Licence to kill? : on the organization of destruction in the 21st century

Bloomfield, Brian Peter and Burrell, Gibson and Vurdubakis, Theodore (2017) Licence to kill? : on the organization of destruction in the 21st century. Organization, 24 (4). pp. 441-455. ISSN 1350-5084

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War, the organized destruction of human beings, of human lifeworlds and modes of livelihood, has long been regarded as outside the usual preoccupations of organization studies. And yet, as the various on-going “asymmetric wars” increasingly become the taken for granted background noise of contemporary life, this aloofness becomes difficult to maintain. This special issue then is an initial contribution to a long overdue conversation. By way of introduction to the articles that comprise the special issue we seek to highlight some of the key connections between organization theory, forms of organized destruction and their ongoing mutations in the still young, but already quite bloody, 21st century.

Item Type:
Journal Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? organized destructionorganizationwarfarethe militarygeneral business,management and accountingstrategy and managementmanagement of technology and innovationbusiness, management and accounting(all) ??
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Deposited On:
10 Aug 2017 08:34
Last Modified:
02 Feb 2025 00:36