Differences in the progress of the biopesticide revolution between the EU and other major crop-growing regions

Balog, Adalbert and Hartel, Tibor and Loxdale, Hugh D. and Wilson, Kenneth (2017) Differences in the progress of the biopesticide revolution between the EU and other major crop-growing regions. Pest Management Science, 73 (11). pp. 2203-2208. ISSN 1526-498X

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The five-year value in the compound annual growth rate of the biopesticides sector is predicted to be 16% by 2017 and to produce a global market worth $US 10 billion. Despite this, several impediments occur within the EU that negatively affect biopesticide research and innovation. At present, there are fewer biopesticide-active substances registered in the EU compared with the United States, India, Brazil and China. The relatively low level of biopesticide research in the EU (6880 ISI papers) versus the United States (18839), India (9501) and China (7875) relates to the greater complexity of EU-based biopesticide regulations compared with these other countries. In this light, it is worth noting that tensions may exist between regulators that emphasise the beneficial nature of biopesticides in environmentally friendly crop management and those that adopt a more technologically based approach dependent on a chemical-pesticide-driven model. Compared with the other aforementioned countries, far fewer biopesticide products are available in the EU market, mainly as a direct result of the severe regulatory factors present there. The extent to which this trend will continue depends largely on a range of interacting political and/or regulatory decisions that influence environmentally friendly agricultural industries. (c) 2017 Society of Chemical Industry

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Pest Management Science
Additional Information:
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Balog, A., Hartel, T., Loxdale, H. D. and Wilson, K. (2017), Differences in the progress of the biopesticide revolution between the EU and other major crop-growing regions. Pest. Manag. Sci, 73: 2203–2208. doi:10.1002/ps.4596 which has been published in final form at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ps.4596/abstract This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance With Wiley Terms and Conditions for self-archiving.
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? environmentally friendly agriculturepolitical decisionsenvironmental lawspesticide lawsbiopesticide researchimpactsinsect scienceagronomy and crop science ??
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Deposited On:
06 Nov 2017 09:34
Last Modified:
06 Feb 2025 01:09