Items where Department is "European Languages & Cultures" and Year is 2002

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Number of items: 46.


Barbera, Frederic and Crameri, K. (2002) Editorial. National Identities, 4 (3). pp. 213-221. ISSN 1460-8944

Barbera-Farran, Frederic (2002) Las novelas de Oleza. Aspectos de su modernidad en el contexto de la prosa mironiana de madurez. In: Miró, novelista. II Simposio Internacional Gabriel Miró :. CAM, Alicante, pp. 97-111. ISBN 84-688-7362-4

Barbera-Farran, Frederic and Crameri, Kathryn (eds.) (2002) Peripheral Identities in the Iberian Context. National Identities, 4 (3). pp. 213-316. ISSN 1460-8944


Capdevila, N. (2002) Challenging gender and genre in the literary text : the works of Nuria Amat. University of the South, New Orleans. ISBN 1931948046

Capdevila, N. (2002) Historia de la mas literaria de las muertes. In: Perversas y divinas :. Ediciones eHcultura, pp. 97-102.

Capdevila, N. (2002) La intimidad : voz (in)coherente de mujer y tejido (meta)literario. In: La(s) representacion (es) de la mujer en la cultura hispanica :. Coleccion Cultura Iberoamericana . Universitas Castellae, pp. 67-77.

Capdevila, N. (2002) Textual Silence and (Male) Homosexual Panic in Nuria Amat's La intimidad (1997). Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 8 (1). pp. 5-12. ISSN 1470-1847

Crameri, Kathryn (2002) The Location of Myth in Cami de sirga by Jesus Moncada. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 8 (1). pp. 41-54. ISSN 1470-1847

Crawshaw, Robert H. (2002) Ricoeur's pendulum : narrating the self during periods of residence abroad. In: Revolutions in consciousness : local identities, global concerts in 'languages and intercultural communication' : Proceedings of the 1st IALIC conference held at Leeds Metropolitan University in 2000. Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, pp. 13-21.


Fiddler, Allyson (2002) Staging Jörg Haider : protest and resignation in Elfriede Jelinek’s Das Lebewohl and other recent texts for the theatre. Modern Language Review, 97 (2). pp. 353-364. ISSN 0026-7937


Jones, C. R. (2002) Is there a policy for networked learning? In: Proceedings of the 3rd international conference : networked learning 2002 : a research based conference on e-learning in higher education and lifelong learning :. University of Sheffield, Sheffield, pp. 175-182.


Kessous, Naaman (2002) 12 entries. In: Francophone studies : a glossary :. Edward Arnold, London. ISBN 0340806966

Kofmehl, Damaris and Braun, Rebecca (2002) Shannon : the incredible true story of one girl's journey from darkness to light. Hodder and Stoughton, London. ISBN 9780340786482


Nott, David O. (2002) Translation from and into the foreign language. In: The guide to good practice for learning and teaching in languages, linguistics and area studies :. LTSN Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies, Southampton.


Payne, J. P. (2002) Further Extracts from Musil's Diaries. Fiction, 18 (1). pp. 54-104.

Perea-Rodriguez, Oscar (2002) La utopía política en la literatura castellana del siglo XV : el Libro de los Pensamientos Variables (BNM, ms. 6642). eHumanista, 2. pp. 23-62. ISSN 1540-5877

Perea-Rodriguez, Oscar and Delgado Scholl, Federico (2002) Predicación religiosa y propaganda política en el siglo XV : el Elogio a los Reyes Católicos por la conquista de Granada (1492). Voz y Letra, 13 (1). pp. 3-26. ISSN 1130-3271

Porcellini-Slawinski, M. P. (2002) Gli affanni della letteratura nella corrispondenza di Guidubaldo Benamati ad Angelico Aprosio (1629-1652). Aprosiana, X. pp. 11-67. ISSN 1590-993X

Porcellini-Slawinski, Maurice P. (2002) Entries on: Achillini, Adimari, Aprosio, Artale, Balducci, Barbazza, Battista, Benamati, Bezzi, Bissari, Bruni, Busenello, Casoni, Ceba, Pers, Colloredo, Concettismo, Errico, Filicaia, Fontanella, Frugoni, Accademia dei Gelati, Grillo, Guaragna, Gareggiamento, Accademia degli Investiganti, Lemene, Lubrano, Macedonio, Maia, Massini, Melosio, Michiel, Murtola, Muscettola, Orsini, Accademia degli Oziosi, Paoli, Pasini, Pisani, Preti, Quirini, Schettini, Sempronio, Stigliani, Testi, Theatines, Torcigliani, Zazzaroni. In: Oxford Companion to Italian Literature. Oxford University Press, Oxford.


Quainton, M. D. (2002) Intertextual Reflections in Jean-Antoine de Ba'f's L'Eunuque. In: Renaissance Reflections. Essays in Memory of C. A. Mayer :. Champion. ISBN 2-7453-0586-7

Quainton, Malcolm and Vinestock, E (2002) Pierre de Ronsard: Selected Poems. UNSPECIFIED.


Saario, A. S. (2002) Bullet Train Ballad no.1. UNSPECIFIED.

Stafford, A. J. (2002) Culture francophone et monde anglicise. In: Thresholds of otherness, Autrement mêmes : identity and alterity in French-language literatures : Conference to mark the retirement of Professor Roger Little held in Trinity College, Dublin, 23-25 Sept. 1999. :. Grant and Cutler, London, pp. 23-26. ISBN 0729304299

Stafford, A. J. (2002) Pour une critique genetique politique et poetique? Le cas de S/Z. Genesis : |manuscrits, recherche, invention., 19. pp. 129-151. ISSN 1167-5101

Stafford, A. J. (2002) S/Z et la critique creatrice. Essayisme dans la litterature-gui. Revue des Sciences Humaines, 268. pp. 189-209. ISSN 0035-2195

Stafford, A. J. (2002) S/Z: evenement(s), ebranlement, ecriture. In: Roland Barthes, au lieu du roman :. Desjonqueres / Nota Bene, Paris, pp. 45-51.

Stafford, A. J. (2002) Thirty entries on various aspects and authors in African, South-East Asian and Caribbean studies, in relation to Francophone studies. In: Francophone studies : the essential glossary :. Edward Arnold, London. ISBN 0340806966

Steel, D. A. (2002) Gide Nouvelle Vague. In: Gide aux miroirs: le roman du XXe sie?cle. Me?langes offerts a? Alain Goulet :. Presses Univ de Caen. ISBN 2841331644

Steel, D. A. (2002) Les modernit's de Gide ou Gide moderne d'emploi. In: Andr' Gide et la tentation de la modernit': actes du colloque international de Mulhouse (25-27 octobre 2001) :. Gallimard. ISBN 2070767434

Steel, David A. (2002) Gide moderne d'emploi. In: Andre Gide et la tentation de la modernite :. Gallimard, Paris, pp. 453-467.

Steel, David A. (2002) A death in the desert : Gide's 'L'immoraliste' and Bowles's 'The sheltering sky'. New Comparison, 31. pp. 155-178. ISSN 0950-5814


Tihanov, Galin (2002) Book Reviews : Georg Simmel and Avant-Garde Sociology. The Birth of Modernity, 1880-1920. By Ralph M. Leck. 2000. Journal of European Studies, 32 (127). pp. 417-418.

Tihanov, Galin (2002) Carl Schmitt and Theodor Daubler : the geopolitical afterlife of the post-Romantic epic. In: Ronaticna Pesnitev / The romantic poem :. Ljubljana University, Ljublijana, pp. 609-624.

Tihanov, Galin (2002) Dvadeset i dve godini po-kasno (an interview granted to Margarit Zhekov). Literaturen Forum, 28 (1). p. 14. ISSN 0861-2153

Tihanov, Galin (2002) E. Dobrenko, and H. Günther, 'Sotsrealisticheskii kanon' (2000). Slavonica, 82 (2). pp. 218-219. ISSN 1361-7427

Tihanov, Galin (2002) Khermenevtika i sotsiologiia [Hermeneutics and sociology]. Literaturen Forum, 29 (1). p. 12. ISSN 0861-2153

Tihanov, Galin (2002) Martin Heidegger and Imma von Bodmershof, ‘Briefwechsel’ (2000); Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann, ‘Die zarte, aber helle Differenz: Heidegger und Stefan George’ (1999); Willem van Reijen, ‘Der Schwarzwald und Paris: Heidegger und Benjamin’ (1998). Modern Language Review, 97 (4). pp. 1029-1031. ISSN 0026-7937

Tihanov, Galin (2002) Mikhail Bakhtin. In: Postmodernism : the key figures :. Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 25-31. ISBN 0631217967

Tihanov, Galin (2002) Misha and Kolia: thinking the br(other). In: Bakhtin and his intellectual ambience :. Gdansk University Press, Gdansk, pp. 74-91.

Tihanov, Galin (2002) Misha i Kolia: Brat-Drugoi [Russian translation by Kanishcheva, E. and Poliakov, A.]. Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie : Teorija i Istorija Literatury, Kritika i Bibliografija, 57. pp. 54-68. ISSN 0869-6365

Tihanov, Galin (2002) Pochemu sovremennaia teoriia literatury voznikla v tsentral’noi i vostochnoi Evrope? [translated by S. Silakova]. Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie : Teorija i Istorija Literatury, Kritika i Bibliografija, 53. pp. 75-88. ISSN 0869-6365

Tihanov, Galin (2002) Regimes of modernity at the dawn of globalisation: Carl Schmitt and Alexandre Kojève. In: Other modernisms in an age of globalisation :. Universitätsverlag C. Winter, Heidelberg, pp. 75-93.

Tihanov, Galin (2002) Sovremennyi stroi na zare globalizatsii: Karl Shmitt i Aleksandr Kozhev [Russian translation]. Evropa, 2 (3). pp. 93-116.

Tusting, Karin and Crawshaw, R. and Callen, B. (2002) I know, 'cos I was there: how residence abroad students use personal experience to legitimate cultural generalisations. Discourse and Society, 13 (5). pp. 651-672. ISSN 0957-9265


Waine, Anthony E. and Woolley, J. (2002) Blissful, torn, intoxicated: Brinkmann, Fauser, Wondratschek, and the beats. In: The beat generation : critical essays :. Peter Lang, New York, pp. 309-334. ISBN 0820457787


Zenios, M. and Banks, F. and Moon, B. (2002) The potential for the use of computer-mediated communication (CMC) in teacher professional development. In: Proceedings of the 3rd international conference : networked learning 2002 : a research based conference on e-learning in higher education and lifelong learning :. University of Sheffield, Sheffield, pp. 271-278.

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