Perspectives from physiotherapy supervisors on student-patient communication

Woodward-Kron, Robyn and van Die, Diana and Webb, Gillian and Pill, John and Elder, Catherine and McNamara, Tim and Manias, Elizabeth and McColl, Geoff (2012) Perspectives from physiotherapy supervisors on student-patient communication. International Journal of Medical Education, 3. pp. 166-174. ISSN 2042-6372

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Objectives: To explore what Australian physiotherapy educators value in student-patient clinical communication by investigating their feedback on physiotherapy students' communication with patients in practice settings. These findings were compared to the national standard descriptors. Methods: A qualitative study design incorporated delayed time feedback elicited in two workshops from 12 partici-pants who viewed video recorded interactions as triggers for discussion, and real time feedback observed in a hospital setting of 14 clinical supervisors and their students. Both sets of feedback were audio-recorded, transcribed and analysed thematically. Results: The findings identified five major themes in the clinical supervisor and educators' feedback: non-verbal communication, manner, language, content and organisa-tion, and interactional tools. In the findings, several of the themes resonate with those espoused in available communication frameworks. The findings provide examples of the framework descriptors. Conclusions: The findings provide important information about the communication skills, attitudes and behaviours that are valued by clinical supervisors and educators. The findings can be used to inform standard setting and curriculum development. Knowledge gained about students' communication skills in practice settings can assist in enhancing communication between physiotherapy students and patients, and it can ultimately contribute to improving patient safety and treatment outcomes.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
International Journal of Medical Education
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Deposited On:
06 Oct 2017 19:38
Last Modified:
15 Jul 2024 17:14