Items where Department is "Health Research" and Year is 1999
Ager, A and Hatton, C (1999) Discerning the appropriate role and status of 'quality of life' assessment for persons with intellectual disability : a reply to Cummins. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 12 (4). pp. 335-339. ISSN 1360-2322
Akram, Yasmeen and Hatton, Chris and Shah, Robina and Robertson, Janet and Emerson, Eric (1999) South Asian carers of a child with severe learning difficulties : support issues. RNIB Eye Contact, 25. pp. 18-20. ISSN 0967-8719
Barnes, Marian and Harrison, Steve and Mort, Maggie and Shardlow, Polly and Wistow, Gerald (1999) The new management of community care : user groups, citizenship and co-production. In: The new management of British local governance :. Macmillan, London, pp. 112-127. ISBN 0333728165
Barnes, Marion and Harrison, Steve and Mort, Maggie and Shardlow, P. (1999) Unequal partners. Policy Press, Bristol. ISBN 1861340567
Barrowclough, Christine and Tarrier, Nicholas and Lewis, Shon and Sellwood, William and Mainwaring, John and Quinn, Joanne and Hamlin, Charlotte (1999) Randomised controlled effectiveness trial of a needs-based psychosocial intervention service for carers of people with schizophrenia. British Journal of Psychiatry, 174 (6). pp. 505-511. ISSN 0007-1250
Batten, Liz and Graham, Hilary and High, Sue and Ruggiero, Laurie and Rossi, Joseph (1999) Stage of change, low income and benefit status : a profile of women's smoking in early pregnancy. Health Education Journal, 58 (4). pp. 378-388. ISSN 1748-8176
Bennett, Michael I. (1999) Managing the terminal care of a patient with end stage respiratory disease on artificial ventilation. CME Bulletin Palliative Medicine, 1 (3). pp. 82-83.
Binns, R. and Johnstone, S. and Mallinson, S. and Meydan, T. and Peyton, A. J. (1999) Using electromagnetic methods to monitor phase transformation in steel samples. In: Proceedings of the institute of material conference: advances in on-line instrumentation for finishing processes in strip production :. UNSPECIFIED, London.
Blane, D. and Berney, L. and Smith, G. D. and Gunnell, D. J. and Holland, P. (1999) Reconstructing the life course : health during early old age in a follow-up study based on the Boyd Orr cohort. Public Health, 113 (3). pp. 117-124. ISSN 0033-3506
Borges, A. R. and de Oliveira, E. and Velez, J. and Peyton, A. J. and Tavares, C. (1999) Development of electromagnetic tomography (EMT) for industrial application: part 2: image reconstruction and software framework. In: Proceedings of the world congress on industrial process tomography :. UNSPECIFIED, Buxton.
Bostock, L. and Bennett, S. and Gatrell, A. and Popay, J. and Thomas, Carol and Williams, G. (1999) Public Health in Social and Geographical Context : The Place of Lay Knowledge. In: Association for Public Health and The Public Health Alliance Conference, 1999-03-01. (Unpublished)
Bostock, L. and Bennett, S. and Gatrell, A. and Popay, J. and Thomas, Carol and Williams, G. (1999) The place is all right, it’s just the people that I can’t stand. (Dis)associating with people and place. In: BSA Medical Sociology Conference, 1999-09-01.
Bosu, W K (1999) Establishing and monitoring a control programme to reduce the impact of eye disease in sub-Saharan Africa. Tropical doctor, 29 (4). pp. 208-212. ISSN 0049-4755
Bosu, William and Ghartey, A.F. and Danquah, S.T. and Hafoba, J. and Asante, M. and Asante, G. (1999) A community-based study of the quality of care at the Cape Coast Central Hospital, Ghana from the users’ perspective. Ghana medical journal, 33 (2). pp. 50-55. ISSN 0016-9560
Bosu, William and Mabey, David (1999) Diagnosing pelvic inflammatory disease with limited diagnostic tools in a region of Ghana. African Journal of Reproductive Health, 3 (1). pp. 88-97.
Carrera, Cristina and Payne, Sheila (1999) Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of the breast : the need for psycho-social research. Psycho-Oncology, 8 (6). pp. 538-545. ISSN 1057-9249
Carter, Angela Joy Wilhelmina and West, Michael (1999) Sharing the burden - teamwork in health care settings. In: Stress in health professionals : psychological and organisational causes and interventions. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, pp. 191-202. ISBN 978-0471998761
Clark, S. and Hollis, Sally and Campbell, F. M. and Moore, T. and Jayson, M. I. V. and Herrick, A. L. (1999) The distal-dorsal difference’ as a possible predictor of secondary Raynaud’s phenomenon. Journal of Rheumatology, 26. pp. 1125-1128. ISSN 1499-2752
Crabtree, A. and Hughes, J. and Murray, Craig (1999) Thinking with the studies. In: Towards a Common Methodology :. Lancaster University, Lancaster, pp. 30-66.
Crabtree, A. and Hughes, J. and Rodden, T. and Murray, Craig (1999) Interactive Art and Technology Design? : Some Concluding Remarks. In: Towards a Common Methodology :. Lancaster University, Lancaster, pp. 66-77.
Crabtree, A. and Hughes, J. and Rodden, T. and Murray, Craig (1999) The View from design. In: Towards a Common Methodology :. Lancaster University, Lancaster, pp. 19-29.
Crabtree, A. and Hughes, J. and Rodden, T. and Murray, Craig and Blunk, A. (1999) Connecting art and technology : background considerations. In: Towards a Common Methodology :. Lancaster University, Lancaster, pp. 19-29.
Craig, J. and Smith, Ian and Clark, W. and Gartside, C. and Larkin, W. and Hughes, R. and Hatton, Chris and Belcher, C. and Wheatcroft, D. (1999) You can lead a course to a paper, but can you make it think? Clinical Psychology Forum, 125. pp. 38-41. ISSN 0269-0144
Davidson, Joyce and Smith, Mick (1999) Wittgenstein and Irigaray : gender and philosophy in a language (game) of difference. Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, 14 (2). pp. 72-96. ISSN 1527-2001
Ellis-Hill, C. and Payne, Sheila and Ward, C. (1999) An investigation of identity change and mood following stroke. Clinical Rehabilitation, 13 (1). p. 84. ISSN 1477-0873
Emerson, Eric and Hatton, Chris (1999) Future trends in the ethnic composition of British society and among British citizens with learning disabilities. Tizard Learning Disability Review, 4. pp. 28-32. ISSN 1359-5474
Emerson, Eric and Hatton, Chris and Robertson, Janet and Henderson, D. and Cooper, J. (1999) A descriptive analysis of the relationships between social context, engagement and stereotypy in residential services for people with severe and complex disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 12. pp. 11-29. ISSN 1360-2322
Emerson, Eric and Moss, Steve and Kiernan, Chris (1999) The relationship between challenging behaviour and psychiatric disorder in people with severe developmental disabilities. In: Psychiatric and behavioural disorders in developmental disabilities and mental retardation :. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., New York, U.S.A., pp. 38-48. ISBN 0521643953
Emerson, Eric and Robertson, Janet and Gregory, N. and Hatton, Chris and Kessissoglou, Sophia and Hallam, Angela and Knapp, Martin and Järbrink, Krister and Netten, Ann (1999) Quality and costs of residential supports for people with learning disabilities : a comparative analysis of quality and costs in group homes and supported living schemes. Hester Adrian Research Centre, University of Manchester, Manchester.
Emerson, Eric and Robertson, Janet and Gregory, Nicky and Hatton, Chris and Kessissoglou, Sophia and Hallam, Angela and Knapp, Martin and Järbrink, Krister and Netten, Ann and Walsh, Patricia Noonan and Linehan, C. and Hillery, J. and Durkan, J. (1999) Quality and costs of residential supports for people with learning disabilities : a comparative analysis of quality and costs in village communities, residential campuses and dispersed housing schemes. Hester Adrian Research Centre, University of Manchester, Manchester.
Emerson, Eric and Robertson, Janet and Gregory, Nicky and Kessissoglou, Sophia and Hatton, Chris and Hallam, Angela and Knapp, Martin and Järbrink, Krister and Netten, Ann (1999) Quality and costs of residential supports for people with learning disabilities : an observational study of supports provided to people with severe learning disabailities in residential campuses and dispersed housing schemes. Hester Adrian Research Centre, University of Manchester, Manchester.
Emerson, Eric and Robertson, Janet and Hatton, Chris and Gregory, Nicky and Kessissoglou, Sophia and Hallam, Angela and Knapp, Martin and Järbrink, Krister and Netten, Ann and Walsh, Patricia Noonan and Linehan, C. and Hillery, J. and Durkan, J. (1999) Quality and costs of residential supports for people with learning disabilities : predicting variation in quality and costs. Hester Adrian Research Centre, University of Manchester, Manchester.
Emerson, Eric and Robertson, Janet and Hatton, Chris and Gregory, Nicky and Kessissoglou, Sophia and Hallam, Angela and Knapp, Martin and Järbrink, Krister and Netten, Ann and Walsh, Patricia Noonan and Linehan, C. and Hillery, J. and Durkan, J. (1999) Quality and costs of residential supports for people with learning disabilities : summary report. Hester Adrian Research Centre, University of Manchester, Manchester.
Fitzsimmons, D. and George, S. and Payne, Sheila and Johnson, C. D. (1999) Differences in perception of quality of life issues between health professionals and patients with pancreatic cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 8 (2). pp. 135-143. ISSN 1057-9249
Fitzsimmons, D. and Johnson, C. D. and George, S. and Payne, Sheila and Andrén Sandberg, A. and Bassi, C. and Beger, H. G. and Birk, D. and Büchler, M. W. and Dervenis, C. and Fernandez Cruz, L. and Friess, H. and Grahm, A. L. and Jeekel, J. and Laugier, R. and Meyer, D. and Singer, M. W. and Tihanyi, T. and EORTC Study Group on Quality of Life, The (1999) Development of a disease specific quality of life (QoL) questionnaire module to supplement the EORTC core cancer QoL questionnaire, the QLQ-C30 in patients with pancreatic cancer. European Journal of Cancer, 35 (6). pp. 939-941. ISSN 0959-8049
Gatrell, A. and Bennett, S. and Bostock, L. and Popay, J. and Thomas, Carol and Williams G., G. (1999) Location, Health and Deprivation: The Geography of Inequalities. In: AAG Annual Meeting, 1999-03-01.
Gatrell, Anthony C. (1999) GIS and health : from spatial analysis to spatial decision support. In: Geographic information research : trans-Atlantic perspectives :. Taylor and Francis, London; Bristol, Pennsylvania, pp. 143-158. ISBN 0748408010
Gatrell, Anthony C. and Sabel, Clive E. and Mitchell, J. D. (1999) What's the point? Assessing disease risk using data on residential mobility. In: Statistics for the environment 4 : health and the environment :. John Wiley, Chichester; New York, pp. 175-192. ISBN 0471976458
Gatrell, Anthony C. and Senior, M. L. (1999) Health and healthcare applications. In: Geographical information systems : principles and applications :. John Wiley, New York, 925 -938. ISBN 0471321826
Gatrell, Tony and Thomas, Carol (1999) Understanding Health Inequalities : People, place and time. In: Institute for Health Research Seminar Series, 1999-12-13.
Graham, Hilary (1999) Cigarette smoking and inequalities in health. In: Inequalities in health : a series of seminars held by the health education authority :. Health Education Authority, London, pp. 101-110.
Graham, Hilary (1999) Health inequalities : patterns, pathways and policy messages. Community Practitioner, 72 (1). pp. 13-14.
Graham, Hilary (1999) Influences on women's smoking status : the contribution of ssocio-economic status in adolescence and adulthood. European Journal of Public Health, 9 (2). pp. 137-141. ISSN 1464-360X
Graham, Hilary and Benzeval, Michaela and Whitehead, Margaret (1999) Socio-economic policies in the UK with a potential impact on health inequalities. In: Interventions and policies to reduce health inqualities :. Erasmus University, Rotterdam, pp. 149-166.
Graham, Hilary and Der, Geoff (1999) Patterns and predictors of smoking cessation among women. Health Promotion International, 14 (3). pp. 231-239. ISSN 1460-2245
Graham, Hilary and Der, Geoff (1999) Patterns and predictors of tobacco consumption among women. Health Education Research, 14 (5). pp. 611-618. ISSN 1465-3648
Grinyer, Anne (1999) Anticipating the problems of contract social research. Social Research Update, 27. ISSN 1360-7898
Grinyer, Anne and Hedgecoe, A. and Kohner, N. and Turner, J. (1999) New paradigm : new policies, healthcare and the new genetics in Britain and Germany. Genetic Interest Group, London.
Hallam, Angela and Emerson, Eric (1999) Costs of residential supports for people with learning disabilities. In: Unit costs of health and social care :. University of Kent, Personal Social Services Research Unit, Canterbury: University of Kent, Personal Social Services Research Unit.
Hatton, C and Emerson, E and Rivers, M and Mason, H and Mason, L and Swarbrick, R and Kiernan, C and Reeves, D and Alborz, A (1999) Factors associated with staff stress and work satisfaction in services for people with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 43 (4). pp. 253-267. ISSN 1365-2788
Hatton, Chris (1999) Staff stress. In: Psychiatric and behavioural disorders in developmental disabilities and mental retardation :. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK; New York, pp. 427-438. ISBN 0521643953
Hatton, Chris and Emerson, Eric (1999) Commentary : towards equity in service provision. Tizard Learning Disability Review, 43. pp. 16-19. ISSN 1359-5474
Hatton, Chris and Hastings, Richard P. and Vetere, Arlene (1999) Psychology and people with learning disabilities : a case for inclusion? Psychologist, 12 (5). pp. 231-233. ISSN 0952-8229
Hatton, Chris and Rivers, M. and Emerson, Eric and Kiernan, C. and Reeves, D. and Alborz, A. and Mason, H. and Mason, L. (1999) Staff characteristics, working conditions and outcomes amongst staff in services for people with intellectual disabilities : results of a staff survey. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 12. pp. 340-347. ISSN 1468-3148
Hatton, Chris and Rivers, M. and Mason, L. and Mason, E. and Emerson, Eric and Kiernan, C. and Reeves, D. and Alborz, A. (1999) Organisational culture and staff outcomes in services for people with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 43 (3). pp. 206-218. ISSN 1365-2788
Hatton, Chris and Rivers, Morna and Mason, Heidi and Mason, Linda and Kiernan, Chris and Emerson, Eric and Alborz, Alison and Reeves, David (1999) Staff stressors and staff outcomes in services for people with intellectual disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 20. pp. 269-285. ISSN 0891-4222
Hennessy, Josephine and West, Michael (1999) Intergroup behaviour in organizations : A field test of social identity theory. Small Group Research, 30 (3). pp. 261-382. ISSN 1046-4964
Hodge, S and Howe, J (1999) Can the European social model survive? European Urban and Regional Studies, 6 (2). pp. 178-184. ISSN 1461-7145
Holland, Paula and Berney, Lee and Blane, David and Davey-Smith, George (1999) The lifegrid method in health inequalities research. Health Variations : The Official Newsletter of the ESRC Health Variations Programme, 3. pp. 8-9.
Hughes, Sean and Payne, Malcolm (1999) Men's grief responses. Masters thesis, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester.
Jarrett, Nicola and Payne, Sheila and Turner, P. and Hillier, R. (1999) 'Someone to talk to' and 'pain control' : what people expect from a specialist palliative care team. Palliative Medicine, 13 (2). pp. 139-144. ISSN 1477-030X
Jarrett, Nicola J. and Payne, Sheila and Wiles, Rose A. (1999) Terminally ill patients' and lay-carers' perceptions and experiences of community-based services. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 29 (2). pp. 476-483. ISSN 0309-2402
Johnson, D and Leake, JR and Lee, JA (1999) The effects of quantity and duration of simulated pollutant nitrogen deposition on root-surface phosphatase activities in calcareous and acid grasslands: : a bioassay approach. New Phytologist, 141 (3). pp. 433-442. ISSN 0028-646X
Jolley, Suzanne and Jones, Steven H. and Hemsley, David R. (1999) Causal processing and schizotypy. Personality and Individual Differences, 27 (2). pp. 277-291.
Kashefi, Elham and Weldon, S. (1999) South West Burnley citizens' panel report on community responses to drug-related crime. Working Paper. University of Lancaster, Lancaster.
Kebbell, Mark R. and Hatton, Chris (1999) People with mental retardation as witnesses in court : a review. American Journal of Mental Retardation, 37 (3). pp. 179-187. ISSN 0895-8017
Lam, Dominic H. and Jones, Steven H. and Hayward, Peter H. and Bright, J. (1999) Cognitive therapy for bipolar disorder : a therapists guide to concepts, methods and practice. Wil;ey, Chichester.
Langley, D. (1999) Bridging the world : evaluation of community neonatal services on high risk infant survivors. In: Proceedings of the 3rd international neonatal nursing conference :. UNSPECIFIED, Harrogate International Conference Centre.
Langley, D. and Hollis, S. and Macgregor, D. (1999) Parents’ perceptions of neonatal services within the community: a postal survey. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 5. pp. 7-11.
Large, S. and Payne, Sheila and Jarrett, Nicola and Turner, P. (1999) The analysis of written information provided by hospices : a national survey. Palliative Medicine, 13 (6). pp. 504-505. ISSN 1477-030X
Low, Joseph T. S. and Payne, Sheila and Roderick, Paul (1999) The impact of stroke on informal carers : a literature review. Social Science and Medicine, 49 (6). pp. 711-725. ISSN 0277-9536
Milligan, Christine (1999) Without these walls : a geography of mental ill-health in a rural environment. In: Mind and body spaces : geographies of illness, impairment and disability :. Critical Geographies . Routledge, London, pp. 221-239. ISBN 0415179033
Molyneux, P. and Emerson, Eric and Caine, A. (1999) Prescription of psychotropic medication to people with intellectual disabilities in primary health care settings. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 12. pp. 46-57. ISSN 1360-2322
Morris, Sara M. (1999) Joint and individual interviewing in the context of cancer. In: Proceedings of the 31st annual conference of the BSA medical sociology group :. UNSPECIFIED, York.
Morris, Sara M. (1999) Lumps in the breast : negotiating risks after a cancer diagnosis. Health, Risk and Society, 1 (2). pp. 179-194. ISSN 1369-8575
Mort, Maggie and Harrison, Steve and Dowswell, Therese (1999) Public health panels in the UK : influence at the margins? In: Participation beyond the Ballot Box : European Case Studies in State-Citizen Political Dialogue. European Case Studies in State-Citizen Political Dialogue . Routledge, London, pp. 94-109. ISBN 9781857288421
Murray, Craig (1999) Towards a phenomenology of the body in virtual reality. Research in Philosophy and Technology, 19. pp. 149-173.
Murray, Craig and Arnold, P. and West, Adrian (1999) The Tourist Information Centre demonstrator in use. In: The tourist physical electronic landscape demonstrator :. Computing Department, University of Lancaster, Lancaster. ISBN 9781862200807
Murray, Craig and Sixsmith, Judith (1999) The corporeal body in virtual reality. Ethos, 27 (3). pp. 315-343. ISSN 0091-2131
O'Neill, J. and Martinez-Alier, J. and Munda, G. (1999) Commensurability and compensability in ecological economics. In: Valuation and the environment : theory, method, and practice :. Elgar, Cheltenham. ISBN 1858985382
Owens, G. and Payne, Sheila (1999) Qualitative approaches to researching death and dying. In: Qualitative health psychology :. Sage, London, pp. 148-163. ISBN 0761956611
Payne, Sheila (1999) Expanding the limits of care : the contribution of health psychology to palliative care. New Zealand Psychology Society Newsletter, 3. pp. 3-4.
Payne, Sheila (1999) Hospice bereavement support : the role of volunteers : final report. Working Paper. Winston Churchill Memorial Trust.
Payne, Sheila (1999) Hospice bereavement support : the role of volunteers in New Zealand. Palliative Medicine, 13 (6). pp. 521-522. ISSN 1477-030X
Payne, Sheila (1999) Interview in qualitative research. In: Handbook of the psychology of interviewing :. John Wiley, Chichester, pp. 89-102. ISBN 0471974439
Payne, Sheila (1999) Review of Costain Schou K. and Hewison, J. Experiencing cancer. Health Psychology Update, 37. pp. 23-24. ISSN 0954-2027
Payne, Sheila (1999) Review of Robbins, M. Evaluating palliative care : establishing the evidence base. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 5 (6). p. 307. ISSN 1357-6321
Payne, Sheila (1999) Review of Sutherland Stuart Breakdown : a personal crisis and medical dilemma. 2nd ed. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 30 (4). pp. 1001-1006. ISSN 0309-2402
Payne, Sheila and Field, David and Wiles, Rose A. and Jarrett, Nicola (1999) Primary care based counsellors' experiences of bereavement counselling. Palliative Medicine, 13 (6). pp. 505-506. ISSN 1477-030X
Payne, Sheila and Horn, Sandra and Relf, Marilyn (1999) Loss and bereavement. Health psychology . Open University Press, Buckingham. ISBN 0335201059
Payne, Sheila and Jarrett, Nicola and Brown, L. (1999) Cancer treatment far from home : a comparative investigation of patients' experiences and the availability of social support : final report to the States of Guernsey Department of Public Health. Working Paper. University of Southampton, Southampton.
Payne, Sheila and Smith, P. and Dean, S. (1999) Identifying the concerns of informal carers in palliative care. Palliative Medicine, 13 (1). pp. 37-44. ISSN 1477-030X
Pettifer, Stephen and West, Adrian and Crabtree, Andy and Murray, Craig (1999) Designing shared virtual environments for social interaction. In: Proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Human Computer Interaction, 1999-06-01.
Pettifer, Stephen and West, Adrian and Murray, Craig and Crabtree, Andy (1999) Lessons in social interaction within shared virtual environments : Tales from the Distributed Legible City. In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces (Community of the Future), 1900-01-01.
Popay, J. (1999) Being a woman is hard work : The policy implications of poor health among lone mothers. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 53 (12). p. 749. ISSN 0143-005X
Popay, J. and Gatrell, A. and Thomas, Carol and Williams, G. and Bostock, L. and Bennett, S. (1999) Multi-level modelling, Multi-level explanations. In: Edinburgh Health Research Conference, 1999-01-01.
Putaud, J.P. and Davison, B.M. and Watts, S.F. and Mihalopoulos, N. and Nguyen, B.C. and Hewitt, C.N. (1999) Dimethylsulfide and its oxidation products at two sites in Brittany (France). Atmospheric Environment, 33 (4). pp. 647-659. ISSN 1352-2310
Sellwood, William and Thomas, Christopher and Tarrier, Nicholas and Jones, Sheila and Clewes, Jane and James, Abigail and Welford, Mary and Hilton, Joy and McCarthy, Eilis (1999) A randomised controlled trial of home based rehabilitation versus outpatient based rehabilitation for patients suffering from chronic schizophrenia. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 34 (5). pp. 250-253. ISSN 0933-7954
Shah, Robina and Hatton, Chris (1999) Caring alone : young carers in South Asian communities. Barnardo's, Ilford, Essex. ISBN 0902046616
Slater, JA and West, Michael (1999) Primary health-care teams: United Kingdom National Health Service. In: Developing high- performance work teams :. American Society for Training & Development, Alexandria, Virginia, pp. 199-221. ISBN 978-1562860790
Smith, P. and Payne, Sheila (1999) The place of family caregivers in palliative care setting : perceptions of their role and relationship with health professionals. Palliative Medicine, 13 (6). pp. 520-521. ISSN 1477-030X
Sparrow, P R (1999) Abroad minded. People Management, 5 (10). pp. 40-44. ISSN 1358-6297
Sparrow, P R (1999) The CIPD Guide on International Recruitment, Selection and Assessment. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, London.
Sparrow, P R (1999) Internet recruitment: reducing the barriers to international employment? Worldlink, 9 (1). pp. 6-7. ISSN 1016-359X
Sparrow, P R (1999) Strategy and cognition: understanding the role of management knowledge structures, organizational memory and information overload. Creativity and Innovation Management, 8 (2). pp. 140-148. ISSN 0963-1690
Sque, Magi and Payne, Sheila and Vlachonikolis, Ioannis (1999) Cadaveric donotransplantation : nurses' attitudes, knowledge and behaviour. Social Science and Medicine, 50 (4). pp. 541-552. ISSN 0277-9536
Thomas, Carol (1999) Disability and Pregnancy. [Keynote speaker]. In: MIDIRS Midwifery ‘Hot Topics’ Study Day, 1999-03-03. (Unpublished)
Thomas, Carol (1999) Female forms : experiencing and understanding disability. Open University Press, Buckingham. ISBN 0335196942
Thomas, Carol (1999) Having a baby. Disabled women (can) do it too. [Invited speaker]. In: Lecture to undergraduate student midwives, 1999-11-02. (Unpublished)
Thomas, Carol (1999) Narrative identity and the disabled self. In: Disabiilty discourse :. Open University Press, Buckingham. ISBN 0335202233
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Thomas, Carol and Morris, S. and McIllmurray, M. B. and Soothill, K. and Ledwith, F. and Francis, B. and Al-Hamad, A. (1999) What are the ‘needs’ of cancer patients and their main carers? [Poster]. In: The European Cancer Conference, 1999-09-12 - 1999-09-16.
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Welshman, John (1999) Evacuation, Hygiene, and Social Policy: The Our Towns Report of 1943. The Historical Journal, 42 (3). pp. 781-807. ISSN 0018-246X
Welshman, John (1999) Rhetoric and reality : community care in England and Wales, 1948-74. In: Outside the walls of the asylum : the history of care in the community, 1750-2000 :. Athlone Press, London, pp. 204-226. ISBN 0485121476
Welshman, John (1999) The Social History of Social Work: The Issue of the 'Problem Family', 1940-70. British Journal of Social Work, 29 (3). pp. 457-476. ISSN 1468-263X
Welshman, John (1999) 'The missing relative': the home help service in England and Wales, 1918-1974. International History of Nursing Journal, 5 (1). pp. 4-11.
West, Michael (1999) Communication and teamworking in healthcare. NT Research, 4 (1). pp. 8-16. ISSN 1361-4096
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Wiles, R. and Payne, Sheila and Barnitt, R. and Wheeler, A. and Swan, R. (1999) A comparison of different types of pre-registration for occupational therapists and physiotherapists and its relevance to first post performance : final report. Working Paper. Department of Health, London.
Wiles, Rose A. and Payne, Sheila and Jarrett, Nicola (1999) Improving palliative care services : a pragmatic model for evaluating services and assessing unmet need. Palliative Medicine, 13 (2). pp. 131-137. ISSN 1477-030X
Wilkin, Peter J. (1999) Chomsky and Foucault on human nature : an essential difference? Social Theory and Practice, 25 (2). pp. 177-210. ISSN 0037-802X
Williams, Fiona and Popay, Jennie and Oakley, Ann (1999) Welfare research : a critical review. UCL Press, London. ISBN 9781857282696
Wyke, Sally and Myles, Susan and Popay, Jennie and Scott, Judith and Campbell, Andrea and Girling, Jeff (1999) Total purchasing, community and continuing care : Lessons for future policy developments in the NHS. Health and Social Care in the Community, 8 (1). pp. 394-407. ISSN 0966-0410