Items where Department is "European Languages & Cultures" and Year is 2004

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 29.

Journal Article

UNSPECIFIED (2004) EnterText : Shelving Translation. EnterText, 4 (3). ISSN 1472-3085

Bartikowski, Kilian (2004) Lateinische Feldzüge : Paolo Orano als Wegbereiter der Judenfeindschaft im italienischen Faschismus. Jahrbuch für Antisemitismusforschung, 13. pp. 51-65.

Beard, Rebecca and Garvey, Brenda (2004) Introduction : the role of the translated text in Britain today. EnterText, 4 (3). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1472-3085

Braun, Rebcca (2004) The art of self-construction : Günter Grass's use of Camus and Orwell in Headbirths or The Germans Are Dying Out. Comparative Critical Studies, 1 (3). pp. 323-336. ISSN 1750-0109

Crawshaw, Robert and Tomic, Alice (2004) The intercultural narrative. Language and Intercultural Communication, 4 (1-2). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1470-8477

Fülöp, Erika (2004) jól tömött staniclik : (Parti Nagy Lajos: Grafitnesz). Debreceni Disputa (3). pp. 49-51. ISSN 1785-5152

Hodgin, Nick (2004) Berlin is in Germany and good bye, Lenin! : taking leave of the GDR? Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 12 (1). pp. 25-46. ISSN 0965-156X

Smith, Birgit (2004) Review of Altendorfer, O. (2004) 'Das Mediensystem der Bundersrepublik Deutschland (Volume 2)'. Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 12 (2). pp. 184-185. ISSN 0965-156X

Thakkar, Amit (2004) Review: Carlos Fuentes, et al, "Juan Rulfo’s Mexico". Journal of Latin American Studies, 36 (2). pp. 393-394. ISSN 0022-216X

Thakkar, Amit (2004) Review: David Craven, "Art and Revolution in Latin America 1910-1990" (2002). Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 81 (1). ISSN 1475-3839

Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings

Barbera-Farran, Frederic (2004) Años y leguas en el context de la influència catalana en Gabriel Miró. In: Anys i llegües :. Denes, Valencia, pp. 15-26.

Barbera-Farran, Frederic (2004) Imatge i realitat a les cartes de Gabriel Miró. In: Epístola i literatura : epistolaris : la carta, estratègies literàries :. Denes, Valencia, pp. 143-153. ISBN 8495802848

Barbera-Farran, Frederic (2004) Introducció crítica per al lector català. In: Els bascos, els catalans i Espanya :. Pagès Editors, Lleida, pp. 27-32.

Barbera-Farran, Frederic (2004) La recepció de la narrativa de Baltasar Porcel fora de l’àmbit català. In: La recepció de la literatura catalana a Europa :. Publications Montpellier 3, Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier, pp. 167-177.

Bartram, Graham (2004) The German novel in the long twentieth century. In: The Cambridge companion to the modern German novel :. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 1-14. ISBN 0 521 48253 4 hb; 0 521 48392 1 pb

Braun, Rebecca (2004) Speaking the language of culture : Elfriede Jelinek and James Joyce writing the homeland. In: Beziehungen & Identitäten : Österreich, Irland und die Schweiz :. Peter Lang, Bern, pp. 191-202. ISBN 3039104306

Fiddler, Allyson (2004) Female Subjectivity in Women's Writing of the 1970s and 1980s. In: Cambridge Companion to the Modern German Novel :. Cambridge companions to literature . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 249-265. ISBN 0521482534

Fülöp, Erika (2004) Entre littérature et philosophie. In: Rencontres françaises Brno 2003 : actes du 6e séminaire international d’études doctorales. University of Brno, Brno, pp. 29-33. ISBN 8021034823

Kallis, A. A. (2004) Totalitarianism and totalitarian dictatorship in the twentieth century. In: History in dispute :. Twentieth-century European social and political movements. First series, 16 . St Martin's Press.

Krossa, A S (2004) Das Konzept "Verfassungspatriotismus" im Kontext der Erweiterung der Europ'ischen Union: eine kritische Betrachtung am Beispiel Polens. In: EU-Beitritt: Verhei'ung oder Bedrohung? Die Wirkung der geplanten EU-Osterweiterung in den mittel- und osteurop'ischen Kandidatenl'ndern :. University Gottingen. ISBN 3810035831

Payne, J. P. and Bartram, G. (2004) Apocalypse and Utopia in the Austrian Novel of the 1930s: Hermann Broch and Robert Musil. In: The Cambridge Companion to the Modern German Novel :. CUP. ISBN 0-521-48253-4

Quainton, M. D. (2004) Vers fran'ois'pas assez limez pour estre mis en lumiere. In: Etienne de la Bo'tie. Sage r'volutionnaire et po'te p'rigourdin. Actes du Colloque International: Duke University :. Champion. ISBN 2745308033

Waine, A. E. (2004) Das Triviale - 'sthetischer Naevus oder changierendes Geschmacksparadigma? Walsers St'cke der sechziger Jahre. In: Seelenarbeit an Deutschland: Martin Walser in Perspective, German Monitor, 60 :. Amsterdam. ISBN 90-420-1993-X

Woodhead, Linda and Guest, M. and Tusting, Karin (2004) Congregational studies : taking stock. In: Congregational Studies in the UK : Christianity in a Post-Christian Context. Explorations in practical, pastoral, and empirical theology . Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 1-23. ISBN 0754632881


Barton, David P. and Ivanic, Roz and Appleby, Y. and Hodge, R. and Tusting, Karin (2004) Adult Learners' Lives Project: Setting the Scene. Working Paper. National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy., London.


Barbera-Farran, Frederic (2004) Gabriel Miró and Catalan Culture : The Forging of the Literary Language in the Context of his Poetics. The University Press of the South, New Orleans. ISBN 1-931948-26-7

Bartram, Graham (2004) The Cambridge Companion to the Modern German Novel. Cambridge Companions to Literature . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 0 521 48253 4 hb; 0 521 48392 1 pb

Conversi, Daniele (author) and Barbera-Farran, Frederic (ed.) (2004) Els bascos, els catalans i Espanya. Pagès, Lleida.

Guest, M. and Tusting, Karin and Woodhead, Linda (2004) Congregational studies in the UK: Christianity in a post-Christian context. Explorations in practical, pastoral, and empirical theology . Ashgate, Aldershot. ISBN 0754632881

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