Three-dimensional aerodynamic analysis of a Darrieus wind turbine blade using computational fluid dynamics and lifting line theory

Balduzzi, Francesco and Bianchini, Alessandro and Ferrara, Giovanni and Marten, David and Pechlivanoglou, George and Nayeri, Christian Navid and Paschereit, Christian Oliver and Drofelnik, Jernej and Campobasso, Michele Sergio and Ferrari, Lorenzo (2017) Three-dimensional aerodynamic analysis of a Darrieus wind turbine blade using computational fluid dynamics and lifting line theory. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 140 (2): 022602. ISSN 0742-4795

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Due to the rapid progress in high-performance computing and the availability of increasingly large computational resources, Navier-Stokes computational fluid dynamics (CFD) now offers a cost-effective, versatile and accurate means to improve the understanding of the unsteady aerodynamics of Darrieus wind turbines and deliver more efficient designs. In particular, the possibility of determining a fully resolved flow field past the blades by means of CFD offers the opportunity to both further understand the physics underlying the turbine fluid dynamics and to use this knowledge to validate lower-order models, which can have a wider diffusion in the wind energy sector, particularly for industrial use, in the light of their lower computational burden. In this context, highly spatially and temporally refined time-dependent three-dimensional Navier-Stokes simulations were carried out using more than 16,000 processor cores per simulation on an IBM BG/Q cluster in order to thoroughly investigate the three-dimensional unsteady aerodynamics of a single blade in Darrieus-like motion. Particular attention was payed to tip losses, dynamic stall, and blade/wake interaction. CFD results are compared with those obtained with an open-source code based on the Lifting Line Free Vortex Wake Model (LLFVW). At present, this approach is the most refined method among the “lower-fidelity” models and, as the wake is explicitly resolved in contrast to BEM-based methods, LLFVW analyses provide three-dimensional flow solutions. Extended comparisons between the two approaches are presented and a critical analysis is carried out to identify the benefits and drawbacks of the two approaches.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
Additional Information:
Copyright © 2017 by ASME
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? general energyenergy engineering and power technologymechanical engineeringnuclear energy and engineeringfuel technologyaerospace engineeringdiscipline-based research ??
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Deposited On:
20 Jun 2017 14:02
Last Modified:
28 Jan 2025 02:16