Items where Department is "Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences" and Year is 2000

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 44.

Journal Article

Anthony, L. (2000) Implementing genre analysis in a foreign language classroom. TESOL Matters, 10 (3). p. 18.

Carver, Terrell and Chiba, Shin and Matsumoto, Reiji and Martin, James and Jessop, Bob and Iida, Fumio and Sugita, Atsushi (2000) 'Civil society' in Japanese politics : implications for contemporary political research. European Journal of Political Research, 37 (4). pp. 541-555. ISSN 0304-4130

Evans, Eric (2000) Conflict in the community : the Kendal tithe dispute in the nineteenth century. Hist. Kendal, 4. pp. 27-32.

Evans, Eric J. (2000) Revising what it means to be British. BBC History Magazine, 1 (5). p. 90.

Evans, Eric J. (2000) A growing culture of complaint. BBC History Magazine, 1 (4). p. 90.

Evans, Eric J. (2000) The new AS/A syllabuses. BBC History Magazine, 1 (3). p. 90.

Guy, Simon and Henneberry, John (2000) Understanding urban development processes : integrating the economic and the social in property research. Urban Studies, 37 (13). pp. 2399-2416. ISSN 0042-0980

Jessop, Bob and Sum, Ngai-Ling (2000) An entrepreneurial city in action : Hong Kong's emerging strategies in and for (inter)urban competition. Urban Studies, 37 (12). pp. 2287-2313. ISSN 0042-0980

Jessop, R. D. (2000) Bob Jessop ile Görüsme (interview with Bob Jessop). Mürekkep (Ink), 15. pp. 7-22.

Jessop, R. D. (2000) Governance and metagovernance: on reflexivity, requisite variety, and requisite irony. ACCES, 11. pp. 100-103.

Jessop, R. D. (2000) Reflexiones sobre la (I)logica de la globalizacion. Zona Abierta, 92-93. pp. 95-126. ISSN 0210-2692

Jessop, R. D. (2000) (Un)Logik der Globalisierung. Der Staat und die Reartikulation des ökonomischen Raumes. Das Argument, 236 (Jg.42,). pp. 341-354. ISSN 0004-1157

Kim, Yo-Eun and Gatrell, Anthony C. and Francis, Brian J. (2000) The geography of survival from colo-rectal cancer. Social Science and Medicine, 50 (7-8). pp. 1099-1107. ISSN 0277-9536

Rigby, Janette E. and Gatrell, Anthony C. (2000) Spatial patterns in breast cancer incidence in north-west Lancashire. Area, 32 (1). pp. 71-78. ISSN 0004-0894

Sabel, Clive E. and Gatrell, Anthony C. and Löytönen, Markku and Maasilta, Paula and Jokelainen, Matti (2000) Modelling exposure opportunities : estimating relative risk for motor neurone disease in Finland. Social Science and Medicine, 50 (7-8). pp. 1121-1137. ISSN 0277-9536

Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings

Eppler, E. and Crawshaw, R. H. and Clapham, Caroline M. (2000) The inter-culture project corpus : data, classification, access and the development of intercultural competence. In: Rethinking language pedagogy from a corpus perspective :. Peter Lang, Hamburg, pp. 155-164.

Evans, Eric J. (2000) 'The strict line of political succession?' Gladstone's relationship with Peel : an apt pupil? In: Gladstone centenary essays :. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, pp. 29-56.

Farmer, Graham and Guy, Simon (2000) Locating sustainability : competing visions of urban technology. In: Urban lifestyles : spaces, places, people : proceedings of an International Conference on Cities in the New Millenium, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 14-16 September 2000. A A BALKEMA PUBLISHERS, GBR, pp. 201-208. ISBN 9058091694

Gatrell, Anthony C. and Thomas, Carol and Bennett, S. and Bostock, L. and Popay, Jennie and Williams, G. and Shahtahmasebi, S. (2000) Understanding health inequalities : Locating people in geographical and social spaces. In: Understanding health inequalities :. Open University Press, Buckingham, pp. 156-169.

Jessop, R. D. (2000) Capitalism and its future - remarks on regulation, government and governance. In: The New political economy of globalisation vol.1 :. An Elgar reference collection . Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.

Jessop, R. D. (2000) The Changing Governance of Welfare: Recent Trends in its Primary Functions, Scale and Modes of Coordination. In: New risks, new welfare : signposts for social policy :. Broadening perspectives on social policy . Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 12-23. ISBN 9780631220428

Jessop, R. D. (2000) From Keynesianism to Workfarism. In: Rethinking welfare policy :. Sage, London, pp. 171-184.

Jessop, R. D. (2000) Globalisation, entrepreneurial cities, and the social economy. In: Urban movements in a global environment :. Routledge, London, pp. 81-100.

Jessop, R. D. (2000) Good governance und die städtische Frage: über den Umgang mit den Widersprüchen des Neoliberalismus. In: Und die Welt wird zur Scheibe...Reader zum Weltbericht (für die Zukunft des Städte -- URBAN 21) :. MieterGemeinschaft, Berlin, Berliner, pp. 29-33.

Jessop, R. D. (2000) L'economia integrale, Fordism, and post-Fordism. In: Antonio Gramsci and his global reception :. Shankai-Hyouransha Publishers, Tokyo, pp. 198-204.

Jessop, R. D. (2000) Re-structuring the Welfare State, Re-orienting Welfare Strategies, Re-visioning the Welfare Society. In: What constitutes a good society? :. Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 54-76. ISBN 0333775023

Jessop, R. D. (2000) Recent developments in state theory: approaches, issues, and agendas. In: Marxism, the millennium and beyond :. Palgrave, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, pp. 119-145. ISBN 0333801660

Jessop, R. D. (2000) The state and contradictions of the knowledge-driven economy. In: Knowledge, space, economy :. Routledge, London, pp. 63-78. ISBN 0415189713

Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B. and Lenko-Szymanska, A. and McEnery, A. M. (2000) Lexical problem areas in the PELCRA learner corpus of English. In: Practical applications of language corpora :. Peter Lang, Hamburg, pp. 303-312.

McEnery, A. M. and Baker, J. P. (2000) Minority language engineering. In: Practical applications of language corpora :. Peter Lang, Hamburg, pp. 411-428.

McEnery, A. M. and Baker, J. P. and Hardie, A. (2000) Assessing claims about language use with corpus data – swearing and abuse. In: Corpora galore :. Language and computers : studies in practical linguistics . Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 45-55. ISBN 9042004193

McEnery, A. M. and Baker, Paul (2000) Corpus resources and minority language engineering. In: Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on language resources and evaluation :. UNSPECIFIED, Athens, pp. 801-806.

McEnery, A. M. and Botley, S. (2000) Reference resolution: the state of the art. In: Discourse anaphora and resolution :. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 1-41.

McEnery, A. M. and Oakes, M. P. (2000) Authorship studies/textual statistics. In: Handbook of natural language processing :. Marcel Dekker Inc, Dallas, pp. 234-248.

McEnery, A. M. and Piao, S. L. and Xu, X. (2000) Parallel alignment in English and Chinese. In: Multilingual corpora: teaching and research :. Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 177-191.

McEnery, Tony and Baker, Paul and Hardie, Andrew (2000) Swearing and abuse in modern British English. In: PALC ’99: Practical Applications in Language Corpora : Papers from the International Conference at the University of Lódz, 15-18 April 1999. Peter Lang, POL, pp. 37-48. ISBN 9780820447544

Oakes, M. P. and McEnery, A. M. (2000) The background to parallel corpus alignment. In: Multilingual corpora: teaching and research :. Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 1-37.

Singh, S. and McEnery, A. M. and Baker, J. P. (2000) Building a parallel corpus of English/Punjabi. In: Parallel text processing :. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 335-347.

Smith, N. I. and McEnery, A. M. (2000) Inducing part-of-speech tagged lexicons from large corpora. In: Recent advances in natural language processing 2 :. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 21-30.


Baker, Paul and Hardie, Andrew and McEnery, Tony and Siewierska, Anna (2000) Proceedings of the 3rd discourse anaphora and reference resolution colloquium. Working Paper. University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language Technical Papers, Lancaster.


Evans, Eric (2000) Chartism. Longman History in Depth . Longman.

Evans, Eric J. (2000) Parliamentary reform, c.1770-1918. Seminar Studies . Longman Pearson.

Guy, Simon and Shove, Elizabeth (2000) A sociology of energy, buildings and the environment : constructing knowledge, designing practice. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415182690

Marvin, Simon and Moss, Timothy (2000) Urban infrastructure in transition : networks, buildings, plans. Earthscan, London. ISBN 9781853836893

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