Items where Department is "European Languages & Cultures" and Year is 2009

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Number of items: 38.

Connon, Daisy and Jein, Gillian and Kerr, Greg, eds. (2009) Aesthetics of dislocation in French and francophone literature and art : strategies of representation. Edwin Mellen Press, Lampeter. ISBN 978-0-7734-4919-0

Adhikari, Foara (2009) "Les renardeaux tigrivores", "Hercule Sept d'un coup" (translation from Bengali to French) in De bouche à oreille contes favoris. Saraswati House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

Baker, Charlotte (2009) Expressions of the body : representations in African text and image. Peter Lang, Oxford. ISBN 978-3-03911-546-4

Baker, Charlotte (2009) 'Francophone African and Maghreb Literature 2007/8'. In: The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies :. Maney Publishing for the MHRA. ISBN 978-1-906540-91-3

Baker, Charlotte (2009) Hannah Westley, The Body as Medium and Metaphor (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2008). French Studies, 63 (4). pp. 507-508. ISSN 1468-2931

Baker, Charlotte (2009) My Sole Reality, My Only Refuge, My Unique Prison: The Body of the Black African Albino in Williams Sassine’s Mémoire d’une peau. In: Crossing Cultural Boundaries: Taboo, Bodies and Identities :. Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle, pp. 117-130. ISBN 9781443812344 144381234X

Baker, Charlotte (2009) A visible difference : images of black african people with albinism. In: Expressions of the Body: Representations in African Text and Image :. Peter Lang, Oxford, pp. 279-296. ISBN 978-3-03911-546-4

Barbera-Farran, Frederic (2009) Introducción. In: Epistolario Completo de Gabriel Miró :. Obras Completas (20). Instituto de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert, Alicante.

Barbera-Farran, Frederic (2009) L’òptica aberrant en la narrativa de Porcel. In: Escriptures contemporànies: Jornades d’estudi sobre Baltasar Porcel :. Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat. ISBN 9788498831061

Bartikowski, Kilian (2009) Benito Mussolini. In: Handbuch des Antisemitismus : Judenfeindschaft in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Verlag Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 569-571. ISBN 9783598240720

Bartikowski, Kilian (2009) Julius Evola. In: Handbuch des Antisemitismus : Judenfeindschaft in Geschichte un Gegenwart. Verlag Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 219-220. ISBN 9783598240720

Bartikowski, Kilian and Fabre, Giorgio (2009) Donna bianca e uomo nero (con una variante) : Il razzismo antinero nei colloqui tra Mussolini e Bülow-Schwante. Quaderni di Storia. pp. 181-218.

Braun, Rebecca (2009) Authorial construction in From the Diary of a Sail and The Meeting at Telgte. In: Cambridge companion to Günter Grass :. Cambridge companions to authors . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 96-110. ISBN 9780521876704

Camino, Mercedes (2009) ‘Ser mujer, ni estar ausente’: Sor Juana’s Silence in María Luisa Bemberg’s Yo, la peor de todas/ I, The Worst of All (1992). In: Identity, Nation and Discourse: Latin American Women Writers and Artists :. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge. ISBN 978-1443803472

Connon, Daisy and Jein, Gillian and Kerr, Greg (2009) Introduction : Aesthetics of Dislocation. In: Aesthetics of dislocation in French and francophone literature and art : strategies of representation :. Edwin Mellen Press, Lampeter, pp. 1-14. ISBN 978-0-7734-4919-0

Fülöp, Erika (2009) Different essences and essential differences : Proust versus Deleuze. In: Beckett's Proust / Deleuze's Proust :. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 39-46. ISBN 9780230239470

Graebner, Cornelia (2009) Lenguaje, Resistencia y Sociedad Global Civil. Confines: Arte y Cultura desde la Patagonia, 19. pp. 4-5.

Graebner, Cornelia (2009) Paco Ignacio Taibo II. The Literary Encyclopaedia.

Kerr, Greg (2009) The modern urban in the journalistic prose of Théophile Gautier : ‘Crayonnons à la hâte…’. In: Aesthetics of dislocation in French and francophone literature and art : strategies of representation :. Edwin Mellen Press, Lampeter, pp. 165-182. ISBN 978-0-7734-4919-0

Kessous, Naaman (2009) Littérature post-coloniale et corrosion politique : la troisième voix dans deux versions d'une nouvelle de Mohammed Dib. In: Littératures francophones et politique :. Lettres du Sud . Karthala. ISBN 978-2-8111-0238-8

Kessous, Naaman and Margerrison, C. and Stafford, A. (2009) Algérie, vers le cinquantenaire de l'independance. L'Harmattan, Paris.

Krossa, Anne Sophie (2009) Conceptualising European society on non-normative grounds : logics of sociation, glocalisation, and conflict. European Journal of Social Theory, 12 (2). pp. 249-264. ISSN 1461-7137

Krossa, Anne Sophie (2009) Glokalisierung als Strukturprinzip der Bildung einer 'europaeischen Gesellschaft'? In: Globalisierung Europaeisierung Regionalisierung :. Kraemer Verlag, Hamburg, pp. 159-176.

Macdonald, Ian and Barbera-Farran, Frederic (eds.) (2009) Epistolario. Obras Completas . Instituto de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert, Alicante.

Perea-Rodriguez, Oscar (2009) Edición de LAS MOCEDADES DEL CID (Jerónimo de Cancer) publicada espuriamente como LAS TRAVESURAS DEL CID (y atribuida a Agustín Moreto). Monograph Series . eHumanista, UC Santa Bárbara.

Perea-Rodriguez, Oscar (2009) La época del "Cancionero de Baena" : los Trastámara y sus poetas. Biblioteca baenense . Córdoba Fundación Pública Municipal Centro de Documentación Juan Alfonso de Baena, Baena. ISBN 9788460648505

Perea-Rodriguez, Oscar (2009) Pesca y pescadores en los cancioneros medievales castellanos. In: La pesca en la Edad Media :. Editum, Madrid, pp. 105-20. ISBN 9788483718155

Perea-Rodriguez, Oscar (2009) Propaganda ideológica pro-Trastámara en el Cancionero de Baena. In: Castilla y el mundo feudal : homenaje al profesor Julio Valdeón. Instituto Universitario de Historia Simancas, Valladolid, pp. 583-93. ISBN 9788497185820

Perea-Rodriguez, Oscar (2009) Un nuevo ejemplar del Amadís de Gaula veneciano de 1533 en la biblioteca de la Universidad de Arkansas. Butlletí Informatiu i Bibliogràfic de Literatura de Cavalleries, 12. pp. 151-63. ISSN 1579-7422

Perea-Rodriguez, Oscar and Madrid Souto, Raquel (2009) Una efeméride lírico-mercantil : quinto centenario de la firma del contrato para la primera edición del Cancionero general (1509-2009). Cancionero General, 7. pp. 71-93.

Seed, Ian (2009) Anonymous Intruder. Shearsman, Exeter. ISBN 9781848610286

Seed, Ian (2009) 'At the Cinema'. Poetry Wales, 45 (1). p. 27. ISSN 0032-2202

Seed, Ian (2009) 'Exterior'. Tears in the Fence (48).

Seed, Ian (2009) Preserving the Beautiful Peacock. Writing in Education (47). pp. 48-50. ISSN 1361-8539

Seed, Ian (2009) 'Rearrangement', 'Flipbook', 'This Break Is the Moment', and 'One Last Adventure'. Poetry Salzburg Review (14). pp. 156-157.

Seed, Ian and Sanguineti, Edoardo (2009) Translation of poetry by Edoardo Sanguineti. Shearsman (79/80). pp. 100-104.

Thakkar, Amit (2009) "Juan Rulfo". UNSPECIFIED.

Thakkar, Amit (2009) One rainy market day: 'integration' and the indigenous community in the fiction and thought of Juan Rulfo. In: (Re)Collecting the Past, History and Collective Memory in Latin American Narrative :. Hispanic Studies: Culture and Ideas (31). Peter Lang, Oxford, pp. 191-216. ISBN 978-3-03911-928-8

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