Items where Department is "English & Creative Writing" and Year is 2009
Knight, Mark James and Lee, Louise, eds. (2009) Religion, Literature and the Imagination : Sacred Worlds. Continuum Literary Studies . Continuum. ISBN 9781847064172
Oakley-Brown, Liz and Wilkinson, Louise J., eds. (2009) The rituals and rhetoric of queenship : medieval to early modern. Four Courts Press, Dublin. ISBN 9781846821783
Appelbaum, Robert (2009) The food fuss in London. International Literary Quarterly, 6.
Ashworth, Jennifer (2009) A Kind of Intimacy. Arcadia Books, London. ISBN 9781906413392
Ashworth, Jennifer (2009) Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others. In: Paint a Vulgar Picture: Fiction Inspired by the Smiths :. Serpent's Tail, London, pp. 202-210. ISBN 9781846686498
Baker, Brian (2009) A Man of Wealth and Taste : The Strange Career of Hannibal Lecter. In: The Lure of the Dark Side : Satan and Western Demonology in Popular Culture. Equinox Publishing, London, pp. 122-135. ISBN 9781845533090 1845533097 9781845533106 1845533100
Baker, Brian (2009) Textual revisions : reading literature and film. Chester Academic Press, Chester. ISBN 9781905929757
Bradley, Arthur (2009) The deconstruction of Christianity : from the hand of God to the hand of Man. In: Literature, religion and the imagination : sacred worlds. Continuum, London. ISBN 9781847064172
Bradley, Arthur (2009) The new atheist novel : literature, religion and terror in Amis and McEwan. Yearbook of English Studies. ISSN 0306-2473
Bushell, Sally (2009) Text as process : creative composition in Wordsworth, Tennyson and Emily Dickinson. University of Virginia Press, Charlottesville, Virginia. ISBN 9780813927749
Bushell, Sally (2009) The making of meaning in Wordsworth's home at Grasmere : speech acts, micro-analysis and 'Freudian Slips'. Studies in Romanticism, 49 (3). pp. 391-420. ISSN 0039-3762
Caldecott, Elen (2009) How Kirsty Jenkins Stole the Elephant. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9780747599197
Carruthers, Jo (2009) Israel Zangwill, Jewish Identity and Visceral Religion. In: Religion, Literature and the Imagination : Sacred Worlds. Continuum, London, pp. 75-86. ISBN 9781847064172
Carruthers, Jo (2009) Laying hold of divine riches : self-authorization in Christina Rossetti's The face of the deep. In: The way the world ends : the Apocalypse of John in culture and ideology. Sheffield Phoenix, Sheffield, pp. 43-59. ISBN 9781906055431
Carruthers, Jo (2009) Stillness and belonging : Mynydd Epynt. In: Debateable lands : These debateable lands. Wild Conservations Press, Bristol, pp. 27-33. ISBN 9780956026606
Carruthers, Jo (2009) Writing, interpretation and the Book of Esther : a detour via Browning and Derrida. Yearbook of English Studies, 39 (1-2). pp. 58-71. ISSN 0306-2473
Draycott, Jane (2009) Over. Carcanet Oxford Poets, Manchester. ISBN 978 1 903039 92 2
Draycott, Jane (2009) Reef. Riptide Journal, 4.
Draycott, Jane (2009) Six Poems. In: Divers :. Mulfran Press, Cardiff.
Eagleton, Terry (2009) Trouble with strangers : a study of ethics. Wiley Blackwell, Chichester. ISBN 978-1-4051-8572-1
Elliott, Kamilla (2009) Face value in A Tale of Two Cities. In: Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities, and the French Revolution :. Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture . Palgrave, New York, pp. 87-103. ISBN 9780230537781
Farish, Helen (2009) Faking it up with the truth : the complexities of the apparently autobiographical 'I'. Life Writing, 6 (1). pp. 143-147. ISSN 1751-2964
Farish, Helen (2009) Five poems. Life Writing, 6 (1). pp. 153-154. ISSN 1751-2964
Findlay, Alison (2009) Dramatizing home and memory : Lady Mary Sidney and Lady Mary Wroth. Home Cultures, 6 (2). pp. 135-147. ISSN 1740-6315
Findlay, Alison (2009) Highe excellente Queene: The Rhetoric of Majesty in Diplomatic Letters Relating to Mary, Queen of Scots. In: The Ritual and Rhetoric of Queenship: Medieval to Early Modern :. Four Courts Press, Dublin, pp. 118-130. ISBN 9781846821783
Findlay, Alison (2009) Remaking Homes: Gender and the Representation of Place. Home Cultures, 6 (2). pp. 115-121. ISSN 1740-6315
Gregory, Ian N. and Cooper, David (2009) Thomas Gray, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Geographical Information Systems : a literary GIS of two Lake District tours. International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, 3 (1-2). pp. 61-84. ISSN 1753-8548
Hanley, Keith and Dickinson, Rachel (2009) Introduction : Nineteenth-century cultural travel. Prose Studies : History, Theory, Criticism, 31 (2). pp. 89-92. ISSN 0144-0357
Hinds, Hilary (2009) Domestic Disappointments: Feminine Middlebrow Fiction of the Interwar Years. Home Cultures, 6 (2). pp. 199-211. ISSN 1740-6315
Hinds, Hilary (2009) Ordinary disappointments : femininity, domesticity and nation in British middlebrow fiction, 1920-1944. MFS: Modern Fiction Studies, 55 (2). pp. 293-320. ISSN 1080-658X
Hinds, Hilary (2009) Prophecy and Religious Polemic. In: The Cambridge Companion to Early Modern Women’s Writing :. Cambridge companions to literature . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 235-246. ISBN 9780521885270
Horsley, Lee (2009) Literary noir in the twenty-first century. In: The Noir Thriller :. Crime Files . Palgrave, Basingstoke. ISBN 9780230218864
Knight, Mark (2009) Figuring out the fascination : Recent Trends in Criticism on Victorian Sensation and Crime Fiction. Victorian Literature and Culture, 37 (1). pp. 323-333. ISSN 1060-1503
Knight, Mark James (2009) An Introduction to Religion and Literature. Continuum. ISBN 9780826497024
Knight, Mark James (2009) Signs Taken for Wonders : Adverts and Sacraments in Chesterton's London. Yearbook of English Studies, 39 (1-2). pp. 126-136. ISSN 0306-2473
Kruger, Naomi (2009) Pottery. Wag's Revue.
McCabe, Brian (2009) Seagull. In: For Angus :. Los Poetry Press, Cambridge, p. 66.
McCabe, Brian (2009) Zero. Polygon, Edinburgh. ISBN 9781846971174
McCabe, Brian (2009) A simple thing. UNSPECIFIED.
McKenzie, L. H. and Simpson, Jane and Stewart, Marie (2009) The impact of depression on activities of daily living skills in individuals who have undergone coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Psychology, Health and Medicine, 14 (6). pp. 641-653. ISSN 1354-8506
Meekings, Sam (2009) Under fishbone clouds. Polygon, Edinburgh. ISBN 1846971683
Moore, Lindsey (2009) British Muslim Identities and Spectres of Terror : Nadeem Aslam's Maps for Lost Lovers. Postcolonial Text, 5 (2). pp. 1-19.
Moore, Lindsey (2009) Minding the Gap: Migration, Diaspora, Exile and Return in Women's Visual Media. In: Contemporary Art in the Middle East :. Black Dog Press, London. ISBN 978-1906155568
Oakley-Brown, Liz (2009) 'My Lord, be ruled by me': Shakespeare's Tamora and the failure of queenship. In: The Rituals and Rhetoric of Queenship: Medieval to Early Modern :. Four Courts Press, Dublin, pp. 222-237. ISBN 1846821789 9781846821783
Peeters, Benoit and Ware, Chris and Samson, Jacques (2009) Chris Ware : la bande dessinée réinventée. Réflexions faites . Les Impressions nouvelles, Paris. ISBN 9782874490859
Pinkney, Tony (2009) News from Nowhere as Seance Fiction. Journal of William Morris Society, XVIII (3). pp. 29-47. ISSN 0084-0254
Pow, Thomas (2009) In the Becoming: Selected & New Poems. Polygon.
Ruston, Sharon (2009) After the judgement. TLS - The Times Literary Supplement (5533). p. 5. ISSN 0307-661X
Ruston, Sharon (2009) Authority and imposture : William Godwin and the animal magnetists. In: Liberating Medicine, 1720-1835 :. Pickering and Chatto, London, pp. 153-164. ISBN 1851966323
Seed, Ian (2009) Anonymous Intruder. Shearsman, Exeter. ISBN 9781848610286
Seed, Ian (2009) 'At the Cinema'. Poetry Wales, 45 (1). p. 27. ISSN 0032-2202
Seed, Ian (2009) 'Exterior'. Tears in the Fence (48).
Seed, Ian (2009) Preserving the Beautiful Peacock. Writing in Education (47). pp. 48-50. ISSN 1361-8539
Seed, Ian (2009) 'Rearrangement', 'Flipbook', 'This Break Is the Moment', and 'One Last Adventure'. Poetry Salzburg Review (14). pp. 156-157.
Seed, Ian and Sanguineti, Edoardo (2009) Translation of poetry by Edoardo Sanguineti. Shearsman (79/80). pp. 100-104.
Sharpe, Tony (2009) "Having to Construct" : Dissembly Lines in the "Ariel" Poems and Ash-Wednesday. In: A Companion to T.S. Eliot :. Wiley-Blackwell, UK, pp. 191-203. ISBN 978-1-4051-6237-1
Spooner, Catherine L. (2009) On parasols. In: Fleur de Sel: An Installation :. FoldBooks, Venice and Cumbria, pp. 17-23. ISBN 095499602
Tate, Andrew (2009) Decadence. In: The Blackwell companion to the Bible in English literature :. Blackwell, Chichester, pp. 587-599. ISBN 9781405131605
Tate, Andrew (2009) 'The First Theatrical Pre-Raphaelite?: Ruskin’s Molière’. In: Ruskin, the Theatre and Victorian Visual Culture :. Palgrave, Houndmills, pp. 114-131. ISBN 9780230200593
Tate, Andrew (2009) Introduction : literature and religion in the twenty first century. Yearbook of English Studies, 39 (1/2). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0306-2473
Tate, Andrew (2009) 'Sweeter also than honey': John Ruskin and the Psalms. Yearbook of English Studies, 39 (1/2). pp. 114-125.
Tate, Andrew (2009) The oldest dream of all : Heaven in contemporary fiction. In: Religion, literature and the imagination : sacred worlds. Continuum, London. ISBN 9781847064172