Items where Department is "History" and Year is 2014
Heale, Michael John and Barreyre, Nicolas and Tuck, Stephen and Vidal, Cecile, eds. (2014) Historians across borders : writing American history in a global age. University of California Press, Berkeley. ISBN 9780520279278
Tardy, Thierry and Wyss, Marco, eds. (2014) Peacekeeping in Africa : The Evolving Security Architecture. CSS studies in security and international relations . Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138940246
Pinto, Antonio Costa and Kallis, Aristotle, eds. (2014) Rethinking fascism and dictatorship in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781137384409
Gregory, Ian and Geddes, Alistair, eds. (2014) Towards spatial humanities : historical GIS and spatial history. Spatial Humanities . Indiana University Press, Bloomington. ISBN 9780253011862
Alker, Zoe (2014) Higher Alcohol Prices Don’t Always Mean Less Violence. The Conversation.
Alker, Zoe (2014) Why Study Criminal History? In: Criminology and Criminal Justice for the Curious : Why Study Criminal Justice? University of Canberra.
Barber, Sarah (2014) '"Let him be an Englishman" : Irish and Scottish clergy in the Caribbean Church of England, 1610-1720'. In: Jacobitism, Enlightenment and Empire, 1680-1820 :. Political and Popular Culture in the Early Modern Period (Politi). Pickering and Chatto, London, 75-91, 230-235. ISBN 9781848934665
Barber, Sarah (2014) "Let him be an Englishman" : Irish and Scottish ministers in the Caribbean Church of England, 1610-1730. In: Jacobitism, Enlightenment and Empire, 1680–1820 :. Pickering and Chatto, pp. 75-92. ISBN 9781848934665
Barber, Sarah (2014) The disputatious Caribbean : the West Indies in the seventeenth century. Palgrave Macmillan, New York. ISBN 9781137479990
Brown, Michael (2014) 'Bats, Rats and Barristers': The Lancet, libel and the radical stylistics of early nineteenth-century English medicine. Social History, 39 (2). pp. 182-209. ISSN 0307-1022
Camino, Mercedes (2014) Franco’s Crypt: Spanish Culture and Memory since 1936 : By Jeremy Treglown. [Review]
Camino, Mercedes (2014) ‘Red fury’ : historical memory and Spanish football. Memory Studies, 7 (4). pp. 500-512. ISSN 1750-6980
Cerillo Cuenca, Enrique and Liceras-Garrido, Raquel and Prada Gallardo, Alicia and Salas Tovar, Ernesto and Martínez del Pozo, José Ángel (2014) Poblamiento prehistórico en el valle del Tajo (área de Alconétar) : técnicas de análisis geo-espacial y primeros resultados. In: Actas del VI Encuentro de Arqueología del Suroeste Peninsular :. Badajoz Ayuntamiento de Villafranca de los Barros, Villafranca de los Barros, pp. 733-758. ISBN 9788461663064
Cousins, Eleri (2014) Votive Objects and Ritual Practice at the King's Spring at Bath. In: TRAC 2013 : Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference. Oxbow Books, Oxford, pp. 52-64.
Cunningham, Niall and Gregory, Ian (2014) Hard to miss, easy to blame? : peacelines, interfaces and political deaths in Belfast during the Troubles. Political Geography, 40. pp. 64-78. ISSN 0962-6298
Do, Trien and Cheverst, Keith and Gregory, Ian (2014) LoMAK : a framework for generating locative media apps from KML files. In: Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS '14) :. ACM, New York, pp. 211-216. ISBN 9781450327251
Donaldson, Christopher Elliott (2014) Poetry in Railways : Edward Thomas, Philip Larkin, Norman Nicholson. Comet, 9 (1). p. 3.
Edmonds, Fiona (2014) Saints' cults and Gaelic-Scandinavian influence around the Cumberland Coast and North of the Solway Firth. In: Celtic-Norse relationships in the Irish Sea in the Middle Ages 800-1200 :. The Northern World . Brill, Leiden, pp. 39-63. ISBN 9789004255111
Edmonds, Fiona (2014) The emergence and transformation of medieval Cumbria. Scottish Historical Review, 93 (2). pp. 195-216. ISSN 0036-9241
El-Haj, Mahmoud and Rayson, Paul and Young, Steven and Walker, Martin (2014) Detecting document structure in a very large corpus of UK financial reports. In: LREC'14 Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation :. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2014) . European Language Resources Association (ELRA), Reykjavik, Iceland, pp. 1335-1338. ISBN 9782951740884
Ell, Paul and Cunningham, Niall and Gregory, Ian (2014) No spatial watershed : religious geographies of Ireland pre- and post-famine. In: Global legacies of the great Irish famine : transnational and interdisciplinary perspectives. Peter Lang, Oxford, pp. 197-224. ISBN 9783034309035
Fernandez Aceves, Hervin (2014) Social Positions in the Liber de Regno Sicilie : Using Structural Equivalences in an Attempt to Analyze the Narrative of Pseudo-Falcandus. Annual of Medieval Studies at CEU, 20. pp. 42-58. ISSN 1219-0616
Grant, Mary-Susan and Heale, Michael John and Parafianowicz, Halina and Vaudagna, Maurizio (2014) Characteristics and contours : mapping American history in Europe. American Historical Review, 119 (3). pp. 749-759. ISSN 1937-5239
Grant, S.-M. and Heale, M. and Parafianowicz, H. and Vaudagna, M. (2014) AHR roundtable characteristics and contours: Mapping American history in Europe. American Historical Review, 119 (3). pp. 749-759. ISSN 0002-8762
Gregory, Ian (2014) Challenges and opportunities for digital history. Frontiers in Digital Humanities, 1 (1). pp. 1-2.
Gregory, Ian (2014) From historical GIS to spatial humanities : an evolving literature. In: Towards spatial humanities : historical GIS and spatial history. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, pp. 186-202.
Gregory, Ian and Cunningham, Niall and Lloyd, Chris and Shuttleworth, Ian and Ell, Paul (2014) Troubled geographies : a spatial history of religion and society in Ireland. Spatial Humanities . Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Ind.. ISBN 9780253009661
Gregory, Ian and Donaldson, Christopher and Murrieta-Flores, Patricia and Rupp, Christopher John and Baron, Alistair and Hardie, Andrew and Rayson, Paul (2014) Digital approaches to understanding the geographies in literary and historical texts. In: Digital Humanities 2014 Conference Abstracts :. UNSPECIFIED.
Gregory, Ian and Geddes, Alistair (2014) From historical GIS to spatial humanities : deepening scholarship and broadening technology. In: Towards spatial humanities : historical GIS and spatial history. Spatial Humanities . Indiana University Press, Bloomington, ix-xix. ISBN 9780253011862
Gregory, Ian N. and Geddes, Alistair (2014) Conclusions : From historical GIS to spatial humanities: Challenges and opportunities. In: Toward Spatial Humanities : Historical Gis and Spatial History. Indiana University Press, pp. 172-185. ISBN 9780253011800
Gregory, Ian N. and Geddes, Alistair (2014) Further reading : From historical GIS to spatial humanities: An evolving literature. In: Toward Spatial Humanities : Historical GIS and Spatial History. Indiana University Press, pp. 186-202. ISBN 9780253011800
Gregory, Ian N. and Geddes, Alistair (2014) Introduction : From historical GIS to spatial humanities: Deepening scholarship and broadening technology. In: Toward Spatial Humanities : Historical Gis and Spatial History. Indiana University Press, xi-xix. ISBN 9780253011800
Gregory, Ian Norman and Baron, Alistair and Cooper, David and Hardie, Andrew and Murrieta-Flores, Patricia and Rayson, Paul Edward (2014) Crossing boundaries : using GIS in literary studies, history and beyond. In: Keys for architectural history research in the digital era :. Actes de colloques . Institut national d'histoire de l'art.
Heale, Michael John and Hilton, Sylvia and Parafianowicz, Halina (2014) Watersheds in time and place : writing American history in Europe. In: Historians across borders : writing American history in a global age. University of California Press, Berkeley, pp. 3-33. ISBN 9780520279278
Hickman, Timothy (2014) A Chicago architect in King Arthur's court : Mark Twain, Daniel Burnham, and the modernity of gilded-age imperialism. Journal of American Studies, 48 (1). pp. 99-126. ISSN 0021-8758
Hickman, Timothy (2014) Target America : visual culture, neuroimaging and the “hijacked brain” theory of addiction. Past and Present, 222 (Suppl.). pp. 207-226. ISSN 0031-2746
Hughes, Michael (2014) Beyond holy Russia : the life and times of Stephen Graham. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge. ISBN 9781783740123
Hughes, Michael (2014) Every picture tells some stories : photographic illustrations in British travel accounts of Russia on the eve of World War One. Slavonic and East European Review, 92 (4). pp. 674-703.
Hughes, Michael (2014) Samovars and quills : the representation of bureaucracy in mid-nineteenth-century Russian literature. Archival Science, 14 (1). pp. 55-68. ISSN 1573-7519
Hughes, Michael (2014) Tramps, mountains and unicorns : the Glacier Park hike of Vachel Lindsay and Stephen Graham. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 8 (3). pp. 267-286. ISSN 1749-4915
Hughes, Michael and Wood, Harry (2014) Crimson nightmares : tales of invasion and fears of revolution in early twentieth-century Britain. Contemporary British History, 28 (3). pp. 294-317. ISSN 1361-9462
Hurst, Mark (2014) Hiroaki Kuromiya: Conscience on Trial: The Fate of Fourteen Pacifists in Stalin's Ukraine, 1952–1953. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012; pp. 212. Journal of Religious History, 38 (3). pp. 443-445. ISSN 0022-4227
Hutchinson, Mark A. (2014) An Irish perspective on Elizabeth's religion : Reformation thought and Henry Sidney's Irish lord deputyship, c.1560 to 1580. In: Elizabeth I and Ireland :. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 142-162. ISBN 9781107040878
Hutchinson, Mark A. (2014) Nicholas Walsh's oration to the Irish House of Commons, May 1586. Analecta Hibernica, 45. pp. 35-52. ISSN 0791-6167
Hutchinson, Mark A. (2014) 'The State' : Ireland's contribution to the history of political thought. Irish Review, 48 (1). pp. 28-35. ISSN 0790-7850
Hutchinson, Mark A. (2014) The emergence of the state in Elizabethan Ireland and England, ca 1575-99. Sixteenth Century Journal: The Journal of Early Modern Studies, 45 (3). pp. 659-682.
Ilott, Sarah (2014) Generic frameworks and active readership in The Reluctant Fundamentalist. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 50 (5). pp. 571-583. ISSN 1744-9863
Ilott, Sarah (2014) Reading new India : post-millennial Indian fiction in English by E. Dawson Varughese. Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, 16 (2). pp. 292-294. ISSN 1369-801X
Ilott, Sarah (2014) 'We are here to speak the unspeakable' : voicing abjection in Raj Kamal Jha's Fireproof. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 50 (6). pp. 664-674. ISSN 1744-9863
Jim, Suk Fong (2014) On Greek dedicatory practices : the problem of hyper. Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies, 54. pp. 616-637. ISSN 0017-3916
Jim, Theodora (2014) Aparchai in the Thasian list of Theoroi. Classical Quarterly, 64 (1). pp. 13-24. ISSN 1471-6844
Jim, Theodora (2014) Sharing with the Gods : Aparchai and Dekatai in Ancient Greece. Oxford Classical Monographs (1st). Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780198706823
Jimeno Martinez, Alfredo and Liceras-Garrido, Raquel and Quintero, Sergio and Chain, Antonio and Santos, Angel and de la Torre, Jose Ignacio (2014) Numancia : tiempo y espacio en la ritualidad celtibérica. In: Diálogo de Identidades : Bajo el prima de las manifestaciones religiosas en el ámbito mediterráneo (s. III a.C. - I d.C.). Anejos de AEspA, 72 . Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Mérida, pp. 183-198. ISBN 9788400098551
Jones, Max and Sèbe, Berny and Strachan, John and Taithe, Bertrand and Yeandle, Peter (2014) Decolonising imperial heroes : Britain and France. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 42 (5). pp. 787-825. ISSN 0308-6534
Kallis, Aristotle (2014) The factory of illusions in the ‘Third Rome’ : Circus Maximus as a space of fascist simulation. Fascism, 3 (1). pp. 20-45. ISSN 2211-6249
Kallis, Aristotle (2014) The 'fascist effect' : on the dynamics of political hybridisation in Interwar Europe. In: Rethinking fascism and dictatorship in Europe :. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781137384409
Kallis, Aristotle (2014) The third Rome, 1922-1943 : the making of the fascist capital. Macmillan Palgrave, Basingstoke. ISBN 0230283993
Kemp, Sandra (2014) Futures by Design : Thinking Forward Through the Past. In: British Council Conference, 2014-10-01 - 2014-10-01, Beaconhouse National University.
Klusener, Sebastian and Devos, Isabelle and Ekamper, Peter and Gregory, Ian and Gruber, Siegfried and Marti-Henneberg, Jordi and van Poppel, Frans and da Silveria, Luis Espinha and Solli, Arne (2014) Spatial inequalities in infant survival at an early stage of the longevity revolution : a pan-European view across 5000+ regions and localities in 1910. Demographic Research, 30: 68. pp. 1849-1864. ISSN 1435-9871
Liceras-Garrido, Raquel (2014) Analizando el paisaje urbano de Contributa Iulia (Los Cercos, Medina de las Torres, Badajoz), a partir de fotografía aérea de baja altitud. In: Actas del VI Encuentro de Arqueología del Suroeste Peninsular :. Badajoz Ayuntamiento de Villafranca de los Barros, Villafranca de los Barros, pp. 2439-2452. ISBN 9788461663064
Liceras-Garrido, Raquel (2014) Sobre el territorio de los numantinos. In: Actas de las II Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores en el Valle del Duero :. Glyphos Publicaciones, pp. 177-190. ISBN 9788494069963
Liceras-Garrido, Raquel and Santos, Angel and Quintero, Sergio and Chain, Antonio and de la Torre, Jose Ignacio and Jimeno, Alfredo (2014) Nueva iconografía en una vasija de Numancia. In: VII Simposio de Celtíberos: nuevos hallazgos, nuevas interpretaciones :. Centro de Estudios Celtibéricos de Segeda, Zaragoza, pp. 331-337. ISBN 9788461624539
Lloyd, Declan (2014) Power to the people: a happy ending to peaceful protest in South Yorkshire. The Guardian.
Lloyd, Declan and Pidd, Helen (2014) Manchester’s skies turn blue for City Premier League victory parade. The Guardian.
Mayoral Herrera, Victorino and Bustamante Álvarez, Macarena and Martínez del Pozo, José Ángel and Liceras-Garrido, Raquel and Mota López, María Isabel and Pizzo, Antonio and Salas Tovar, Ernesto and Sevillano Perea, Luis Antonio and Soto, Pau (2014) Los paisajes agrarios de la romanización en el Suroeste peninsular : balance de los últimos trabajos desarrollados desde el Instituto de Arqueología. In: Actas del VI Encuentro de Arqueología del Suroeste Peninsular :. Badajoz Ayuntamiento de Villafranca de los Barros, Villafranca de los Barros, pp. 1389-1424. ISBN 9788461663064
Moreira, Tiago and Palladino, Paolo (2014) La Biogérontologie comme Critique de la Biomédecine. In: Histoire de la Pensée Médicale Contemporaine : Évolutions, Découvertes, Controverses. Seuil, Paris, pp. 157-174. ISBN 9782020967440
Murrieta-Flores, Patricia (2014) Developing computational approaches for the study of movement : The impact of visibility in terrestrial navigation during Iberian Late Prehistory. In: Computational Approaches to the Study of Movement in Archaeology : Theory, Practice and Interpretation of Factors and Effects of Long Term Landscape Formation and Transformation. Topoi Berlin Studies of the Ancient World . de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 99-132. ISBN 9783110288315
Pawelski, Matthew (2014) Turnpikes and Local Industry : A Study of the relationship between the Lead Industry and the Turnpike System in 18th Century Derbyshire. In: Industrial Revolution Academic Conference, 2014-10-03 - 2014-10-04, Cromford Mills. (Unpublished)
Peniston-Bird, Corinna (2014) Of hockey sticks and Sten guns : British auxiliaries and their weapons in the second world war. Women's History Magazine, Autumn (76). pp. 13-22. ISSN 1476-6760
Pettigrew, William A. (2014) Commercialisation in the Atlantic World, 1450 - 1850. In: The Princeton Companion to Atlantic History :. Princeton University Press. ISBN 9780691148533
Pettigrew, William A. (2014) Constitutional Change in England and the Diffusion of Regulatory Initiative, 1660-1714. History, 99 (338). pp. 839-863. ISSN 1468-229X
Pettigrew, William A. and Cleve, George W. Van (2014) Parting Companies : The Glorious Revolution, Company Power, and Imperial Mercantilism. The Historical Journal, 57 (3). pp. 617-638. ISSN 0018-246X
Pidd, Helen and Lloyd, Declan (2014) Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques. The Guardian.
Porter, Catherine and Lilley, Keith and Ell, Paul (2014) Mapping spaces : towards a quantitative methodology for exploring maps and mapping in early modern Ireland, c.1530-1610. PhD thesis, Queen's University Belfast.
Pumfrey, Stephen (2014) Kepler's Lunar Astronomy : putting his Somnium into historical context. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)
Rohkramer, Thomas (2014) Die fatale Attraktion des Nationalsozialismus in der Weimarer Republik. In: Die Attraktion des Nationalsozialismus :. Klartext, Essen, pp. 79-94.
Rohkramer, Thomas (2014) Ideenkrieg : Sinnstiftung des Sinnlosen? In: Erster Weltkrieg : Kulturwissenschaftliches Handbuch. Metzler Verlag, Stuttgart. ISBN 9783476024459
Rupp, C. J. and Rayson, Paul and Gregory, Ian and Hardie, Andrew and Joulain, Amelia and Hartmann, Daniel (2014) Dealing with heterogeneous big data when geoparsing historical corpora. In: Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data :. IEEE, pp. 80-83. ISBN 9781479956654
Santos, Angel and Liceras-Garrido, Raquel and Quintero, Sergio and Chain, Antonio and de la Torre, Jose Ignacio and Jimeno, Alfredo (2014) Molde singular de fíbula anular, hallado en la ciudad celtibérica de Numancia. In: VII Simposio de Celtíberos : nuevos hallazgos, nuevas interpretaciones. Centro de Estudios Celtibéricos de Segeda, Zaragoza, pp. 257-264. ISBN 9788461624539
Sayer, Derek (2014) Modernism, seen from Prague, March 1937. Artl@s Bulletin, 3 (1). pp. 26-37.
Sevillano Perea, Luis Antonio and Mayoral Herrera, Victorino and Salas Tovar, Ernesto and Liceras-Garrido, Raquel and Heras Mora, Francisco Javier (2014) Detectando prácticas agrarias antiguas en el territorio sur de Medellín. La expresión material de las actividades agrícolas protohistóricas del Suroeste peninsular. In: Actas del VI Encuentro de Arqueología del Suroeste Peninsular :. Badajoz Ayuntamiento de Villafranca de los Barros, Villafranca de los Barros, pp. 1031-1064. ISBN 9788461663064
Stewart, David and Donaldson, Christopher (2014) Literature 1780-1830 : the Romantic Period, poetry. The Year's Work in English Studies, 93. pp. 596-711. ISSN 0084-4144
Stringer, Keith (2014) Lordship and society in Medieval Cumberland : Gilsland under the Moultons (c.1240-1313). In: North-West England from the Romans to the Tudors : essays in memory of John MacNair Todd. Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, pp. 123-170. ISBN 9781873124659
Sutton, Deborah (2014) Secularism, history and violence in India. In: Confronting secularism in Europe and India :. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781780935065
Taylor, James (2014) Creating capitalism : joint-stock enterprise in British politics and culture, 1800-1870 (Paperback edition). Royal Historical Society Studies in History New Series (Paperb). Boydell & Brewer, Woodbridge. ISBN 9780861933235
Taylor, James (2014) Financial crises and the birth of the financial press, 1825-1880. In: The media and financial crises : comparative and historical perspectives. Routledge, pp. 203-214. ISBN 9781138022799
Welshman, John (2014) The last night of a small town : child narratives and the Titanic. In: Displaced heritage : responses to disaster, trauma and loss. Boydell & Brewer, Woodbridge, pp. 143-149. ISBN 9781843839637
Welshman, John and Convery, Ian and Bashford, Alison (2014) Where is the border? : screening for tuberculosis in the United Kingdom and Australia, 1950-2000. In: Medicine at the border : disease, globalization and security, 1850 to the present. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 97-115. ISBN 9781137444660
Wyss, Marco (2014) Bienfait ou malédiction pour les efforts de maintien de la paix? : Le rôle de la France dans la crise ivoirienne. In: La Côte d'Ivoire : d'une crise à l'autre. L'Harmattan, pp. 89-103.
Wyss, Marco (2014) Primus inter Pares? : France and Multi-actor Peacekeeping in Côte d'Ivoire. In: Peacekeeping in Africa : The Evolving Security Architecture. CSS Studies in Security and International Relations . Routledge, London, pp. 132-148. ISBN 9781138940246
Wyss, Marco and Tardy, Thierry (2014) Introduction : Africa - the Peacekeeping Laboratory. In: Peacekeeping in Africa : The Evolving Security Architecture. CSS studies in security and international relations . Routledge, London, pp. 1-14. ISBN 9781138940246