MAGIC2-D simulations of high efficiency klystrons using the core oscillation method

Constable, David and Lingwood, Christopher James and Burt, Graeme Campbell and Syratchev, Igor and Baikov, Andrey Yu. and Kowalczyk, Richard (2017) MAGIC2-D simulations of high efficiency klystrons using the core oscillation method. In: Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC), 2017 Eighteenth International :. IEEE. ISBN 9781509059171

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Klystrons employing traditional monotonic electron bunching are capable of efficiencies up to ~70%. The use of the core oscillation method (COM) of electron bunching has predicted a significant improvement in efficiency towards 90%. Here, we document refinements on previously presented geometries, with PIC simulations predicting efficiencies up to 85%.

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Deposited On:
08 Aug 2017 09:06
Last Modified:
04 Feb 2025 00:42