Jiménez, Ricardo-María and Sanjurjo-González, Hugo and Rayson, Paul Edward and Piao, Scott Songlin (2017) Building a Spanish lexicon for corpus analysis. In: Languages at the Crossroads : Training, Accreditation and Context of Use : 35th Edition of the International Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics. Universidad de Jaén, ESP, pp. 227-236. ISBN 9788491591085
This paper seeks to describe the creation of a Spanish lexicon with semantic annotation in order to analyse more extensive corpora in the Spanish language. The semantic resources most employed nowadays are WordNet, FrameNet, PDEV and USAS, but they have been used mainly for English language research. The creation of a large Spanish lexicon will permit a greater amount of studies of corpora in Spanish can be undertaken. In the description of the steps followed for the construction of the lexicon, the difficulties encountered in its creation, and the solutions used to overcome them will be described. Finally, the construction of the lexicon will allow specific research tasks to be carried out, such as metaphor analysis, ACD studies and even PLN studies.