly D. and Mega, Jessica L. and van Iperen, Erik P. A. and Li, Mingyao and Leusink, Maarten and Trompet, Stella and Verschuren, Jeffrey J. W. and Hovingh, G. Kees and Dehghan, Abbas and Nelson, Christopher P. and Kotti, Salma and Danchin, Nicolas and Scholz, Markus and Haase, Christiane L. and Rothenbacher, Dietrich and Swerdlow, Daniel I. and Kuchenbaecker, Karoline B. and Staines-Urias, Eleonora and Goel, Anuj and van 't Hooft, Ferdinand and Gertow, Karl and de Faire, Ulf and Panayiotou, Andrie G. and Tremoli, Elena and Baldassarre, Damiano and Veglia, Fabrizio and Holdt, Lesca M. and Beutner, Frank and Gansevoort, Ron T. and Navis, Gerjan J. and Mateo Leach, Irene and Breitling, Lutz P. and Brenner, Hermann and Thiery, Joachim and Dallmeier, Dhayana and Franco-Cereceda, Anders and Boer, Jolanda M. A. and Stephens, Jeffrey W. and Hofker, Marten H. and Tedgui, Alain and Hofman, Albert and Uitterlinden, André G. and Adamkova, Vera and Pitha, Jan and Onland-Moret, N. Charlotte and Cramer, Maarten J. and Nathoe, Hendrik M. and Spiering, Wilko and Klungel, Olaf H. and Kumari, Meena and Whincup, Peter H. and Morrow, David A. and Braund, Peter S. and Hall, Alistair S. and Olsson, Anders G. and Doevendans, Pieter A. and Trip, Mieke D. and Tobin, Martin D. and Hamsten, Anders and Watkins, Hugh and Koenig, Wolfgang and Nicolaides, Andrew N. and Teupser, Daniel and Day, Ian N. M. and Carlquist, John F. and Gaunt, Tom R. and Ford, Ian and Sattar, Naveed and Tsimikas, Sotirios and Schwartz, Gregory G. and Lawlor, Debbie A. and Morris, Richard W. and Sandhu, Manjinder S. and Poledne, Rudolf and Maitland-van der Zee, Anke H. and Khaw, Kay-Tee and Keating, Brendan J. and van der Harst, Pim and Price, Jackie F. and Mehta, Shamir R. and Yusuf, Salim and Witteman, Jaqueline C. M. and Franco, Oscar H. and Jukema, J. Wouter and de Knijff, Peter and Tybjaerg-Hansen, Anne and Rader, Daniel J. and Farrall, Martin and Samani, Nilesh J. and Kivimaki, Mika and Fox, Keith A. A. and Humphries, Steve E. and Anderson, Jeffrey L. and Boekholdt, S. Matthijs and Palmer, Tom M. and Eriksson, Per and Paré, Guillaume and Hingorani, Aroon D. and Sabatine, Marc S. and Mallat, Ziad and Casas, Juan P. and Talmud, Philippa J. (2013) Secretory phospholipase A(2)-IIA and cardiovascular disease : a mendelian randomization study. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 62 (21). pp. 1966-1976. ISSN 1558-3597

Hu, Jingchen and Mitra, Robin and Reiter, Jerome P. (2013) Are independent parameter draws necessary for multiple imputation? American Statistician, 67 (3). pp. 143-149. ISSN 0003-1305

Hughes, Christopher and Najnudel, Joseph and Nikeghbali, Ashkan and Zeindler, Dirk (2013) Random permutation matrices under the generalized Ewens measure. Annals of Applied Probability, 23 (3). pp. 987-1024.

Humphreys, Leslie and Peelo, Moira (2013) Understanding deception : disentangling skills from conviction. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 52 (1). pp. 55-64. ISSN 0265-5527

Jaki, Thomas (2013) Uptake of novel statistical methods for early phase clinical studies in the UK public sector. Clinical Trials, 10 (2). pp. 344-346. ISSN 1740-7745

Jaki, Thomas and Andre, Valerie and Su, Ting-Li and Whitehead, John (2013) Designing exploratory cancer trials using change in tumour size as primary endpoint. Statistics in Medicine, 32 (15). pp. 2544-2554. ISSN 0277-6715

Jaki, Thomas and Clive, Sally and Weir, Christopher (2013) Principles of dose finding studies in cancer : a comparison of trial designs. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, 71 (5). pp. 1107-1114. ISSN 0344-5704

Jaki, Thomas and Hothorn, Ludwig A. (2013) Statistical evaluation of toxicological assays : Dunnett or Williams test? − take both. Archives of Toxicology, 87 (11). pp. 1901-1910. ISSN 0340-5761

Jaki, Thomas and Magirr, Dominic (2013) Considerations on covariates and endpoints in multi-arm multi-stage clinical trials selecting all promising treatments. Statistics in Medicine, 32 (7). pp. 1150-1163. ISSN 0277-6715

Jaki, Thomas and Pallmann, Philip and Wolfsegger, Martin J (2013) Authors' reply to comments on "Estimation in AB/BA cross-over trials with application to bioequivalence studies with incomplete and complete data settings". Statistics in Medicine, 32 (30). pp. 5487-5488. ISSN 0277-6715

Jaki, Thomas and Pallmann, Philip and Wolfsegger, Martin J. (2013) Estimation in AB/BA cross-over trials with application to bioequivalence studies with incomplete and complete data designs. Statistics in Medicine, 32 (30). pp. 5469-5483. ISSN 0277-6715

Jaki, Thomas and Parry, Alice and Winter, Katherine and Hastings, Ian (2013) Analysing malaria drug trials on a per individual or a per clone basis : a comparison of methods. Statistics in Medicine, 32 (17). pp. 3020-3038. ISSN 0277-6715

Jonathan, P. and Ewans, K. (2013) Statistical modelling of extreme ocean environments for marine design: A review. Ocean Engineering, 62. pp. 91-109. ISSN 0029-8018

Jonathan, P. and Ewans, K. and Randell, D. (2013) Joint modelling of extreme ocean environments incorporating covariate effects. Coastal Engineering, 79. pp. 22-31. ISSN 0378-3839

Jorgensen, Peter and Pauksztello, David (2013) The co-stability manifold of a triangulated category. Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 55 (1). pp. 161-175. ISSN 0017-0895

Kania, Tomasz (2013) A reflexive Banach space whose algebra of operators is not a Grothendieck space. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 401 (1). pp. 242-243. ISSN 0022-247X

Keef, Caroline and Papastathopoulos, Ioannis and Tawn, Jonathan Angus (2013) Estimation of the conditional distribution of a vector variable given that one of its components is large : additional constraints for the Heffernan and Tawn model. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 115. pp. 396-404. ISSN 0047-259X

Keef, Caroline and Tawn, Jonathan A. and Lamb, Rob (2013) Estimating the probability of widespread flood events. Environmetrics, 24 (1). pp. 13-21. ISSN 1180-4009

Khaleghi, Azedeh and Ryabko, Daniil (2013) Nonparametric multiple change point estimation in highly dependent time series. In: Algorithmic Learning Theory : 224th International Conference, ALT 2013, Singapore, October 6-9, 2013. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer, SGP, pp. 382-396. ISBN 9783642409349

Killick, Rebecca and Eckley, Idris and Jonathan, Philip (2013) A wavelet-based approach for detecting changes in second order structure within nonstationary time series. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 7. pp. 1167-1183. ISSN 1935-7524

Korshunov, D. A. and Piterbarg, V. I. and Hashorva, E. (2013) On extremal behavior of Gaussian chaos. Doklady Mathematics, 88 (2). pp. 566-568. ISSN 1064-5624

Lane, Peter W. and Higgins, Julian P. T. and Anagnostelis, Betsy and Anzures-Cabrera, Judith and Baker, Nigel F. and Cappelleri, Joseph C. and Haughie, Scott and Hollis, Sally and Lewis, Steff C. and Moneuse, Patrick and Whitehead, Anne (2013) Methodological quality of meta-analyses : matched-pairs comparison over time and between industry sponsored and academic-sponsored reports. Research Synthesis Methods, 4 (4). pp. 342-350. ISSN 1759-2887

Lazarev, Andrey (2013) Maurer–Cartan moduli and models for function spaces. Advances in Mathematics, 235. pp. 296-320. ISSN 0001-8708

Levy, Paul (2013) KW-sections for Vinberg's θ-groups of exceptional type. Journal of Algebra, 389. pp. 78-97. ISSN 0021-8693

Li, Wentao and Tan, Zhiqiang and Chen, Rong (2013) Two-stage importance sampling with mixture proposals. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 108 (504). pp. 1350-1365. ISSN 0162-1459

Lindsay, J. Martin and Das, Bata Krishna (2013) Elementary evolutions in Banach algebra. Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society, 28 (4). pp. 483-497. ISSN 0970-1249

Lindsay, J. Martin and Skalski, Adam G. (2013) Quantum random walk approximation on locally compact quantum groups. Letters in Mathematical Physics, 103 (7). pp. 765-775. ISSN 0377-9017

Liu, Ye and Tawn, Jonathan Angus (2013) Volatility model selection for extremes of financial time series. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 143 (3). pp. 520-530. ISSN 0378-3758

Lloyd, Kevin and Leslie, David. S. (2013) Context-dependent decision-making : a simple Bayesian model. Interface, 10 (82): 20130069. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1742-5689

Lucas, Amanda J. and Lewis, Charlie and Pala, F. Cansu and Wong, Katie and Berridge, Damon (2013) Social-cognitive processes in preschoolers' selective trust : Three cultures compared. Developmental Psychology, 49 (3). pp. 579-590. ISSN 0012-1649

Lötscher, Roland and MacDonald, Mark and Meyer, Aurel and Reichstein, Zinovy (2013) Essential dimension of algebraic tori. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle's Journal), 677. pp. 1-13. ISSN 0075-4102

MacDonald, Mark (2013) Upper bounds for the essential dimension of E_7. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin. ISSN 0008-4395

MacDonald, Mark and Lötscher, Roland and Meyer, Aurel and Reichstein, Zinovy (2013) Essential p-dimension of algebraic groups whose connected component is a torus. Algebra and Number Theory, 7 (8). 1817–1840. ISSN 1937-0652

Magirr, Dominic and Jaki, Thomas and Posch, Martin and Klingelmueller, Florian (2013) Simultaneous confidence intervals that are compatible with closed testing in adaptive designs. Biometrika, 100 (4). pp. 985-996. ISSN 0006-3444

Margetts, Oliver and Srinivasan, R. (2013) Invariants for E_0-semigroups on II_1 factors. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 323 (3). pp. 1155-1184. ISSN 0010-3616

Martin, Richard M. and Patel, Rita and Kramer, Michael S. and Guthrie, Lauren and Vilchuck, Konstantin and Bogdanovich, Natalia and Sergeichick, Natalia and Gusina, Nina and Foo, Ying and Palmer, Tom and Rifas-Shiman, Sheryl L. and Gillman, Matthew W. and Davey Smith, George and Oken, Emily (2013) Effects of promoting increased duration and exclusivity of breastfeeding on adiposity and insulin-like growth factor-I at age 11.5 years : a randomized trial. Journal of the American Medical Association, 309 (10). pp. 1005-1013. ISSN 0098-7484

Martyna, Agnieszka and Lucy, David and Zadora, Grzegorz and Trzcinska, Beata and Ramos, Daniel and Parczewski, Andrzej (2013) The evidential value of microspectrophotometry measurements made for pen inks. Analytical Methods, 2013 (23). pp. 6788-6795. ISSN 1759-9660

Maskell, L.C. and Crowe, A. and Dunbar, M.J. and Emmett, B. and Henrys, P. and Keith, A.M. and Norton, L.R. and Scholefield, P. and Clark, D.B. and Simpson, I.C. and Smart, S.M. (2013) Exploring the ecological constraints to multiple ecosystem service delivery and biodiversity. Journal of Applied Ecology, 50 (3). pp. 561-571. ISSN 0021-8901

Mohan, Vathsala and Stevenson, Mark and Marshall, Jonathan and Fearnhead, Paul and Holland, Barbara R. and Hotter, Grant and French, Nigel P. (2013) Campylobacter jejuni colonization and population structure in urban populations of ducks and starlings in New Zealand. Microbiologyopen, 2 (4). pp. 659-673.

Nikeghbali, Ashkan and Storm, Julia and Zeindler, Dirk (2013) Large cycles and a functional central limit theorem for generalized weighted random permutations. (Unpublished)

Nikeghbali, Ashkan and Zeindler, Dirk (2013) The generalized weighted probability measure on the symmetric group and the asymptotic behaviour of the cycles. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (B) Probabilités et Statistiques, 49 (4). pp. 961-981. ISSN 0246-0203

Oken, Emily and Patel, Rita and Guthrie, Lauren B. and Vilchuck, Konstantin and Bogdanovich, Natalia and Sergeichick, Natalia and Palmer, Tom M. and Kramer, Michael S. and Martin, Richard M. (2013) Effects of an intervention to promote breastfeeding on maternal adiposity and blood pressure at 11.5 y postpartum : results from the Promotion of Breastfeeding Intervention Trial, a cluster-randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 98 (4). pp. 1048-1056. ISSN 0002-9165

Palmer, Tom M. and Nordestgaard, Børge G. and Benn, Marianne and Tybjærg-Hansen, Anne and Davey Smith, George and Lawlor, Debbie A. and Timpson, Nicholas J. (2013) Association of plasma uric acid with ischaemic heart disease and blood pressure : mendelian randomisation analysis of two large cohorts. BMJ, 347: f4262. ISSN 0959-8138

Papadatos, Nickos and Xifara, Tatiana (2013) A simple method for obtaining the maximal correlation coefficient and related characterizations. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 118. pp. 102-114.

Papastathopoulos, Ioannis and Tawn, Jonathan Angus (2013) Extended generalised Pareto models for tail estimation. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 143 (1). pp. 131-143. ISSN 0378-3758

Papastathopoulos, Ioannis and Tawn, Jonathan Angus (2013) A generalised student's t-distribution. Statistics and Probability Letters, 83 (1). pp. 70-77. ISSN 0167-7152

Parsell, Scott T. and Prendiville, Sean and Wooley, Trevor D. (2013) Near-optimal mean value estimates for multidimensional Weyl sums. Geom. Funct. Anal., 23 (6). 1962–2024.

Peters-Klimm, F. and Freund, T. and Kunz, Cornelia U. and Laux, G. and Frankenstein, L. and Müller-Tasch, T. and Szecsenyi, J. (2013) Determinants of heart failure self-care behaviour in community-based patients : a cross-sectional study. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 12 (2). pp. 167-176. ISSN 1474-5151

Phillips, Alan and Fletcher, Chrissie and Atkinson, Gary and Channon, Eddie and Douiri, Abdel and Jaki, Thomas and Maca, Jeff and Morgan, David and Roger, James Henry and Terrill, Paul (2013) Multiplicity : discussion points from the PSI multiplicity expert group. Pharmaceutical Statistics, 12 (5). pp. 255-259. ISSN 1539-1604

Prendiville, Sean (2013) Solution-free sets for sums of binary forms. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 107 (2). pp. 267-302. ISSN 0024-6115

Prince, Daniel and Hargreaves, Claire (2013) Technology could be "aggravating" factor in sentencing. Benchmark, 1 (72). pp. 23-24.

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