Balduzzi, Francesco and Drofelnik, Jernej and Bianchini, Alessandro and Ferrara, Giovanni and Ferrari, Lorenzo and Campobasso, Michele Sergio (2017) Darrieus wind turbine blade unsteady aerodynamics : a three-dimensional Navier-Stokes CFD assessment. Energy, 128. pp. 550-563. ISSN 0360-5442
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Energized by the recent rapid progress in high-performance computing and the growing availability of large computational resources, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is offering a cost-effective, versatile and accurate means to improve the understanding of the unsteady aerodynamics of Darrieus wind turbines, increase their efficiency and delivering more cost-effective and structurally sound designs. In this study, a Navier-Stokes CFD research code featuring a very high parallel efficiency was used to thoroughly investigate the three-dimensional unsteady aerodynamics of a Darrieus rotor blade. Highly spatially and temporally resolved unsteady simulations were carried out using more than 16,000 processor cores on an IBM BG/Q cluster. The study aims at providing a detailed description and quantification of the main three-dimensional effects associated with the periodic motion of this turbine type, including tip losses, dynamic stall, vortex propagation and blade/wake interaction. Presented results reveal that the three-dimensional flow effects affecting Darrieus rotor blades are significantly more complex than assumed by the lower-fidelity models often used for design applications, and strongly vary during the rotor revolution. A comparison of the CFD integral estimates and the results of a blade-element momentum code is also presented to highlight strengths and weaknesses of low-fidelity codes for Darrieus turbine design. The reported CFD results may provide a valuable and reliable benchmark for the calibration of lower-fidelity models, which are still key to industrial design due to their very high execution speed.