Items where Department is "European Languages & Cultures" and Year is 2014

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Number of items: 37.

Fiddler, Allyson and Juers-Munby, Karen, eds. (2014) Jelinek in the Arena : Sport, Cultural Understanding and Translation to Page and Stage. Austrian Studies . Modern Humanities Research Association, London. ISBN 9781781881163

UNSPECIFIED (2014) Men, power and liberation : readings of masculinities in Spanish American literatures. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 20 (1). ISSN 1470-1847

Fülöp, Erika and Angelo, Adrienne, eds. (2014) Protean selves : first-person voices in twenty-first-century French and Francophone narratives. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle. ISBN 9781443860154

Angelo, Adrienne and Fülöp, Erika (2014) Introduction. In: Protean selves : first-person voices in twenty-first-century French and Francophone narratives. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle Upon Tyne, pp. 1-11. ISBN 9781443860154

Baker, Charlotte (2014) Christian Flaugh, Operation Freak: Narrative, Identity, and the Spectrum of Bodily Abilities (Montreal: McGill Queen’s UP, 2012). University of Toronto Quarterly, 83 (2). pp. 462-464. ISSN 1712-5278

Baker, Charlotte (2014) Lizelle Bisschoff and Stefanie Van de Peer. 2013. Art and Trauma in Africa: Representations of Reconciliation in Music, Visual Arts, Literature and Film. London: Tauris. 325pp. African Studies Quarterly, 15 (1). pp. 162-163. ISSN 2152-2448

Baker, Charlotte (2014) Necropolitical violence and post-independence Guinean literature. International Journal of Francophone Studies, 17 (3-4). pp. 305-326.

Baker, Charlotte (2014) Williams Sassine. The Literary Encyclopedia. ISSN 1747-678X

Barbera-Farran, Frederic (2014) Writing in Catalan in French Catalonia : from marginalisation at home to literary success across the border. The example of Joan Daniel Bezsonoff. In: Interrogating gazes : comparative critical views on the representation of foreignness and otherness. European University Studies . Peter Lang, New York, pp. 335-342. ISBN 9783034313124

Bartikowski, Kilian (2014) Anti-semitic legislation in Italy from the National Socialist viewpoint in the period 1938 to 1942. In: Antisemitic legislation in Slovakia and in Europe : Collection of papers from the international Scientific Conference Bratislava, September 8-9, 2011. Ústav pamäti národa / Nation's Memory Institute, Bratislava, pp. 152-163. ISBN 9788089355718

Bartikowski, Kilian (2014) Karl Löwith und das Exil in Japan und Italien im Vergleich : zu Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Wahrnehmung eines Zeitzeugen. In: Die Shoah in Geschichte und Erinnerung : Perspektiven medialer Vermittlung in Italien und Deutschland. Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld. ISBN 9783837627947

Braun, Rebecca (2014) Embodying achievement : Thomas Bernhard, Elfriede Jelinek, and authorship as a competitive sport. Austrian Studies, 22. pp. 121-138. ISSN 1350-7532

Braun, Rebecca (2014) Prize Germans? : changing notions of Germanness and the role of the award-winning author into the twenty-first century. Oxford German Studies, 43 (1). pp. 37-54. ISSN 1745-9214

Crawshaw, Robert (2014) Translating the in-between : literatures of performance and the relationship between language, literature and society. In: From literature to cultural literacy :. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781137429698

Fiddler, Allyson (2014) More than Mozart and Mahler. UNSPECIFIED.

Fiddler, Allyson (2014) Performing Austria : protesting the musical nation. IASPM@Journal, 4 (1). pp. 5-20.

Fiddler, Allyson (2014) Reckoning with Rechnitz : on Elfriede Jelinek, translation and cultural reproduction. Austrian Studies, 22. pp. 199-214. ISSN 1350-7532

Fiddler, Allyson and Howes, Geoffrey and Leeder, Karen and Mitchell, Mike and Pozarkova, Marcela and Kunzelmann, Heide and Friedrich, Birgit (2014) Translating gender in Austrian literature. UNSPECIFIED, GBR.

Fiddler, Allyson and Juers-Munby, Karen (2014) Introduction : Elfriede Jelinek in multiple arenas. Austrian Studies. pp. 1-7. ISSN 1350-7532

Fülöp, Erika (2014) Book review : Adam Watt, 'Marcel Proust' (Reaktion Books, 2013). Modern and Contemporary France, 22 (1). pp. 129-130. ISSN 0963-9489

Fülöp, Erika (2014) Book review : Geneviève Henrot Sostero and Isabelle Serça (eds.), 'Marcel Proust et la forme linguistique de la ‘Recherche’'. French Studies, 68 (4). pp. 561-562. ISSN 0016-1128

Fülöp, Erika (2014) Book review : Nathalie Aubert (ed.), 'Proust and the Visual' (University of Wales Press, 2013). French Studies, 68 (1). pp. 120-121. ISSN 0016-1128

Fülöp, Erika (2014) Born in translation : writing the self in Brice Matthieussent’s 'Vengeance du traducteur'. In: Protean selves : first-person voices in twenty-first-century French and Francophone narratives. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle Upon Tyne, pp. 54-66. ISBN 9781443860154

Fülöp, Erika (2014) Dramatizing the virtual : a Deleuzian reading of three recent metafictions. Revue critique de fixxion française contemporaine, 9. pp. 5-15. ISSN 2033-7019

Fülöp, Erika (2014) Habit in À la recherche du temps perdu. French Studies, 68 (3). pp. 344-358. ISSN 0016-1128

Gräbner, Cornelia (2014) Beyond innocence : Mexican guerrilla groups, state terrorism, and emergent civil society in three novels by Carlos Montemayor, Élmer Mendoza, and Fritz Glockner. A Contracorriente, 11 (3). pp. 164-194. ISSN 1548-7083

Gräbner, Cornelia (2014) “But how to speak of such things?” : decolonial love, the coloniality of gender, and political struggle in Francisco Goldman's The Long Night of White Chickens (1992) and Jennifer Harbury's Bridge of Courage (1994) and Searching for Everardo (1997). Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 20 (1). pp. 51-74. ISSN 1470-1847

Hodgin, Nick (2014) Alternative realities and authenticity in DEFA’s documentary films. In: DEFA at the crossroads of East German and international film culture : a companion. Companions to Contemporary German Culture . de Gruyter, Amsterdam, pp. 281-304. ISBN 9783110273458

Hodgin, Nick (2014) Cannibals, carnival and clowns : the grotesque in German unification films. Studies in Eastern European Cinema, 5 (2). pp. 124-139. ISSN 2040-3518

Hodgin, Nick (2014) East Germany revisited, reimagined, repositioned : representing the GDR in Dominik Graf’s The Red Cockatoo (2005) and Christian Petzold’s Barbara (2012). In: East, West, and centre : reframing post-1989 European cinema. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 237-251. ISBN 9780748694150

Perea-Rodriguez, Oscar (2014) "Por mi señora, la Reina Catalina" : Las donaciones de Leonor López de Córdoba al monasterio cordobés de San Pablo (1409). In: Poder, piedad y devoción. Castilla y su entorno (siglos XII-XV) :. Editorial Trílex, Madrid, pp. 189-226.

Perea-Rodriguez, Oscar and Cortijo Ocaña, Antonio and Amran, Rica (2014) La problemática de los conversos : origen, desarrollo y perspectivas de investigación. eHumanista, 1. IV-V. ISSN 1540-5877

Spiers, Emily (2014) The long march through the institutions : from Alice Schwarzer to pop-feminism and the new German girls. Oxford German Studies, 43 (1). pp. 69-88. ISSN 0078-7191

Thakkar, Amit (2014) Crash and return : "choque", allusion and composite structure in Alejandro González Iñárritu's "Amores perros" (2000). Quarterly Review of Film and Video, 31 (1). pp. 11-26. ISSN 1050-9208

Thakkar, Amit (2014) Una tercera lectura : the cinematic reader and the cult of virility in Manuel Puig's 'El beso de la mujer araña; (1976). Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 20 (1). pp. 7-29. ISSN 1470-1847

Thakkar, Amit (2014) Who is Cuba? : dispersed protagonism and heteroglossia in 'Soy Cuba'/'I am Cuba'. Framework, 55 (1). pp. 83-101. ISSN 1559-7989

Thakkar, Amit and Harris, Chris (2014) Men, power and liberation : readings of masculinities in Latin American literatures. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 20 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1470-1847

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