Items where Department is "Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts" and Year is 2000

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Number of items: 73.


Aston, E. (2000) Staging ourselves. In: Representing lives : women and auto/biography :. Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 119-128. ISBN 0333750764

Aston, Elaine (2000) Black South African women: An anthology of plays. New Theatre Quarterly, 16 (4). p. 393. ISSN 0266-464X

Aston, Elaine (2000) Ms-directing Shakespeare: Women direct Shakespeare. New Theatre Quarterly, 16 (3). pp. 299-300. ISSN 0266-464X

Aston, Elaine (2000) Staging femininities: Performance and performativity. Theatre Journal, 52 (3). pp. 436-437. ISSN 0192-2882

Aston, Elaine (2000) Transforming women's lives : Bobby Baker's performances of Daily Life. New Theatre Quarterly, 16 (1). pp. 17-25. ISSN 0266-464X


Balbontin, A. and Yazdani, B. B. and Cooper, R. and Souder, W. E. (2000) New product development practices in American and British firms. Technovation, 20 (5). pp. 257-274. ISSN 0166-4972

Bennett, Bruce (2000) Misrecognizing film studies : Review of Bordwell, David, and Noel Carroll, "Post-Theory: Reconstructing Film Studies". Film-Philosophy, 4 (5). ISSN 1466-4615

Boynton, N. (2000) Kompositionsverfahren 1923-1926 : Das Kammerkonzert und die Lyrische Suite. In: Alban Berg und seine Zeit :. Grosse Komponisten und ihre Zeit . Laaber-Verlag, Laaber, pp. 241-260. ISBN 3890072984

Bruce, Margaret and Cooper, Rachel (2000) Creative product design. Wiley and Sons, UK. ISBN 0471987204


Caldwell, Nicholas and Clarkson, P. John and Rodgers, P.A. and Huxor, A.P. (2000) Web-based Knowledge Management for Distributed Design. IEEE Intelligent Systems and Their Applications, 15 (3). 40 – 47.

Cooper, Rachel (2000) Design management and the ceramic industry. In: Ceramic ambitions and strategic directions : perspectives on the UK ceramics industry arising from a series of executive seminars organised by Staffordshire University Business School. Staffordshire University, pp. 40-46.

Cooper, Rachel (2000) Design management and the ceramic industry. In: Ceramic ambitions and strategic directions : perspectives on the UK ceramics industry arising from a series of executive seminars organised by Staffordshire University Business School. :. Staffordshire University, pp. 40-46.

Covino, Marco M. and Rodgers, Paul A. and Smith, Jonathan S. and Clarkson, John P. (2000) Assessing reliability in mechanical systems. Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, 4 (2). pp. 67-84. ISSN 1092-0617

Cruickshank, Leon (2000) Process as Practice. In: Exchange 2000, 2000-11-02.

Cruickshank, Leon and Barfield, Lon (2000) The Augmenting of Textual Conversation with User Created Icons. In: Iconic communication :. Intellect Books, Bristol. ISBN 9781841500164


Davies, Gerry (2000) [30 drawings] A deluge of human indeifference. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Davies, Gerry (2000) [8 drawings] A drawing show. UNSPECIFIED.

Devereaux, Emile (2000) Ars Electronica 2000 : Linz, Austria. [Exhibition]

Dillon, Michael G. and Reid, Julian (2000) Complex Political Emergencies, Global Governance and Liberal Peace. Alternatives, 25 (1). ISSN 2163-3150


Giannachi, Gabriella (2000) 48 dictionary entries on contemporary Italian practitioners. In: Who's who in contemporary world theatre :. Routledge who's who series . Routledge, London, various. ISBN 0415141613

Giannachi, Gabriella (2000) Passione' by Laura Curino. In: Mythic women / real women :. Faber, London, pp. 87-112. ISBN 0571191401

Grinyer, Anne and Singleton, Vicky (2000) Sickness absence as risk-taking behaviour: a study of organisational and cultural factors in the public sector. Health, Risk and Society, 2 (1). pp. 7-21. ISSN 1369-8575


Hagopian, Patrick (2000) Voices from Vietnam : Veterans' Oral Histories in the Classroom. Journal of American History, 87 (2). pp. 593-601.

Heathfield, Adrian and Quick, Andrew (2000) Editorial on memory. Performance Research, 5 (3). pp. 1-3. ISSN 1352-8165

Herissone, Rebecca (2000) Music theory in seventeenth-century England. Oxford monographs on music . Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 0198167008

Hirst, Simon A. and Coulton, Paul and Honary, Bahram (2000) Turbo Decoding of SPC Product Codes Employing Only Simple Operations. In: Proceedings of the 1st Annual PostGraduate Symposium on the Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking and Broadcasting :. University of Liverpool, GBR, pp. 143-146.


Kagioglou, Michail and Cooper, Rachel and Aouad, Ghassan and Sexton, Martin (2000) Rethinking construction : the generic design and construction process protocol. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 7 (2). pp. 141-153. ISSN 0969-9988

Kuhn, Annette (2000) A journey through memory. In: Memory and methodology :. Berg, London, pp. 179-196. ISBN 1859732968


Lee, A. and Kagioglou, Mike and Cooper, Rachel and Aouad, Ghassan (2000) Production management : the process protocol approach. Journal of Construction Procurement, 6 (2). pp. 164-183. ISSN 1358-9180

Lindsay, A. and Kriechbaum, W. (2000) There's More than One Way to Hear it: Multiple Representations of Music in MPEG-7. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Lindsay, A. and Srinivasan, S. and Charlesworth, J.P.A. and Garner, P.N. and Kriechbaum, W. (2000) Representation and Linking Mechanism for Audio in mpeg-7. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)


Mackenzie, A. (2000) Losing Time at the PlayStation: Realtime Individuation and the Whatever Body. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Marsden, A. A. (2000) Music, intelligence and artificiality. In: Readings in music and artificial intelligence :. Contemporary music studies ; v. 20 . Harwood Academic, Amsterdam, pp. 15-28. ISBN 9057550946

Marsden, A. A. (2000) Representing musical time : a temporal-logic approach. Studies on new music research ; 4 . Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers, Lisse. ISBN 9026516355

Mawer, D. (2000) Ballet and the apotheosis of the dance. In: The Cambridge companion to Ravel :. Cambridge companions to music . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 140-161. ISBN 0521648564

Mawer, D. (2000) The Cambridge Companion to Ravel. Cambridge companions to music . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 0521648564

Mawer, D. (2000) Musical objects and machines. In: The Cambridge Companion to Ravel :. Cambridge companions to music . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 47-67. ISBN 0521648564

Mawer, Deborah (2000) Introduction: the many masks of Ravel. In: The Cambridge Companion to Ravel :. Cambridge companions to music . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1-4, 266. ISBN 0521648564

Mottram, Judith (2000) Notes from looking at the drawings. In: Pleasures of uncertainty : Drawings by Jenny West. Derby Museum and Art Gallery.

Mottram, Judith and Kelly, M (2000) Marking time, imaging desire : the other perspective. In: Drawing Across Boundaries :. Loughborough University.

Mottram, Judith and Whale, G (2000) New knowledge and new technology : restructuring fine art education. In: Subject Knowledge and Professional Practice in the Arts and Humanities :. Open University. ISBN 0749244917

Mottram, Judith and Whale, George (2000) Drawing across boundaries. Loughborough University. ISBN 9781900856560

Mottram, Judith and Whale, George (2000) Symposium overview : drawing across boundaries. In: Drawing Across Boundaries :. Loughborough University.


Newey, Kate (2000) Climbing boys and factory girls : popular melodramas of working life. Journal of Victorian Culture, 5 (1). pp. 28-44. ISSN 1750-0133

Nichols, Roger and Mawer, Deborah (2000) Appendix: early reception of Ravel’s music (1899–1939). In: The Cambridge Companion to Ravel :. Cambridge companions to music . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 251-266, 281-282. ISBN 0521640264


Olson, Eric M. and Slater, Stanley F. and Cooper, Rachel (2000) Managing design for competitive advantage : a process approach. Design Management Journal, 11 (4). pp. 10-17. ISSN 1045-7194


Pengelly, M. and Sime, J. A. (2000) Using shared mental models as a basis for developing team competencies. In: Proceedings of international conference on intelligent tutoring systems (ITS 2000): adanced instrudtional design for complex safety critical and emergency training :. UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, 23-Jul.

Pidduck, J. (2000) Of windows and country walks: frames of space and movement in 1990s Austen adaptations. In: The postcolonial Jane Austen :. Routledge research in postcolonial literatures (2). Routledge, London, pp. 116-138. ISBN 0415232902

Pidduck, Julianne (2000) Society for Cinema Studies Conference, University of Chicago, 9–12 March 2000. Screen, 41 (3). pp. 328-330. ISSN 1460-2474

Pidduck, Julianne (2000) Tania Modleski, Old Wives' Tales: Feminist Re-Visions of Film and Other Fictions; Anneke Smelik, And the Mirror Cracked: Feminist Cinema and Film Theory; Patricia White, Uninvited: Classical Hollywood Cinema and Lesbian Representability. Screen, 41 (1). pp. 126-132. ISSN 1460-2474

Pidduck, Julianne (2000) Teaching gender and sexuality. Media Education Journal, 28. pp. 22-25. ISSN 0268-1951

Pidduck, Julianne (2000) Versions, verse, and verve: Jean-Paul Rappeneau's Cyrano de Bergerac. In: French film: text and context :. Routledge, London, pp. 281-296. ISBN 0415161185


Quick, Andrew (2000) Dedicated : the violence of messages. Performance Research, 5 (3). ISSN 1352-8165

Quick, Andrew (2000) On memory. Performance Research, 5 (3). ISSN 1352-8165

Quick, Andrew (2000) Resisting memorialisation : an interview with Fiona Templeton. Performance Research, 5 (3). pp. 115-124. ISSN 1352-8165

Quick, Andrew (2000) Writing the real. Nordic Theatre Studies, 13. pp. 62-70. ISSN 0904-6380


Rai, Takayuki (2000) Mirage for 17-stringed koto and computer [8 minutes]. [Composition]

Rai, Takayuki (2000) Sparkle for bass clarinet and tape. Mnémosyne, France.

Rai, Takayuki and Matsuda, Shu (2000) DIPS: the real-time digital image processing objects for Max environment. In: International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2000), Berlin, Germany, 2000-09-01.

Rai, Takayuki and Matsuda, Shu and Miyama, Chikashi and Ando, Daichi (2000) DIPS2 : Digital Image Processing with Sound. UNSPECIFIED.

Rodgers, P.A. and Green, Graham and McGown, A. (2000) Using Concept Sketches to Track Design Progress. Design Studies, 21 (5). pp. 451-464. ISSN 0142-694X

Rose, Emma (2000) A sustainable practice? : painting, criticism and theory. In: De-traditionalism and art : aesthetic, authority, authenticity :. Middlesex University Press, London, pp. 149-162.

Rushton, Richard (2000) Reading 'Three Colours Blue'. Senses of Cinema, 10.


Tyler, Imogen (2000) Reframing pregnant embodiment. In: Transformations : thinking through feminism :. Routledge, London, pp. 288-301. ISBN 041522067X

Tyler, Imogen and Loizidou, E. (2000) The promise of Berlant : an interview. Cultural Values, 4 (4). pp. 497-511.


Walker, Stuart (2000) How the other half lives : product design, sustainability and the human spirit. Design Issues, 16 (1). pp. 52-58. ISSN 0747-9360

Walker, Stuart (2000) The attraction of opposites : reconciling fashion with sustainable product design. Innovation, 2. ISSN 0731-2334

Whistlecroft, Lisa (2000) Evaluating first-time lecturing: Where to start? When to stop? In: Evaluate & Improve: Investigating Lecturers' Teaching in the arts and humanities, 1999-10-09.

Whiteley, Nigel S. (2000) De-traditionalisation and art : aesthetic, authority, authenticity. Middlesex University Press, London.

Whiteley, Nigel S. (2000) Sacred moments and profane gestures : de-traditionalisation and modernist art. In: De-traditionalism and art : aesthetic, authority, authenticity :. Middlesex University Press, London, pp. 11-32.

Wilson, S. T. (2000) Schizocapital and the branding of American psychosis. Cultural Values, 4 (4). pp. 474-496.

Wilson, S. T. and Botting, F. (2000) Dead time (a ghost story). In: The limits of death : between philosophy and psychoanalysis :. Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 57-78. ISBN 0719057507

Wilson, Scott T. (2000) Reading Shakespeare with intensity : a commentary on some lines from Nietzsche's Ecce homo. In: Philosophical Shakespeares :. Accents on Shakespeare . Routledge, London, pp. 86-104. ISBN 0415173884

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