Items where Department is "European Languages & Cultures" and Year is 2005

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Number of items: 42.


Barbera-Farran, Frederic (2005) Dos corrents innovadors a la narrativa britànica contemporània. Els Marges, 75. pp. 99-107.

Barbera-Farran, Frederic (2005) Gabriel Miró y la cultura catalana. Canelobre, 50. pp. 33-48. ISSN 0213-0467

Barbera-Farran, Frederic (2005) La identidad determinada por la narración en Muntaner, 38 y El vendedor de rosas de J A Garriga Vela. In: La cultura catalana de expresión castellana :. Estudios de Literatura, teatro y cine . Edition Reichenberger, Kassel, pp. 105-121. ISBN 978-3-937734-20-0

Barberà, F. (2005) La presencia de la cultura catalana en Gabriel Miró. In: Canelobre :. UNSPECIFIED, Alicante, pp. 69-84.

Barton, D. P. and Tusting, Karin (2005) Beyond communities of practice: language, power and social context. Learning in doing . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 0521836433 (hbk.)

Barton, David and Hamilton, Mary (2005) Literacy, reification and the dynamics of social interaction. In: Beyond communities of practice : language power and social context :. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


Crawshaw, R. H. (2005) The Essay as Performance: Michel Foucault's L'Ordre du discours. In: The Modern Essay in French: Movement, Instability, Performance :. Peter Lang. ISBN 3-03910-514-0


Fell, Alison S. (2005) Life after Léa: war and trauma in Colette's 'La fin de chéri'. French Studies, 59 (4). pp. 495-507. ISSN 1468-2931

Fiddler, A. (2005) Sport and national identity in the 'new' Austria: sports plays by Jelinek, Franzobel and Streeruwitz. In: Blueprints for no-man's land : connections in contemporary Austrian culture :. Britische und irische Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur; British and Irish studies in German language and literature . Peter Lang, Oxford, pp. 111-130. ISBN 3039102656

Fiddler, Allyson (2005) Carinthia, interculturalism, and Austrian national identity : cultural reflections on 10 October 1920. German Life and Letters, 58 (2). pp. 195-210. ISSN 0016-8777

Fiddler, Allyson (2005) Jelinek and the university curriculum : honouring by teaching. Modern Austrian Literature, 38 (1-2). pp. 69-72. ISSN 0026-7503

Fülöp, Erika (2005) Book review : Anne Simon, 'Proust ou le réel retrouvé. Le sensible et son expression dans 'À la recherche du temps perdu' ' (Honoré Champion, 2011). Helikon: Review of General and Comparative Literature (1-2). pp. 136-137. ISSN 0017-999X

Fülöp, Erika (2005) Végtelen történet : on Péter Nádas's 'My Own Death'. Vulgo (1-2). pp. 336-347.


Gomez-Cash, Olga (2005) The psyche of feminism : Sand, Colette, Sarraute. French Studies, 59 (4). p. 581. ISSN 1468-2931


Heelas, Paul and Woodhead, Linda and Seel, B. and Tusting, Karin and Szerszynski, B. (2005) The Spiritual Revolution: Why Religion is Giving Way to Spirituality. Blackwell, Oxford. ISBN 1405119586


Kallis, Aristotle (2005) Nazi propaganda in the Second World War. Other. Palgrave.

Kessous, Naaman (2005) Frantz Fanon and Algeria : alienation and violence. In: Transition and development in Algeria : economic, social and cultural challenges :. Intellect, Bristol, pp. 93-112. ISBN 1841500747

Krossa, A. S. (2005) 'Europ'isierung ostmitteleurop'ischen Identit'ten?'. In: Die Transformation nationaler Politik: Europ'isierungsprozesse in Mitteleuropa :. Deutsche Gesellschaft f'r Ausw'rtige Politik. ISBN 3981055306

Krossa, Anne Sophie (2005) Kollektive Identitaeten in Ostmitteleuropa : Polen, Tschechien und Ungarn und die Integration der Europaeischen Union. Other. Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin, Berlin.


Maroto Camino, Mercedes (2005) ‘The war is so young’ : masculinity and war correspondence in Welcome to Sarajevo and Territorio Comanche. Studies in European Cinema, 2 (2). pp. 115-124. ISSN 1741-1548

Maroto-Camino, M. (2005) Producing the Pacific: Maps and Narratives of Spanish Exploration (1567-1606). Rodopi. ISBN 90-420-1994-8


Payne, J. P. (2005) Schwierigkeiten der 'bersetzung technologischer und wissenschaftlicher Begriffe bei Musil. In: 'Alle Welt ist medial geworden': Literatur, Technik, Naturwissenschaft in der klassischen Moderne :. Franke Verlag. ISBN 3-7720-8123-1

Perea-Rodriguez, Oscar (2005) Edición de LOS TEMPLARIOS (Juan Pérez de Montalbán). eHumanista, UC Santa Bárbara.

Perea-Rodriguez, Oscar (2005) Enrique IV de Castilla en la poesía de cancionero : algún 'afán' ignorado entre las 'mil congoxas' conocidas. Cancionero General, 3. pp. 33-71.

Perea-Rodriguez, Oscar (2005) Un epigrama a la muerte de Fernando el Católico (1516) : ¿obra del almirante Fadrique Enríquez? eHumanista, 5. pp. 126-41. ISSN 1540-5877

Perea-Rodriguez, Oscar and Madrid Souto, Raquel (2005) Marina de Aragón, la Sin Ventura Princesa de Salerno, la más bella dama de los cancioneros castellanos. In: La Mediterrània de la Corona d'Aragó, segles XIII-XVI : VII Centenari de la Sentència Arbitral de Torrellas, 1304-2004 : [actes del] XVIII Congrés Internacional d'Història de la Corona d'Aragó. Universitat de València, València, pp. 1939-54. ISBN 9788437063034


Rashid, A. and Sawyer, Pete and Sampaio, A. and Moreira, A. and Araujo, J. (2005) A Multi-Dimensional, Model-Driven Approach to Concern Identification and Traceability. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Rios Garcia, Carmen (2005) Anaphoric repair in Spanish conversation. In: Antes y después del Quijote, en el cincuentenario de la Asociación de Hispanistas de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda, Valencia, 2005. :. Biblioteca Valenciana, Valencia, pp. 473-486. ISBN 8448241452


Saario, Antti S. and Bastiansen, Gitte and Knarvik, Olaf (2005) Projection #1. UNSPECIFIED.

Saario, Antti S. and Bastiansen, Gitte and Knarvik, Olaf (2005) Projection #2. UNSPECIFIED.

Sampaio, A. and Loughran, N. and Rashid, A. and Rayson, P. (2005) Mining Aspects in Requirements. In: Early Aspects 2005: Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design Workshop, 2005-03-15.

Seed, Ian (2005) 'Frog'. Dream Catcher (16). pp. 41-5.

Smith, Birgit and Mercer, Sarah (2005) Lancaster-Graz intercultural web project : a preliminary report. ELT News, 52. pp. 21-25.

Steel, D. A. (2005) Pontigny, pr'sences britanniques. In: S.I.E.C.L.E. Colloque de Cerisy. 100 ans de rencontres intellectuelles de Pontigny ' Cerisy :. Editions de l'IMEC. ISBN 290829575X

Steel, David A. (2005) Antécédents gidiens. Matilde Rondeaux/Lucile Bucolin. Naissance d'un mythe. Mythe d'une naissance. Bulletin des Amis d'André Gide, 145. pp. 7-21.


Thakkar, Amit (2005) Ambivalence and the Crisis of the Mimic Man: Centrifugal Irony in Juan Rulfo's 'Luvina'. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 11 (1). pp. 65-89. ISSN 1470-1847

Tihanov, G. (2005) L'ideologie at le langage chez Voloshinow: comment l'esprit de al Lebensphiolsophie a engender la sociologie marziste. In: La quadrature du cercle Bakhtine : traductions, influences et remises en contexte :. CTL (45). CTL. Centre de traduction littéraire, Lausanne, pp. 125-167. ISBN 2883570477

Tihanov, Galin (2005) Hermeneutics and sociology between Germany and Russia: in search of the classic. Stanford Slavic Studies, 29-30. pp. 52-79. ISSN 1048-4833

Tusting, Karin (2005) Language and Power in Communities of Practice. In: Beyond Communities of Practice :. Learning in doing . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 0521836433

Tusting, Karin and Barton, D. P. (2005) Community-based local literacies research. In: Multidisciplinary perspectives on literacy research :. Language & social processes (2nd). Hampton Press, Cresskill, N. J., pp. 243-263. ISBN 1572736267


Waine, A. E. (2005) Anna Seghers's Transit: A Late Modern Thriller - without Thrills. Neophilologus, 89 (3). pp. 403-418. ISSN 1572-8668

Whitton, David (2005) Bombay Dreams: Commodity Production. In: Ethnicity and Identity. Global Performance :. Rawat Publications, Jaipur & New Delhi, pp. 288-296. ISBN 81-7033-916-2

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